Joshua: Fulfillment of A Promise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Joshua: Fulfillment of A Promise


... I will give my daughter Aksah in marriage to the man who ... allotted to Caleb and his family Review the land allotted to ... (Islamic) Period ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Joshua: Fulfillment of A Promise

Joshua Fulfillment of A Promise
  • Division of the Land
  • Joshua 15-17
  • Wednesday
  • 26 Oct 11

Week Date Topic
1 07 Sep 11 Introduction to the Book of Joshua
2 14 Sep 11 Chapter 11-224 - Into the Promised Land Part I
3 21 Sep 11 Chapter 31-512 Into the Promised Land Part II
4 28 Sep 11 Chapter 513 835 - Possession of the Land Part I
5 05 Oct 11 Chapter 91-1043 - Possession of the Land Part II
6 12 Oct 11 Chapter 111-1224 Possession of the Land Part III
7 19 Oct 11 Chapter 131-1415 Division of the Land Part I
8 26 Oct 11 Chapter 151-1718 Division of the Land Part II
9 02 Nov 11 Chapter 181-1951 Division of the Land Part III
10 09 Nov 11 Chapter 201-2145 Special Cities
11 16 Nov 11 Chapter 221-2428 Joshuas Last Acts
12 23 Nov 11 Thanksgiving
13 30 Nov 11 Review and the road ahead for Israel
  • Constable Notes on the book of Joshua
  • Guzik Commentary on Joshua
  • Jamieson, Fausett, Brown Bible Commentary
  • ISBE (Encyclopedia)
  • Bible Archaeology Review
  • Class slides are available on Westsides website
  • http//

Objectives for Todays Lesson
  • Review key points from last weeks lesson
  • Study the Book of Joshua Chapters 15-17
  • Review the land allotted to the tribe of Judah
  • Review the land allotted to Caleb and his family
  • Review the land allotted to Manasseh
  • Learn about Josephs complaint and Joshuas

Last Weeks Class
  • Studied the Book of Joshua 131-1415
  • Learned about the nature of the remaining lands
    and there allocation
  • Reviewed the allocation of lands east of the
    Jordan River
  • Reviewed the allocation of land west of the
    Jordan river to the tribe of Judah, receiving
    first consideration of all the tribes

Timeline of the Palestine Region
Event Begin End
Stone Age ? 4500 BC
Copper Age 4500 BC 1350 BC
Bronze Age 1350 BC 1200 BC
Iron Age 1200 BC 586 BC
Neo-Babylonian Period 586 BC 538 BC
Persian Period 538 BC 332 BC
Greek Period 332 BC 63 BC
Roman Period 63 BC 324 AD
Byzantine Period 324 AD 640 AD
Early Arab (Islamic) Period 640 AD 1099 AD
Crusader (Christian) Period 1099 AD 1291 AD
Mamluk (Egyptian) Period 1291 AD 1517 AD
Ottoman (Turkish) Period 1517 AD 1918 AD
Event Year Hebrew Day Month
Departure from Egypt 1446 Nisan 15 April
Quail and Manna provided 1446 Iyyar 15 May
Ten Commandments in the Sinai 1446 Sivan ? Jun
Tabernacle Built 1445 Iyyar 1 April
Depart from Sinai 1445 Iyyar 20 May
At Kadesh-Barnea second time 1406 Nisan 1 March
At Mt. Hor Aaron Dies 1406 Ab 1 Jul
Moses Death 1406 Shebat 1 Jan
Cross Jordan 1405 Nisan 10 Apr
Conquest complete 1399 Nisan 14 Apr
Hebrew Calendar
A Look Back at Deuteronomy
  • The period of history covered in Deuteronomy is
    very brief, occurring in 1406 BC
  • All the events recorded took place on the plains
    of Moab within a few weeks before Israel's
    entrance into Canaan as recorded in Joshua
  • It contains a series of speeches by Moses
  • Gods faithfulness to the people of Israel
  • The laws of God
  • Criticality of Israels obedience to God
  • Intended to prepare Israel for the conquest

  • The name of the book comes from the principal
    character Joshua
  • Joshua means Yahweh saves
  • Joshua in Hebrew translates to Jesus in Aramaic
  • What Jesus is to us today, Joshua was to the
    Israelites in a smaller sense
  • Joshua brought Gods people into the realization
    of many of Gods plans and purposes for them

Joshua in Context
  • It is considered an historical book (from Genesis
    to Esther)
  • In the second of three main divisions of the OT
  • Law is the first division
  • Prophets are the second division
  • Writings are the third division
  • Part of what is called the Former Prophets
  • Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
  • Hebrews regarded this book as much of a
    spiritual lesson to reveal Gods will as they did
    an historical lesson

