The%20General%202k%20Factorial%20Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Design of Engineering Experiments Part 5 The 2k Factorial Design Author: Preferred Customer Last modified by: Hongyan Zhang Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The%20General%202k%20Factorial%20Design

The General 2k Factorial Design
  • Section 6-4, pg. 224, Table 6-9, pg. 225
  • There will be k main effects, and

General Procedure for a 2k Factorial Design
  • Estimate factor effects (sign magnitude)
  • From initial model (usually the full model)
  • Perform statistical testing (ANOVA)
  • Refine model (removing nonsignificant variables)
  • Analyze residuals (model adequacy/assumptions
  • Refine model if its necessary
  • Interpret results (main/interaction effects
    plots, contour plots, response surfaces)

Unreplicated 2k Factorial Designs
  • These are 2k factorial designs with one
    observation at each corner of the cube
  • An unreplicated 2k factorial design is also
    sometimes called a single replicate of the 2k
  • These designs are very widely used
  • Risksif there is only one observation at each
    corner, is there a chance of unusual response
    observations spoiling the results?
  • Modeling noise?

Spacing of Factor Levels in the Unreplicated 2k
Factorial Designs
If the factors are spaced too closely, it
increases the chances that the noise will
overwhelm the signal in the data More aggressive
spacing is usually better
Unreplicated 2k Factorial Designs
  • Lack of replication causes potential problems in
    statistical testing
  • Replication admits an estimate of pure error (a
    better phrase is an internal estimate of error)
  • With no replication, fitting the full model
    results in zero degrees of freedom for error
  • Potential solutions to this problem
  • Pooling high-order interactions to estimate error
  • Normal probability plotting of effects (Daniels,
  • Other methodssee text, pp. 234

Example of an Unreplicated 2k Design
  • A 24 factorial was used to investigate the
    effects of four factors on the filtration rate of
    a resin
  • The factors are A temperature, B pressure, C
    mole ratio/concentration, D stirring rate
  • Experiment was performed in a pilot plant

The Resin Plant Experiment
The Resin Plant Experiment
Estimates of the Effects
Term Effect SumSqr Contribution Model
Intercept Error A 21.625 1870.56 32.6397 Er
ror B 3.125 39.0625 0.681608 Error
C 9.875 390.062 6.80626 Error
D 14.625 855.563 14.9288 Error
AB 0.125 0.0625 0.00109057 Error
AC -18.125 1314.06 22.9293 Error
AD 16.625 1105.56 19.2911 Error
BC 2.375 22.5625 0.393696 Error
BD -0.375 0.5625 0.00981515 Error
CD -1.125 5.0625 0.0883363 Error
ABC 1.875 14.0625 0.245379 Error
ABD 4.125 68.0625 1.18763 Error
ACD -1.625 10.5625 0.184307 Error
BCD -2.625 27.5625 0.480942 Error
ABCD 1.375 7.5625 0.131959
The Normal Probability Plot of Effects
The Half-Normal Probability Plot
ANOVA Summary for the Model
Response Filtration Rate ANOVA for
Selected Factorial Model Analysis of variance
table Partial sum of squares Sum
of Mean F Source Squares DF Square Value Prob
gtF Model 5535.81 5 1107.16 56.74 lt
0.0001 A 1870.56 1 1870.56 95.86 lt
0.0001 C 390.06 1 390.06 19.99 0.0012 D 855.56 1
855.56 43.85 lt 0.0001 AC 1314.06 1 1314.06 67.34
lt 0.0001 AD 1105.56 1 1105.56 56.66 lt
0.0001 Residual 195.12 10 19.51 Cor
Total 5730.94 15 Std. Dev. 4.42 R-Squared 0.966
0 Mean 70.06 Adj R-Squared 0.9489 C.V. 6.30 Pr
ed R-Squared 0.9128 PRESS 499.52 Adeq
Precision 20.841
The Regression Model
Final Equation in Terms of Coded Factors
Filtration Rate 70.06250 10.81250
Temperature 4.93750 Concentration 7.31250
Stirring Rate -9.06250 Temperature
Concentration 8.31250 Temperature Stirring
Model Residuals are Satisfactory
Model Interpretation Interactions
Model Interpretation Cube Plot
If one factor is dropped, the unreplicated 24
design will project into two replicates of a 23 A
unreplicated 2k design, if h (hltk) factors are
negligible, then the original data -gt a full
two-level factorial 2k-h with 2h
replicates. Design projection is an extremely
useful property, carrying over into fractional
The Resin Plant Experiment
The Resin Plant Experiment Projected Design
Model Interpretation Response Surface Plots
With concentration at either the low or high
level, high temperature and high stirring rate
results in high filtration rates
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