Title: Chaos unfolding without control of greenhouse gases
1Chaos unfolding without control of greenhouse
- Relevance of carbon taxes and cap-and-trade
- Martin and Elizabeth David
- Consequences of climate change
- Our decision problem
- Institutions
- Mechanisms for affecting CO2e
- Weaknesses of current legislation
- Discussion
3Why reduce CO2e now?
- Sea levels may rise 3m major rivers may cease to
flow both extreme drought and extreme rainfall
events are likely. - The probabilities of these events over the next
50-100 years are uncertain. - The last 20 years contain 10 of the warmest
global climate years in 120 years. - The trend in the last 20 years exceeds the past.
- The level exceeds any levels detected from
geological data over 100,000 years.
4Extreme events are decisive to risks of GW
- Class 5 tropical storms
- Flooding of low-lying areas due to increased
probability of rainfall events over 3 inches - implies loss of crops, less infiltration, dam
failures - Melting of glaciers Greenland, Antarctic, and
Himalayas forebode - sea level rise
- drought in major rivers
5What to do now?
- Take no action
- Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
- Act now
- to abate CO2e emissions
- We may avert some of the worst possible futures.
- We can adapt to
- change in sea level
- local climate regimes.
- No success is assured, its likelihood is
6What does uncertainty mean?
- Future climate events are drawn from a
distribution likely to have a higher mean and
more variance than the past 120 years. - Both floods and droughts are more likely.
- Warming makes some land uninhabitable
- Islands and seacoasts
- Areas without access to potable water
- Areas too boggy to cultivate (Siberia)
- Likelihoods are not estimable from historic data.
7Weitzmans distribution game
- Conventional deck of cards A1, K13
- mean 7, Pr(n) 1/13 where 0ltnlt14
- 1. Replace 6,7,8 with Random draws from n? 6,7,8
- variability rises, mean is constant
- 2. Replace 1,2,3 with Random draws from ngt 3
- mean rises, variability shrinks with duplicates
- 3. When higher numbers are added to the deck
- 14,15,16,17,18,19 mean and variability rise.
- If the highest card comes from a rising
distribution, predicting risk of extreme events
is impossible.
8How can CO2e be reduced?
- Supply
- Increase thermal efficiency of fossil fuel
consumed - fix leaky pipes and storage facilities
- cogeneration, geothermal HVAC
- reduce losses on transmission grids
- Increase sources of renewable energy
- Solar, wind, tides, harnessing photosynthesis
- Demand
- Reduce fossil energy consumption
- Increase thermal efficiency of structures
- Reduce fossil-powered vehicle use or increase
9Institutions Mechanisms
- Generic requirements
- Monitoring / transparency
- Enforcement / stipulated penalties
- Self-enforcing institutions
- CO2e specific options
- Carbon Tax
- Cap-and-trade
- Command and Control (CAC)
10Institutions controls on producers -1
- Regulated public utilities
- siting, price, investment, emissions
- Electricity grid and pipelines
- siting, construction, access
- V.L. Smith (Nobel 02) pioneer in institutions
- Agencies FERC / WI/PSC / EPA
11Institutions controls on producers 2
- Large energy consumers
- emissions
- Small energy producers (solar wind)
- access to grid, price for energy
- Commercial /residential
- building codes, weak incentives for cogeneration
12How to reduce CO2e emissions?
- Create incentives for people to change business
as usual activities - Make plant managers see emissions as costly to
their business - Punitive approach penalties for emissions
- Positive incentives for emission reductions
- Make consumers realize that emissions are
expensive to them and their health - Punitive approach penalties for emissions
- Positive incentives for emission reductions
13Reducing CO2e emissions
- Approach will vary by producing industries
- Regulated public utilities
- Other large users of fossil fuels
- Smaller industrial commercial activities
- Approach will vary across consumers
- Poor can not afford to pay more for energy
- Wealthy can invest in alternative energy sources
14Mechanisms Carbon Tax 1
- Tax emissions (CO2e) from fossil fuel use to all
businesses and consumers - monitoring emissions must be continuous and
precise - all emissions must be covered
15Mechanisms Carbon Tax 2
- Scope tax fossil fuels (CO2e) used by
- Consumers
- Exporters
- Business investors, including capital goods
- Governments Nonprofit organizations
- Flexibility
- Tax rate can be adjusted up/down
- If reduction in CO2e exceeds policy target, rate
can be lowered. - Incentive for all users to reduce CO2e
16Mechanisms Carbon Tax 3
- Drawbacks
- New nationwide bureaucracy
- Stickiness of tax rates
- legislators loathe to change tax rates
- Measurement of CO2e needed for all producing
establishments - Can tax purchases, knowing carbon content, when
taxing emissions is impractical.
17Mechanisms Cap-and-trade
- Scope Encompass all CO2e releases by plants
within the USA - Permit attributes
- emission allowed (denomination)
- life (period during which permit is valid)
- transferability (eligible purchasers)
- Enforcement
- monitor emissions
- stipulated forfeitures
18Mechanisms Cap-and-trade 2
- Drawbacks
- Continuous monitoring of CO2e essential
- Multi-year permits encourage hoarding
- Issuing permits (at no cost) in proportion to
past emissions subsidizes facilities in
proportion to past insults to the environment
19Chicchettis options for Public Utilities
- Historic utility (HU) model
- Build new capacity (requires PSC OK)
- Sell energy product (price determined by PSC)
- Maximize reliability of delivery
- Demand-side management (DSM) model
- Encourage users to reduce energy purchases
- Purchase renewable energy from dispersed sources
(e.g. residential solar panels) - Regulators must make DSM more profitable than the
historic utility model.
