Title: The Sixth Generation
1The Sixth Generation
- 1.Pioneers, around 1920s ???????
- 2.The second generation, the disciples of the
pioneers, around 1930s-1940s,?????? - 3. The third generation, around 1960, ?????????
- 4. The fourth generation, graduated before the
Cultural Revolution and succeeded in the New
Period. ?????????????????????????????? - 5. The fifth generation, the Department of
Professional Director 1978.??????????????? - 6. The sixth generation or The new generation,
who were born in 1960s. They were educated in
1980s and made films from 1990s.?????????????
21.Pioneers, around 1920s ???????
- 1913 Die for Marriage ( ????) The first feature
film in China.Argument about the First
32.The second generation, the disciples of the
pioneers, around 1930s-1940s,??????
- ?????????????
- ??????
- Establishment of Chinese Aesthetics
43. The third generation, around 1960, ?????????
- Historical Regret
- View of state and the family
54. The fourth generation, graduated before the
Cultural Revolution and succeeded in the New
- ??????????????????????????????Least Achievement
/ Longest Suffering - Sacrifice for the youth
65. The fifth generation, the Department of
Professional Director 1978.
- ???????????????
- Conspire with commerce under the artistic veil
- Someone held the ground, also someone ran away.
76. The sixth generation or The new generation,
who were born in 1960s, educated in 1980s and
made films from 1990s.
- ?????????????
- New Power New Hope
- Platform
- Shanghai Dreams
- In the Heat of the Sun
- Suzhou River
8- Cultural map of Chinese Film
9The WILL of History and Individual
- The world as will and representation
- 19641978
- San Xian Construction ____ the Third-Front
Construction - 19661976
- The Cultural Revolution
- 19791989
- The Reform and Opening up
10In the heat of the sun1994
- Individual case Particular case
- Youth collection on the roof
- Pure memory
- The desire is the last hope for redemption when
the individual was erased in a grand unified