DNA Structure and Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA Structure and Function


DNA Structure and Function ... Chapter 13 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: DNA Structure and Function

DNA Structure and Function
  • Chapter 13

What are genes?
  • Scientists figured out how heredity worked years
    before they figured out what a gene is
  • They knew a few facts. Genes had to be
  • able to store information both for initial
    development and to respond to changes over a
  • stable enough to be replicated and passed to
  • fragile enough so that mutations are possible
  • The structure, chemical makeup, and method for
    doing these things, however, was still a mystery

Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  • In 1869, six years after Mendels first
    experiment, Swiss chemist Friedrich Meischer
    discovered a new chemical that contained
    phosphorus but not sulfur
  • This fact alone established a new molecule
    distinct from carbohydrates or proteins
  • Because it had acidic properties and was
    discovered inside of a nucleus, they were called
    nucleic acids
  • Later, in the early 1900s, it was discovered
    there were four types of nucleic acids, each with
    a separate nitrogenous base
  • These were called nucleotides

Griffiths Transformation Experiment
  • One of the first genetic experiments conducted,
    as usual, had nothing to do with genetics.
  • In 1931, Frederick Griffith was working with mice
    and two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • One strain was rough in appearance and
  • One strain was smooth in appearance and
  • When injected with the rough strain, mice lived
  • When injected with the smooth strain, mice died.
    Both as expected.

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Griffiths Transformation Experiment
  • Also as expected, when he heat-killed the
    virulent, smooth strand, the virus did not kill
    the mice
  • When injected with heat-killed smooth strands of
    virus AND healthy, nonvirulent rough strands, the
    mice died.
  • Although the virulent strand had been
    heat-killed, the nonvirulent strand had taken up
    part of the virulent strand
  • The virulent strand had died, but its genetic
    material survived.

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Griffiths Transformation Experiment
  • Griffiths experiment proved the concept of
    transformation, which means cells can take parts
    of other cells and use them for themselves
  • What it did in the world of genetics was get
    people wondering about what the actual molecule
    is that gets passed from organism to organism

What are genes? (Dont you love the mystery??)
  • In the early 1900s, good money said genes were
    controlled by proteins
  • We know genes are passed from cell to cell. So
    are proteins
  • Nucleic acids only have four different
    nucleotides. Proteins have 20 different amino
  • Considering the trillions of genes that must
    exist, is it more likely they are built with 4
    different pieces or 20?

Hershey and Chase Experiment
  • In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase used a
    T2 bacteriophage to answer this question.
  • They inserted radioactive isotopes of phosphorus
    and sulfur into bacteriophages, knowing they
    would be taken in due to transformation
  • Both isotopes would be visible under radioactive
  • Whatever radiation is found in offspring would
    show which molecule is passed genetically
  • Phosphorus is only found in nucleic acids
  • Sulfur is only found in proteins
  • In the offspring, only phosphorus was detected.

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Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  • The structure of a nucleic acid contains three
  • A Phosphate phosphates connect nucleotides
  • Ribose sugar the structural backbone
  • Nitrogenous base the genetic code
  • There are two ribose sugars, one with an extra
    oxygen (ribose) and one missing an oxygen
  • Which sugar the nucleotide has determines whether
    it is DNA or RNA (ribonucleic acid).

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Nucleic Acids
  • For DNA, the four nucleotides are
  • Adenine (A)
  • Cytosine (C)
  • Guanine (G)
  • Thymine (T)
  • For RNA, Thymine is replaced with a fifth
  • Uracil (U)

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Chargoffs Rule
  • In the 1940s Erwin Chargoff conducted
    experiments on DNA of various species.
  • By measuring the quantities of each nucleotide,
    Chargoff came to some conclusions that he called
    Chargoffs rules.
  • 1. The amount of A, T, C, and G in DNA varies
    from species.
  • 2. In each species, for DNA, the amount of A T
    and the amount of C G.

