Title: Filed Trip is Tomorrow at 9 am
1Filed Trip is Tomorrow at 9 am
- Continue with heat exchangers (ch.11)
3Coil Extended Surfaces Compact Heat Exchangers
- Fins added to refrigerant tubes
- Important parameters for heat exchange?
4Overall Heat Transfer
- Q U0A0?tm
- Overall Heat
- Transfer Coefficient
Mean temperature difference
5Heat Exchangers
- Parallel flow
- Counterflow
- Crossflow
Ref Incropera Dewitt (2002)
6Heat Exchanger Analysis - ?tm
7Heat Exchanger Analysis - ?tm
For parallel flow is the same
8Counterflow Heat Exchangers
Important parameters
Q U0A0?tm
9What about crossflow heat exchangers?
Correction factor
?t for counterflow
Derivation of F is in the text book
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12Overall Heat Transfer
Need to find this
13Heat Transfer
- From hot fluid to pipe
- Through the wall
- From the pipe and fins
14Resistance model
- Q U0A0?tm
- From eq. 1, 2, and 3
- We can often neglect conduction through pipe
walls - Sometime more important to add fouling
R Internal
R cond-Pipe
R External
The air to air heat exchanger in the heat
recovery system from previous example has flow
rate of fresh air of 200 cfm.
- With given
- Calculate the needed area of heat exchanger A0?
Solution Q mcp,cold ?tcold mcp,hot ?thot
U0A0?tm From heat exchanger side Q
U0A0?tm ? A0 Q/ U0?tm U0 1/(RInternalRCond
RFinRExternal) (1/100.00201/10) 4.95
Btu/hsfF ?tm 16.5 F From air side Q
mcp,cold ?tcold
200cfm60min/h0.075lb/cf0.24Btu/lbF16 3456
Btu/h Then A0 3456 / (4.9516.5) 42 sf
16For Air-Liquid Heat Exchanger we need Fin
- Assume entire fin is at fin base temperature
- Maximum possible heat transfer
- Perfect fin
- Efficiency is ratio of actual heat transfer to
perfect case - Non-dimensional parameter
17Fin Theory
k conductivity of material
hc,o convection coefficient
pLL(hc,o /ky)0.5
18Fin Efficiency
- Assume entire fin is at fin base temperature
- Maximum possible heat transfer
- Perfect fin
- Efficiency is ratio of actual heat transfer to
perfect case - Non-dimensional parameter
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20Heat exchanger performance (Book Section 11.3)
- NTU absolute sizing ( of transfer units)
- e relative sizing (effectiveness)
e P RP
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- Calculate efficiency of extended surface
- Add thermal resistances in series
- If you know temperatures
- Calculate R and P to get F, e, NTU
- Might be iterative
- If you know e, NTU
- Calculate R,P and get F, temps
23Reading Assignment
- Chapter 11
- - From 11.1-11.7
24Analysis of Moist Coils
- Redo fin theory
- Energy balance on fin surface, water film, air
- Introduce Lewis Number
- Digression approximate enthalpy
- Redo fin analysis for cooling/ dehumidification
(t ? h)
25Energy and mass balances
- Steady-state energy equation on air
- Energy balance on water
- Mass balance on water
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