Title: Network of New England
1Network of New England An Educational Day
Time Out For Technicians
Douglas Shemin, MD Network Chairman
2(No Transcript)
3ESRD Network Organization
- ESRD Medicare Program Public Law 92-603 in 1972.
- Medicare coverage for ESRD began July 1973.
- ESRD Network Coordinating Councils (32 areas)
established in 1978, consolidated to 18 networks
in 1988. - Network Organizations are independent
contractors. Performance evaluated by CMS
annually. 2/18 networks now administered by QIOs - Contracts renewed every 3 years based on
performance. - Network of New England, Inc. (not-for-profit
corporation) has held the ESRD Network contract
for 30 years. - New contract effective July 1, 2006 for three
4ESRD Network Organization
- Each network has paid staff, volunteer Board of
Directors (BOD), volunteer Medical Review Board
(MRB). The MRB reviews, suggests QI projects,
reviews grievances and complaints), and patient
advisory committee. - BOD and MRB made up of nephrologists, nurses,
dieticians, social workers, administrators,
transplant professionals, patient
representatives and technicians. - Network of New England welcomes interested renal
professionals to our BOD and MRB.
5What do the Networks do?
- Collect data (demographics, comorbidity,
mortality information) on gt 400,000 patients in gt
4000 facilities - Assess Data Identify QI needs on a local level,
institute and administer QI projects, offer
assistance to underperforming facilities - Respond to grievances, complaints, concerns by
patients, families, and facilities. - Special projects
6New England ProviderDistribution
7Number of ESRD Providers 2001 2006
ESRD Resources in New England 12/31/2001
ESRD Resources in New England 12/31/2006
8Modality By State 2001 2006
2001 Dialysis Prevalence by Modality Provider
of Service
2006 Dialysis Prevalence by Modality Provider
of Service
9Dialysis Patient Characteristics in New
England Dialysis Population 12/31/2006
10From Network 1 Annual Report 2006 in New
England, 27 working age dialysis patients work,
3 go to school
patients 18-54 Employed school
CT 3,389 962 277 23
MA 5,091 1,334 351 52
RI 880 208 45 5
VT 291 57 5 1
NH 731 194 53 4
ME 958 228 64 4
Total 11,340 2,983 795 89
11Providers with Treatments after 5PM
2001 2001 2001 2006 2006 2006
Dialysis Providers Providers w/ shift after 5PM Providers w/ shift after 5PM Dialysis Providers Providers w/ shift after 5PM Providers w/ shift after 5PM
CT 32 7 22 31 9 29
MA 67 26 39 74 26 35
ME 13 6 46 18 5 28
NH 10 6 60 10 5 50
RI 14 2 14 18 2 11
VT 6 4 80 7 6 86
Total 142 51 36 158 53 34
12Dialysis Providers by Ownership12/31/2006
For profit chain Hospital Independent, nonprofit Total
CT 26 5 31
MA 51 23 74
ME 10 8 18
NH 9 1 10
RI 15 3 18
VT 0 7 7
Total 111 47 158
Percent 70 30 100
13Goals adjusted by the BOD/MRB 6/07.
Source CMS/CPM 2006/2007 report, which has
2005/2006 data. Serum Albumin is not considered
a CPM. Note Annual random 5 patient
144 targets KT/V gt 1.2, Hgb gt 11, AVF, albumin gt
- Rocco, Annals Internal Medicine, 2006
- 1 year death rate
- 4/4 targets 7
- 3/4 targets 14
- 2/4 targets 21
- 1/4 targets 25
- 0/4 targets 29
15Why Fistula First?