Chargoffs DNA Database
Species A T G C
Bacillus Subtillus (Bacillus bacteria) 28.4 29.0 21.0 21.6
Escherichia coli (E. coli) 24.6 24.3 25.5 25.6
Neurospora crassa (Bread mold) 23.0 23.3 27.1 26.6
Zea mays (Corn) 25.6 25.3 24.5 24.6
Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) 27.3 27.6 22.5 22.5
Homo Sapiens (Human) 31.0 31.5 19.1 18.4
Watson and Crick (And Franklin)
  • In the 1940s, Rosalind Franklin used x-ray beams
    to pass through a crystalline DNA.
  • The x-Ray diffracted through the crystal and
    created an atomic ray pattern that showed, among
    other things, a relative shape of DNA molecules.
  • Two of Franklins colleagues, James Watson and
    Francis Crick, used this image Franklin created
    to develop one of the most important discoveries
    of the 20th century the DNA model

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Watson and Crick (And Franklin)
  • The model showed a double-helix structure. Two
    strands of DNA attached to each other.
  • The strands matched nitrogenous base to
    nitrogenous base (A matched with T, C matched
    with G)
  • Bases are connected using hydrogen bonds
  • This proved Chargoffs rules.
  • Each nucleotide was attached using the phosphates
  • Each strand faces the opposite direction
  • The strand fits the size and shape of Franklins

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Complimentary Base Pairing
  • Pyramidines (Nitrogenous base is a single ring)
  • Thymine and Cytosine
  • Purines (Nitrogenous base is a double ring)
  • Adenine and Guanine
  • Adenine and Thymine are connected using two
    hydrogen bonds
  • Guanine and Cytosine are connected using three
    hydrogen bonds
  • This is how the two strands of DNA attach to each

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DNA Replication
  • DNA Replication is the process of copying a DNA
  • Watson and Cricks model was so effective and
    accurate that immediately after publishing it
    they were easily able to develop their
    replication hypothesis
  • During replication, each strand of DNA is
    separated from the other.
  • These strands are then used as a template for
    building a new strand

DNA Replication
  • 1. Unwinding.
  • The weak hydrogen bonds holding the strands
    together at the nitrogenous bases are unzipped.
  • An enzyme called Helicase unwinds the molecule
  • 2 Base Pairing
  • New nucleotides are constantly being built and
    present in the nucleus of cells
  • An enzyme called DNA polymerase attaches new
    nucleotides to the new strand of DNA
  • Polymerase knows which nucleotide comes next
    because of the base pairing rules

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DNA Replication
  • After the strands are separated by helicase, the
    first thing that happens is an enzyme called RNA
    polymerase lays down an RNA primer on top of the
  • DNA polymerase cannot start a strand. It uses the
    RNA primer as its co-factor.
  • Once activated, the DNA polymerase begins
    attaching new nucleotides to the 3 carbon
  • Thus, DNA polymerase moves in the 5?3 direction

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DNA Replication
  • Because DNA strands face the opposite direction
    from each other, DNA polymerase works well on the
    strand moving in the 5?3 direction
  • This is called the leading strand
  • For the other strand, polymerase cannot go in the
    opposite direction.
  • Instead, small sections of DNA called Okazaki
    fragments are built separately, then attached one
    section at a time.
  • This is called the lagging strand.

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Semiconservative Replication
  • Replication was finally confirmed by Meselson and
    Stahl in 1958
  • Meselson and Stahl took a strand of DNA that
    contained 15N and allowed it to go through
    replication with free nucleotides that contained
    14N nitrogen ions.
  • 14N is lighter than 15N.
  • When placed in a centrifuge and allowed to sit
    for 2-3 days, the heavier DNA will sink to the
    bottom and the lighter will float toward the top

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Semiconservative Replication
  • After replicating DNA, if Watson and Cricks
    model is correct then a centrifuge should show
    both strands of DNA
  • If another model is correct, they should only see
    one or the other floating in the centrifuge
  • At the end of the experiment, both strands were
    visible in the centrifuge.
  • This proved semi conservative replication, which
    means each new copy of DNA has one recycled
    strand and one newly-formed strand.

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Prokaryotic Replication
  • Prokaryotic DNA is a single, circular structure
    called a plasmid.
  • Replication occurs in either one or both
  • Bacteria takes approximately 40 minutes to copy
    the entire genome at a rate of 106 base
  • Eukaryotic replication occurs at multiple origins
    and at a much slower rate
  • 500-5000 bp/minute.