20Mechanisms Command and Control
- Regulations specify allowed emissions
- EPA required to regulate emissions that impact
public health - Allowed emissions established by protocol which
entails public comment, review, and notice of
final rules - Rule-making may take many years.
- Rules may differentiate among types of emitters
(e.g., agricultural and industrial emissions.) - Rules can be challenged in court.
21Weaknesses of current legislationQuestions that
must be answered affirmatively
- Scope
- Are all fossil fuel users affected?
- Strength of incentives for change
- Are users aware induced to change?
- Distribution of cost and benefits
- Is the societal impact distributionally neutral?
22 Weaknesses (ACES) American Clean Energy and
Security Act
- Reduction
- base year 2005 (EU uses 1990)
- 2020 target -17 (EU target 20)
- 2050 target -83
- Failure to auction all discharge permits
- CBO estimates close to 1000 billion revenue from
auctioning all permits. - CBO estimates 300 billion from ACES.
23 Weaknesses American Clean Energy and Security
- Withdraws EPA power to regulate CO2e
- Permits purchase of offsets in lieu of reductions
- Excludes small facilities
- No incentives for small combined-cycle
electricity generation - valuable to raise thermal efficiency to 80
- Examples shopping centers, large buildings
24Carbon tax or cap-and-trade now!
- Act now
- Insist on transparency
- Expect resistance to good policy
- Questions?
- Contact david_at_ssc.wisc.edu
25Uncertainty trumps business as usual
- Homeowners insure against fire risks lt0.01
- Nationally, we need policies that provide
infrastructure to - mitigate costs of extreme events, even if they
occur 50 years from now - adapt our economy to be robust to more extreme
meteorological events - Reducing CO2e emissions (insurance that) reduces
the risk of events from extreme draws in the
unknown distribution of bad outcomes.
26What to do?
- Netherlands is strengthening its dykes removing
habitation from below sea level. - US needs to plan for diversion of the Mississippi
into the Atchafalya R. - US needs to cease unsustainable water withdrawals
(mining water) and subsidizing water for
27The commons,success failures of economic
- Commons can be governed without private ownership
- Elinor Ostrom (2009 Nobel, economics)
- Behavioral science
- insight into how decision-makers perceive risk
and justice - Kahneman Tversky (2002 Nobel economics)
- the prisoners dilemma and bubbles
- Cassidy New Yorker 10/5/09, (John Nash 1994 Nobel
28The following slides were not discussed
- I will be happy to answer questions
29Benefits of CO2e reductions should use a
distribution of outcomes
- Benefit-cost analysis
- requires projecting estimated distributions for
more than 100 years - historic evidence on climate
- lacks fine geography
- reflects a distribution that has shifted recently
- historic US national economic data
- about 80 years for national product 50 years for
industrial sectors - Projections for 2110 are highly uncertain
306. How do we transfer wealth to the future?
- Future productivity gt present
- resource base gt present
- Techno fix (US bias)
- Increased human resources (increased ability)
- Greener earth sustainable use of the
environment - We drink our own sewage.
- Land resources endowed to future must have
sustainable characteristics. - Built environment must be sustainable and
suitable for coming climate conditions. - Financial assets bequeathed are irrelevant.
314. Time over generations
- Insurance is a metaphor for paying premiums now
(investing) to ameliorate risk of future
disasters. - How do we value future benefits?
- We need to assess risk under uncertainty.
- Historic data certain to understate future risks.
- Extreme events will dominate the value of current
precautionary behaviors.
32Time over generations
- Rate of time preference
- individual consumption What compensation do I
need to wait for pleasurable consumption next
year, as against immediate consumption? - Expressed as a discount rate 1/(1-r) for 1 year
(1-r)-n for n years. - bequest motive What portion of my lifetime
wealth should be used to endow consumption for
the next generation? - Typically involves a negative rate of discount as
individuals forego consumption to benefit
children, land trusts, or foundations
33Strength of bequest motive
- Clearly evidenced by parental financing of
childrens education - Relatively few empirical estimates of strength
- Studies of charitable contributions give some
estimates of willingness to endow persons outside
the family and for facilities that are operable
past 50 years into the future - Public facilities space research, schools,
levees, dams give some evidence of motives to
bequeath outside the family and to future
34What social rate of discount is appropriate to
climate change?
- gt0. Benefits in 100 years are worth little at
discount rates gt.01 - 0. No discounting is appropriate
- lt 0. People living now, will pay a premium to
assure that future have not less access to
well-being than those alive today. - No answers are available from existing research.
35Institutions controls on producers 3
- Farms and agriculture cooperatives
- production subsidies, special loan terms
- CRP subsidies to reduce run-off
- economic pressure from suppliers and buyers
- little market power for farmers
- great market power for inputs and purchases
- some problems eased by agricultural services from
USDA, cooperatives