- Better solute clearance with AV Fistulae
- Much lower risk of infection Sixfold greater
rate of bacteremia with catheters (Hosp Inf
Disease 2003) - Lower risk of death with AV Fistulae (from
CHOICE Study, JASN 2007)47 higher adjusted
mortality rate in catheter patients compared to
AVF patients
16Prevalent Vascular Access Network 1 and
StateJan. 2007 to Jan. 2008
17Quality Improvement Initiatives
- Fistula First increase to 66 by 2009
- Clinical Performance Measures for focused
intervention - Anemia Management
- Network Special QI Projects
- Catheter reduction
- Nutrition management
- Patient Safety
- Facility Specific Quality Assessment and
Performance Improvement Projects - Use data profiles to identify providers needing
assistance - Provide QI technical assistance to dialysis
185 Diamond Patient Safety ProgramESRD Network of
New England(Network 1)Mid-Atlantic Renal
Coalition(Network 5)
19Patient Safety Culture
- Pervasive Commitment to Patient Safety
- Open Communication
- Blame-free Environment
- Safety Design
- Employee Physician Involvement Accountability
- To promote patient safety values
- To create an awareness of patient safety issues
- To help dialysis units learn more about specific
areas of patient safety - To build a patient safety culture in every
dialysis unit
21Educational Modules
- Patient Safety Principles (required)
- Hand Washing
- Flu Vaccination
- Slips, Trips and Falls
- Medication Reconciliation
- Emergency Preparedness
- Sharps Safety
- Decreasing Patient Provider Conflict
- Under Development
- Staff Adherence to Procedures
- Dialyzer Set-up Errors
- Each topic is a complete educational module
- Tools and resources are located on the Network of
New England website - Required and optional activities
- PowerPoints for staff in-service presentations
- Posters for display
- Games and activities to engage patients
- All participants completing at least one
component or more will be recognized - 1 4 Diamonds
- Acknowledged in Network Newsletter
- Listed on Network Website
24Recognition - 5 Diamond
- Acknowledged in Network Newsletter
- Listed on Website
- Special recognition at Annual Network Council
Meeting - 2 free passes to Annual Meeting
- 75.00 gift certificate for entertainment
material for patients - Plaque to display in unit
- Time frame
- Starts April 2008 in Network 1
- Launch project at Technician Meeting
- April 24, 2008
- Mass Mailing to all Providers Medical Directors
- Requires registration to do the program and
submission of documentation when each module is
completed by dialysis provider
- Please go back to your facility and encourage
your management to participate in this
educational safety effort.
27ESRD Community Information Clearinghouse/Resour
- Promote patient, public, and professional
education - Maintain a resource library of educational
materials - Conduct workshops on quality of care concepts
- Distribute a newsletter to dialysis and
transplant facilities - Maintain Network website, with QI links
- Establish partnership and collaborative
activities - Major disaster coordination
- Assist patients, family or providers
- Provide consultation or investigation
28Network Leadership 3 Face to Face Meetings per
- Board of Directors 25 to max of 40 members.
Term of service is 2 years but can be renewed to
a max of 4 years. - Medical Review Board 15 to max of 20 members.
Term of service is 2 years but can be renewed to
a max of 4 years. - Election to be held in November 2007. Terms
begin January 2008. - 1/3 of BOD and MRB rotate off at each election
29CMS Conditions of Coverage for ESRD Facilities
Final Rule Published 4/15/08
- Highlights of Provisions in the Final Rule
Include - Updated CDC guidelines for hemodialysis
facilities - Updated AAMI water quality guidelines
- Defibrillators in every dialysis unit
- Incorporates sections of the 2000 Life Safety
Code for fire safety - Option for patients to have an advance directive
30Highlights of Provisions in the Final Rule
- Facilities provide written notice 30 days before
a patient is involuntary discharged - Facilities perform clinical assessment within 30
days, or 13 hemodialysis treatments, of patient
starting treatment - Home dialysis water purity requirements based on
updated AAMI standards - Facility-level quality assurance and performance
improvement program
31Highlights of Provisions in the Final Rule
- Minimum qualifications and training requirements
for patient care technicians (PCTs) - Responsibility of Medical Director for Quality
Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) and
involuntary transfers or discharges - Electronic data collection and reporting
- The CMS link to the final rule
- www.cms.hhs.gov/CFCsAndCoPs/downloads/ESRDdisplayf
32Effective Dates
New Conditions for Coverage 6 months 10/14/2008
Life Safety Code and Separate room for HBsAg patients 300 days 2/9/2009
Certification of technicians hired after 10/4/2008 18 months from hire
Certification of existing technicians 24 months 4/15/2010
Governance Electronic Data Submission As of
2/1/2009, every facility must electronically
submit data on all patients, including data on
clinical performance measures, to CMS.
33Thank you for all the good work you do for your