Title: Who Prayed What?
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8Who Prayed What?
There were a LOT of people in the Bible who
prayed for MANY different things. In this game,
you must answer questions that deal with prayers
in the Bible. You must try to figure out WHO
9Who Prayed What?
- Who prayed that God would
- keep the lions mouths closed?
- David
- Daniel
- Darius
10Who Prayed What?
- Who prayed that God would
- keep the lions mouths closed?
- David
- Daniel
- Darius
11Who Prayed What?
2. Who prayed that God would NOT destroy
Sodom Gomorrah.
- Abraham
- Adam
- John
12Who Prayed What?
2. Who prayed that God would NOT destroy
Sodom Gomorrah.
- Abraham
- Adam
- John
13Who Prayed What?
3. Who prayed that God would give her a
son (she named him Samuel)?
- Eve
- Mary
- Hannah
14Who Prayed What?
3. Who prayed that God would give her a
son (she named him Samuel)?
- Eve
- Mary
- Hannah
15Who Prayed What?
4. Who prayed that God would not let it
rain on the nation of Israel? (it didnt rain for
3 ½ yrs)
- Elijah
- John the Baptist
- Herod
16Who Prayed What?
4. Who prayed that God would not let it
rain on the nation of Israel? (it didnt rain for
3 ½ yrs)
- Elijah
- John the Baptist
- Herod
17Who Prayed What?
5. Who prayed that God would let him die
with the Philistines?
- Matthew
- Samson
- David
18Who Prayed What?
5. Who prayed that God would let him die
with the Philistines?
- Matthew
- Samson
- David
19Who Prayed What?
6. What did Elijah pray would fall from
Heaven while on Mt. Carmel?
- snow
- rain
- fire
20Who Prayed What?
6. What did Elijah pray would fall from
Heaven while on Mt. Carmel?
- snow
- rain
- fire
21Who Prayed What?
7. Jesus prayed Father, let this cup pass from
me while praying in what Garden?
- Garden of Gethsemane
- Garden of Eden
- Madison Square Garden
22Who Prayed What?
7. Jesus prayed Father, let this cup pass from
me while praying in what Garden?
- Garden of Gethsemane
- Garden of Eden
- Madison Square Garden
23Who Prayed What?
8. Who prayed that above all God would give him
- David
- Solomon
- Judas
24Who Prayed What?
8. Who prayed that above all God would give him
- David
- Solomon
- Judas
25Who Prayed What?
9. Who actually prayed for soldiers as they were
trying to kill him?
- Abraham
- Matthew
- Jesus
26Who Prayed What?
9. Who actually prayed for soldiers as they were
trying to kill him?
- Abraham
- Matthew
- Jesus
27Who Prayed What?
10. Who actually prayed while he was
in the stomach of an animal?
- Jabez
- Jonah
- Jehosephat
28Who Prayed What?
10. Who actually prayed while he was
in the stomach of an animal?
- Jabez
- Jonah
- Jehosephat
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