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  • DNA polymerase not only attaches nucleotides
    together, but proofreads its work.
  • Mismatched nucleotides causes a kink in the
    strand which is identified by the polymerase
  • The enzyme then excises the incorrect nucleotide
    and replaces it with the correct one.
  • Still, polymerase is so accurate that this is
    only necessary once per 100,000 base pairs.
  • After proofreading, the likelihood of a mutation
    is only one mistake every 1 billion base pairs

  • Other mutations occur due to mutagens, or
    environmental factors.
  • UV, radiation, organic chemicals such as tobacco
    smoke, pesticides, etc.
  • For these, the cell has DNA repair enzymes that
    go around and look for errors after replication
    is over.
  • Mutations may cause harm (cancer) or have no
    affect at all.
  • Throughout history, they also serve as the
    possibility for evolutionary changes

Gene Activity
  • Chapter 14

Nucleic Acids to Proteins
  • Enzymes perform the reactions that make up your
    individual traits. But nucleic acids make up the
    genes that code for traits.
  • How do we get from a strand of nucleic acids to a
    strand of proteins?
  • One of the first experiments to test this issue
    also revealed one of the strangest examples of a
    mutation in the human genome

Pauling/Itano Experiment
  • Linus Pauling and Harvey Itano knew that
    hemoglobin, a molecule in red blood cells,
    contained a charge.
  • They wanted to see if the hemoglobin in normal
    RBCs is different than the hemoglobin in sickle
  • To do this, they compared an electrophoresis
    experiment of the two hemoglobin structures with
    known hemoglobin samples

Pauling/Itano Experiment
  • Based on this experiment, they proved that RBCs
    contain a type of hemoglobin called HBA, while
    Sickle RBCs contain HBB.
  • Later, they compared the polypeptide chains of
    each strand of hemoglobin
  • Believing the two chains would be completely
    different, they were surprised to find the
    difference between a normal and sickle RBC gene
    sequence is only one nucleotide out of 438.

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  • RNA is a polymer of nucleotides. Only a few
    differences exist between DNA and RNA though
  • RNA contains uracil as a replacement for thymine
  • RNA is generally single-stranded
  • RNA freely leaves the nucleus of cells
  • RNA stands can pair with DNA strands according to
    the same base-pairing rules. So RNA serves as an
    excellent copying system for DNA.

  • There are hundreds of classes of RNA, but we care
    about three of them
  • Messenger RNA (mRNA) takes a message from the
    nucleus to the ribosome
  • Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to
  • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) makes up a portion of

  • Transcription is the process of forming an mRNA
    strand as a copy of a DNA strand
  • This occurs separately and independently from
  • 1. The DNA strand unwinds and unzips similarly to
  • The location this occurs is called a promoter.
    Promoters are sequences of DNA that identify the
    origin of a gene sequence.
  • The strand will continue to unwind until it
    reaches a sequence called the terminator.

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  • 2. Once the strand unwinds, an enzyme called RNA
    polymerase attaches RNA nucleotides in the 5?3
    direction only.
  • 3. When the polymerase reaches the terminator, it
    stops and releases an RNA transcript called mRNA.
  • 4. The mRNA then exits the nucleus to be picked
    up by a ribosome.
  • The cell will have multiple RNA polymerases
    working simultaneously to ensure the maximum
    output of mRNA sequences.

Introns and Exons
  • To enhance the integrity of the mRNA strand when
    it leaves the cell, a couple steps occur
  • First, a cap is put on the 5 and 3 ends of the
    strand so that nothing can accidentally break off
    or be added to the strand.
  • Second, sections of the mRNA are removed by a
  • The sections that are removed are called introns.
  • The remaining sections, called exons, are what
    get expressed (read) by ribosomes

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Introns and Exons
  • Why introns and exons?
  • The short answer is, who knows?
  • Introns create redundancy, which helps reduce the
    likelihood that a mutation will cause a problem
  • If 100 of the nucleotides are expressed, then a
    mutation will cause a problem 100 of the time.
  • Introns allow for more variety of gene sequences
  • Take the word hearth.
  • From this word, you get he, ear, art,
    heart, and earth, depending on which letters
    you cut out.

