- (T?O??? ??? S?????S)
?a???t??? ????? ?.?.?4306 ??????? ??µ?t?a
?.?.?4331 S??a??d?? ??d???a ?.?.?4364
- Sµ??? p?????, ??p?d?a ????a, a???e? ? ??p?d?a ??a
µeta??????ta? s??t???sµ??a sa? ??a?
?pe????a??sµ??. ??p???t??? e??a? ? pe??pt?s?
e?t?µ??(p.?. µ???sse?, µ??µ????a, te?µ?te?)
???a?????ta? e?d??????? s?µpe??f???? p??
?epe????? t?? ??a??t?te? t?? µeµ???µ???? at?µ??. - ? ??a??t?ta a?t? de? e??a? e??e??aµµ??? sta
????d?? t??? a??? ßas??eta? se ep??t?te?
s?µpe??f???? p?? e?t?p????ta? ?at? ta p??ta
st?d?a t?? ???? t???.
3?? ?a???e? t?? sµ????? (s?µf??a µe Reynolds)
- ?p???e? µ?a d??aµ? s???????s?? (clumping), p??
d?at??e? e??µ??? t? sµ????. - ?a µ??? t?? sµ????? e??a? se ??s? ?a e??????? t??
ta??t?t? t??? ?? p??? t??? ?e?t??e?, µe
ap?t??esµa t? sµ???? ?a pet?e? µe ?????
ta??t?ta. - ?a µ??? t?? sµ????? ?p??e??ta? se µ?a d??aµ?
d?a????sµ?? (separation), ? ?p??a ap?t??pe? ???e
µ???? t?? sµ????? ap? t? ?a pet?e? p??? ???t? µe
t??? ?e?t???? t??.
4 5Foraging Strategies in ants(St?at??????
a?a??t?s?? t??f??)
- ?a µ??µ????a e?ap???t??? st? d??µ? t??? t? ??µ???
??s?a fe??µ???, p?? t?? a?t??aµß????ta? ?a?
a????????? ta ?p????pa. - St?at????? ??t? ???eta? ??a t?? e??es? t??
???t???te??? d??µ?? a??µesa st? f???? ?a? t??
p??? fa??t??.
6Inter-nest Traffic
- ??p??e? ???????e? ????? d??t?a f????? p??
e?te????ta? se ?????de? µ?t?a ??aµµ???. ?a µ???
a?t?? a?ta???ss??ta? ?a? ?ts? ep?t?????eta? ??a?
?ataµe??sµ?? e??as?a?, p?? p??sd?de? st? s?st?µa
t?? ??a??t?ta ?a p??sa?µ??eta? e????a st??
pe??ßa????t???? a??a???.
7The Binary Bridge Experiment
- ???s?µ?p??????e t? e?d?? Linepithema humile
- ?e????µßa?e ??f??a µe 2 ??ad??, ?p?? t? ??a e??a?
d?p??s?? se µ???? ap? t? ???? ?a? d?a???????ta?
ap? µ?a p??? fa??t??. ? p??a??t?ta ep?????? e???
ap? t??? d?? ???d??? e??a? -
- ?p??
- k ? ßa?µ?? µe??s?? t?? t??a??t?ta?
- n ? ßa?µ?? t?? µ? ??aµµ???? s?s??t?s?? t??
p??a??t?ta? ep?????? e??? ap? t??? d?? ???d???
8- ??? µ??µ????a fe????? ap? t? f???? t?? ?d?a
st??µ? ?a? t? ?a???a ep????e? d?af??et??? d??µ?,
?p?? e?ap???te? fe??µ???. - ?? µ??µ???? p?? ep??e?e t?? ???t?te?? ???d?
ep?st??fe? p??t?. - ?pe?d? st?? ???d? a?t? ?p???e? t??a d?p??s?a
fe??µ???, ?a p??se???se? pe??ss?te?a µ??µ????a
ap? t? µa???te?? µ???p?t?.
9 Raid Patterns of Army Ants ( S??d?? ep??es??)
- ?p?te?e?ta? ap? ??a µ??µ???? p?? ß??s?eta?
µp??st?, ??a p???? d??t?? ap? d?ad??µ?? t? ?p???
e?te??eta? ??a µ?t?? p?s? ap? t? p??p??e??µe??
µ??µ???? ?a? ??a ???? µe???? a?ast?µ??µe??
d??t??. - ?a??de??µa Eciton burchelli
- ?a ?t?µa e??a? t?f?? ?a? ? ep????????a ???eta?
µ?s? t?? fe??µ????. - ?? ?d?? p????aµµa µp??e? ?a d?se? ??se?? se p????
p??ß??µata ? ?a p??sa?µ?st??? se d?af??et???
10Ant System TSP
- ?d??t?te? t?? Ant system(AS)
- ???? fe??µ????
- ???µ?
- G??s? t?? pe??ß?????t??
- ???a??t?ta ?e?t?????a?
11- ???? fe??µ????
- ?a??? t? µ??µ???? ???e?ta? st? ???t?, e?ap???te?
???? fe??µ????. - ??s?t?ta fe??µ???? e?atµ??eta? µe t?? p???d? t??
12- 2. ???µ?
- ?? ep?s?efte? ??p??a p??? µ?a f???, de
?a?ape???e? ap? e?e?.
13- 3. G??s? t?? pe??ß?????t??
- ?p?stas? p??e??
- ??at?t?ta (Visibility) 1/dij ,? ep???µ?a ?a
ep?s?efte? t?? p??? j ap? t?? p??? i.
14- 4. ???a??t?ta ?e?t?????a?
- ?p?stas? p??e??(??at?t?ta)
- ??s?t?ta ?????? fe??µ????
