Title: Math 5A
1 pt
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2The distance around the outside of a shape.
3What is perimeter?
4The flat surface of a 3d figure.
5What is A face?
6Perimeter is to polygon as what is to circle?
7What is circumference?
8Twice the radius is called this.
9What is diameter?
10Capacity is a synonym for this word.
11What is volume?
12A soup can is in this shape.
13What is a cylinder?
14A 3d figure with 1 base and all other sides made
of triangles.
15What is a pyramid?
16A triangle with all sides equal.
17What is an equilateral triangle?
18A triangle with 2 equal sides and angles.
19What is an isosceles triangle?
20A polygon with 3 equal sides is called this.
21What is an equilateral triangle?
22The answer to a multiplication problem.
23What is product?
24The whole numbers and their opposites.
25What are integers?
26 The _____ of 100 are 2,4,5,10,20, 25, and 100
27What are factors?
28The opposite of squaring a number.
29What is finding the square root?
30When adding a negative number and another
negative number, the answer is always this.
31What is a negative number?
32The common endpoint of two rays.
33What is a vertex?
34An angle that measures 37 degrees.
35What is an acute angle?
36Two angles that add up to 180 degrees.
37What are supplementary angles?
38Two angles that make a right angle are these.
39What are complementary angles?
40The three angles of a triangle always add up to
this many degrees.
41What is 180 degrees?
42The horizontal line on a coordinate plane.
43What is the X axis?
44The point (0,0) is also called this.
45What is the origin?
46The statistical measurement (measurement of
central tendency) that teachers use when
determining your grades.
47What is mean or average?
48The _____ of 7, 8, 8,10,15 and 17 is 8 (measure
of central tendency).
49What is mode?
50The median of 3, 2, 4 ,1, and 5 is this.
51What is 3?