What Jesus Did - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What Jesus Did


* Flood, fasting, wandering all lead renewal. * Wedding: Eucharist my hour has not yet come it will come with his time on the cross, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What Jesus Did

What Jesus Did
  • Chapter 19

Jesus Public Ministry
  • On this PPP you will find
  • The beginning of Jesus public ministry
    Proclaimed, Baptized, Tempted
  • Jesus miracles nature, healing
  • Jesus Forgives Casts out Demons
  • Jesus friendships relationships with sinners,
    women, and Samaritans
  • Where did Jesus Preach?

  • Make straight the way of the Lord.
  • John the Baptist
  • What do we know about John the Baptist from the
    Infancy Narratives? (Lk 141-45 67-80)
  • John was a Levite.
  • His ministry fulfilled the prophecy that Elijah
    would return and turn the hearts of the people.
  • Clothing Food camels hair, leather belt,
    locusts and wild honey
  • Message Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at
  • Ministry baptism and forgiveness of sins through

Baptism of Jesus
  • Read Matthew 313-17
  • Why did Jesus want to be baptized by John? What
    did he mean by it is fitting for us to fulfill
    all righteousness?
  • Connect Jesus to humanity
  • Continue to connect Jesus as the heir of Davids
  • Promised land to Eternal Life
  • New Adam

Temptation in the Desert
  • Read Luke 41-13
  • Jesus fasts for 40 days what OT events involved
    the number 40?
  • Flood 40 days and nights
  • Fasts of Moses and Elijah 40 days
  • Israel in the wilderness 40 years
  • Overcomes temptations that humans could not.
  • Hunger bodily temptation Jesus shows that
    Gods plan is more important
  • Testing God by misquoting Scripture
  • Glorious kingship

Miracles Nature Healing
  • Wedding at Cana (John 21-11)
  • - https//www.youtube.com/watch?vxaWI4-n0z_0
  • First miracle
  • Prefigures the Eucharist and the Wedding Feast of
    the Lamb
  • Shows Mary as our intercessor
  • Cleansing of the Leper (Mark 140-45)
  • - https//www.youtube.com/watch?vH7oJ3SDmVTA
  • Healing miracles like the cleansing of the leper
    made some people think that Jesus was the Messiah
    who would heal the sick.
  • Healing the Paralytic (Mark 21-12)
  • - https//www.youtube.com/watch?v0LqHYkGU4Zg
  • Demonstrates the belief that sickness was caused
    by sin. The forgiveness of sins would come with
  • Only God could forgive sins, and only the priests
    could declare that the sins were forgiven by God.
  • Healing of a Blind Men (John 91-41)
  • Jesus pointed out that not all sickness was
    caused by sin.
  • The blind man knew that Jesus was Lord (Faith)
    and the scribes could not.

Casting Out Demons
  • Mark 121-28
  • Should show that Jesus is the Messiah, the Lord
  • Pharisees and other leaders dont believe it, and
    say that Jesus is casting out demons by demonic
  • Only God is strong enough to cast out Satan.

Eating With Sinners and Outcasts
  • Tax collectors - hated because they stole
    peoples money considered sinners
  • Matthew/Levi
  • Zacchaeus
  • Women Jewish men did not speak to women in
  • Samaritans Jewish people did not interact with
  • Jesus relationship with sinners and outcasts
    demonstrates that Jesus ministry and salvation
    is for all people.

The Twelve Apostles
  • The same number as the tribes of Israel the
    Messiah would come and restore the Kingdom of
  • Apostle means ones who are sent they are
    to go out and be the leaders of the Church, the
    new Israel.
  • Most of the apostles were of the lower class

The 12 Apostles
  • Simon Peter
  • Andrew
  • James (The Greater), Son of Zebedee)
  • John, the Beloved Disciple, son of Zebedee
  • Philip
  • Bartholomew (Nathanael)
  • Thomas (Didymus)
  • Matthew (Levi)
  • James (the Lesser, son of Alphaeus)
  • Judas (Thaddaeus), son of James
  • Simon the Zealot
  • Judas Iscariot replaced by Matthias after the

(No Transcript)
Sea of Galilee
Jesus Entry Into Jerusalem
  • Jesus knew that the journey into Jerusalem would
    bring about his suffering and death.
  • However, the people there were still awaiting the
    Messiah they had heard was coming.
  • He road into Jerusalem according to the prophesy
    of Zechariah on a donkey. And the people
    greeted Jesus with palm branches and sang
    Hosanna in the highest!
  • Hosanna means Save or Give Salvation
  • Learn More about Jesus' Entry to Jerusalem

Ch19 Review of Major Concepts
  1. How did St. John the Baptist relate to Elijah,
    and what was the Baptists ministry?
  2. Why was Christ baptized?
  3. What did Christ accomplish in the wilderness?
  4. What was the significance of Christs first
  5. Why did Christ cleanse the Temple in Jerusalem?
  6. Why did Christ make Galilee the center of his

Ch19 Review of Major Concepts Continued
Miracle Purpose Peoples Response
Wedding at Cana
Cleansing of the Leper
Healing of the Paralytic
Curing of a Blind Man
Casting Out of Demons
Ch19 Review of Major Concepts Continued
  1. What was the effect of Jesus association with
    sinners and outcasts?
  2. Why did Christ choose the Twelve Apostles?
  3. What is significant about Jesus entry into
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