  • Translation is the process of going from a strand
    of mRNA to a strand of amino acids.
  • For this to occur, you need a tRNA molecule.
  • tRNA is a molecule built from an RNA strand.
  • Bound to one end of the tRNA is a specific amino
  • Bound to the opposite end of tRNA is a sequence
    of three nucleotides called an anticodon.
  • Each tRNA with a particular anticodon (ex. GAA)
    will always carry a specific amino acid (ex.

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  • Meanwhile, proteins and rRNA have come together
    to build a ribosome.
  • Ribosomes come in two sections called subunits.
  • The two subunits sandwich themselves over a
    strand of mRNA and a series of tRNAs.
  • When this happens, translation is ready to begin
  • Eukaryotic cells contain 100,ooos of ribosomes,
    all working simultaneously if necessary.

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  • 1. Initiation
  • mRNA strands are organized by codons, or
    combinations of three RNA nucleotides
  • The first codon is always the same AUG
  • A tRNA with the anticodon that matches with this
    codon (UAC) then enters the ribosome and matches
    with the mRNA, codon-to-anticodon

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  • 2. Elongation
  • A second tRNA then enters the ribosome and
    matches anticodon-to-codon.
  • When it attaches to the mRNA, the shape of the
    ribosome forces tRNAs to line up in a specific
  • That orientation allows the amino acids that each
    tRNA are holding to break from their tRNAs and
    attach to each other.

  • The ribosome has three sites which are able to
    hold tRNAs.
  • The A site, which is where tRNAs enter the
    ribosome and wait their turn.
  • The P site, which is where the attachment of
    amino acids will occur (or, the formation of a
    peptide bond)
  • The E site, which is where tRNAs will exit,
    leaving their amino acids behind.

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  • During elongation, only one amino acid is
    attached at a time.
  • One tRNA must leave the ribosome before the next
    one can enter.
  • The entire process to build and form a single
    protein and repeat takes around 15 minutes.
  • 3. Termination
  • When the ribosome reaches a stop codon (UAA, UAG,
    UGA) the mRNA attaches to a release factor.
  • The release factor breaks the final amino acid
    from the final tRNA, thus completing the protein

  • Once the amino acid sequence is released from the
    ribosome, it undergoes folding and modification.
  • The endoplasmic reticulum adds lipids,
    carbohydrates, or other proteins to the new
  • The ER also handles the specific folding of the
  • The golgi then wraps a vessicle around the
    protein for transport to its destination.
  • Meanwhile, the ER reattaches amino acids to the
    tRNAs that have just given theirs up.
  • The mRNA then is re-translated, or is returned to
    the nucleus to be used for spare parts.

Codon Pattern
  • Translation relies on the fact that
  • 1) Every codon will match with a specific
  • 2) Ever tRNA with that specific anticodon will
    have a specific amino acid.
  • Thus, each of the 20 amino acids in organisms
    must have at least one codon that tells ribosomes
    to attach their specific amino acid to the
  • As far as we know, the code is the same for every
    species on the planet

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  • The human genome contains (best guess)
    24,000-26,000 genes. The sequence of DNA to make
    these genes is around 3.3 billion nucleotides.
  • Although ribosomes are able to correct mistakes
    in the moment, some do escape notice.
  • There are two types of transcription/translation
    mutations you should be aware of.

Mutation 1 Point Mutations
  • A point mutation is when only one nucleotide is
  • Even though it is only 1 nucleotide out of 3.3
    billion, this one mistake has the potential to
    completely change an organisms health.
  • Example I have a pet cat. This could be I
    gave a pet cat I wave a pet cat I have a
    wet cat. I have a pet rat.
  • As discussed, sickle cell anemia is a disease
    caused by a single point mutation that tells the
    cell to replace a glutamine with a valine

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Mutation2 Frameshift Mutation
  • Frameshift mutations are when at least one
    nucleotide is added or deleted from the DNA or
    RNA sequence
  • The correct sequence of amino acids is dependent
    on maintaining the 3-nucleotide codon pattern.
  • If one nucleotide is added or deleted, the codon
    pattern does not start at the right spot
  • This results in an entire sequence of amino acids
    being incorrect.

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