Historical Background
  • Events begin around 1406 BC and the book is
    written after the conquest
  • Read Josh 49, 59, 625 for example
  • Writer was alive when Israel entered the promised
    land (Josh 51 and 56)
  • Therefore, an eye-witness account
  • Must have written the book not long after the
    conquest was complete
  • Most conservative scholars argue that Joshua
    wrote the book

Historical Background Continued
  • Start date of the Book of Joshua
  • 1 Ki 61 dates the Exodus out of Egypt, 1446 BC
  • Ex 1635, Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness
  • Israel crossed the Jordan River around 1406 BC
  • Period of the conquest
  • Josephus states it took five years (AOTJ 5119)
  • Other writers suggest closer to seven years
  • Book of Joshua spans about 35 years
  • Joshua was 35 when he fought the Amelekites
  • Assuming Joshua was 75 when they crossed the
    Jordan and he died at age 110 (Jos 2429)

Geographical Background
  • Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains
    of Moab
  • East of Jericho and the Jordan River
  • However, not a direct route
  • Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea
  • On Canaans southern border
  • Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from
    Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief
  • Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness
  • God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led
    them to the Plains of Moab on Canaans eastern
  • Book of Joshua picks up after Moses dies and as
    Israel prepares and executes a conquest of Jordan

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Inheritance of Judah (151-12)
  • The borders of Judahs territory
  • Edom and the Wilderness of Zin on the south,
    beginning on the shore of the Dead Sea
  • West to the Brook of Egypt, Wadi El-Arish, ending
    at the Mediterranean Sea
  • The eastern border was formed by the Dead Sea
  • North border starts where the Jordan empties into
    the Dead Sea and meandered ending at the
    Mediterranean Sea
  • The Mediterranean Sea formed the western border
  • Included the city of Jerusalem

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Land Allotted to Caleb (1513-19)
  • Calebs family was given a share of the territory
    of Judah
  • Area of Kirjath (city of) Arba, called Hebron
  • Arba was the father of Anak
  • Caleb drove out the sons of Anak from there
  • Continues on to Kirjath Sepher
  • We see Caleb displaying his boldness and
    encouragement of others
  • Offers his daughters hand in marriage to the man
    that can take the lands

Area Occupied by Judah (1520-63)
  • This section identifies the cities and regions
    occupied by Judah
  • Many cities which play a major role in the later
    books of the bible
  • Include Hazor, Libnah, Ekron, Ashdod, Gaza,
    Goshen, Hebron, Timnah, Jerusalem
  • However, the occupation was incomplete
  • The Jebusites remained in Jerusalem
  • The children of Judah couldnot drive them out
  • The Jebusites would then dwell side-by-side with
    the children of Judah until 2 Sam 56-10

Inheritance of Joseph (161-10)
  • The borders of the province belong to the sons of
    Joseph, Ephraim, and the half-tribe of Manasseh
  • West side of the Jordan river
  • Near Jericho, to the waters of the Jericho on the
  • To the wilderness that from Jericho through the
    mountains to Bethel towards the Mediterranean sea
  • The borders of the province of Ephraim
  • Describes the land that the children of Ephraim
    would inherit
  • Canaanites in Gezer remained, as slaves

Land for Manasseh (171-6)
  • Manasseh was the firstborn of Joseph, and the lot
    was for Machir, Mannessehs first born (171-2)
  • Machir was a man of war
  • He was given Gilead and Bashan
  • Other land given to remaining children of
  • Zelopheads daughters (173-6)
  • Zelophehad only had daughters
  • The daughters approached Eleazar about Gods
    command to Moses regarding an inheritance for
    them, which Eleazar delivered (Num 271-11)

West Half of Manasseh (177-13)
  • Boundaries of the western-half of Manasseh
  • Like other tribes, their occupation of the land
    was incomplete
  • Could not (or would not) drive the Canaanites out
  • Similar pattern as we saw with the tribe of
    Ephraim in Joshua 1610
  • Like other tribes, the tribe of Manasseh was
    happy making the Canaanite slaves

Complaint of Joseph (1714-18)
  • Joshua answers the complaints from the sons of
    Joseph concerning lack of inheritance
  • Joshua challenges them to take the land of the
    Perizzites and the giants
  • Men of Joseph are afraid of Canaanites there
  • Have chariots of iron, tribe of Joseph wants
    safer lands
  • Joshua reassures them

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  • Studied the Book of Joshua chapters 15-17
  • Reviewed the land allotted to the tribe of Judah
  • Reviewed the land allotted to Caleb and his
  • Reviewed the land allotted to Manasseh
  • Learned about Josephs complaint and Joshuas
  • Next week Joshua Chapter 18-19
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