15The Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)
- St???? e??a? ?a ß?e?e? ? µ????te?? d?ad??µ? st??
?p??a ?? p??e?? ep?s??pt??ta? µ??? µ?a f??? - Ant system(AS) ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a t?? ep???s?
t?? p??ß??µat??. ?as??eta? st? ?t? ta µ??µ????a
a????????? ?s?t?µa µ???p?t?a µe fe??µ???.
S??d?? 1. Ape?????s? ??s?? st? Traveling Salesman
16- ? ep????? t?? d?ad??µ?? ???eta? t??a?a.
- ?? µ??µ???? af?? ????????se? t? ???? ???? t??
p??e??, ep?st??fe? st??? ??µß??? p??
???s?µ?p???se ?a? e?ap???te? fe??µ???. - ? p?s?t?ta t?? fe??µ???? e??a? a?t?st??f??
a?????? µe t? s??????? µ???? t?? d?ad??µ??, d??.
?s? µ????te?? e??a? ? ap?stas? t?s? µe?a??te??
p?s?t?ta fe??µ???? ß??s?eta? e?e?. - ?pe?d? ? fe??µ??? e?atµ??eta?, ?? µa???te?e?
d?ad??µ?? ?a pe??????? te???? ????te?? fe??µ???
se s??s? µe ta t?? µ????te?e?.
17- ? ap????a af??eta? ?a?? ?a ta??d??e? st??
p??e?? a????????ta? ta ???? fe??µ???? p??
p???p?????? se ???e ???d?. - ?f?? µe?a??te?? p?s?t?ta ?p???e? st?? ???t????
d?ad??µ??, ta µ??µ????a a????????? a?t? t?
18?p????? fe??µ???? st?? ep????? t?? µ????te???
19Ant Colony System (ACS)
- ???S????G?S ??? AS (4)
- New transition rule (ep?t??pe? t?? e?e?e???s?)
- Pheromone update rule (t? µ??µ????, t? ?p???
pa???a?e t?? ?a??te?? d?ad??µ?, ep?t??peta? ?a
?a????se? t?? p?s?t?ta t?? fe??µ???? st???
???d??? ?a? ta ???a t?? d?ad??µ??)
20- Local updates of pheromone trail (?a µ??µ????a
de? s????????? se µ?a ????? d?ad??µ?, a???
??????? t?? ?a??te?? d?ad??µ?) - 4. Use of candidate list (? candidate list e??a?
µ?a ??sta p?? pe???aµß??e? ??a ep???µ?t? a???µ?
p??e?? ??a ep?s?e??)
21The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)
- ?a?????? n ?e?t????e?? se n p??e??
- -ap?st?se?? µeta?? t?? t?p??es???
- -??? µeta?? t?? ?e?t???????(µetaf????
- ??????)
- St???? e?a??st?p???s?
t?? ???? ? ap?stas?
22QAP ?a??de??µa
- ??p??es?e?
?e?t?????e? -
µe?a??te?? -
??? ap? ? se ? - S??d?asµ?? t?? t?p??es??? µe t?? ?e?t?????e?
- µe?a??te??
µ????te?? - ??st??
??st?? -
23Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
- ?p????? µ?a? ?e?t?????a? epa????
- ?p????? µ?a? t?p??es?a?
?(fe??µ???, -
epa????) -
d??se?? st?at??????
24???s?µ???s? s?µpe??f???? t?? sµ???? se ?/?
- S?µe?a e??a? d??at? ? ?ea??st??? p??s?µ???s? t??
s?µpe??f???? t?? sµ????, t?? ??pad??? ?a? t??
a?e??? a? efa?µ?s??µe a?t??? t??? ?a???e? se
e??????? p????? p?? ???µ?st??a? boids (ap? t?
a?????? "bird-oid"). - ?? 1986 ? Reynolds ?ats?e?ase ??a t?t??? µ??t???
p??s?µ???s?? se ?p?????st?. ?a ßas??? st???e??
t?? µ??t???? e??a? ?t? ßas??eta? se 3 ap???
s?µe??f???? p?? pe?????f??? p?? t? ???e boid
e?a?t?ta? ap? t?? ??se?? ?a? ta??t?te? t??
?e?t?????? at?µ??.
25?fa?µ???? t?? Swarm Intelligence st?? te???????a
- 1. ???????µp?t???Sta?e?? a?apt?ss?µe??? t?µ?a?
p?? ??e? ?? st?at????? t?? ?atas?e??
µ??????µp?t. ????e?ta? ??a µ????a?t????a??µ??a
s?st?µata p?? ap?te????ta? ap? p???? µ????te?a
?µ?a?t???µa s?st?µata (??µp?t???a) p?? de ?a ?ta?
se ??s? ?a e?te??s??? ap? µ??a t??? e??as?e? p??
ep?te?e? t? ?pe?s?st?µa p?? apa?t????? ??a µa??.
26- 2. ??t?st????a µ??a??? µe ???sµ??e? ?e?t?????e?
- 3. S??d?asµ? ???µ?t?? sta ??af???
- 4. ???eta? ??a? a???µ?? se???? ?a? st???? e??a?
?a ß?e?e? ? se??? µ????te??? µ????? p?? e??a?
d?ad????? ???e ?????. - 5. ???ep????????e?
27- ? ?e???a t?? sµ????? ap?te?e? t? ß?s? ??a ?a
ß?e???? ??se?? p???p????? p??ß??µ?t?? ????? t?
???s? ?e?t????? e?????? ? ????? t? s??µat?sµ?
e??? e??a??? µ??t????. - ?a??de??µa p??e?a t?? ????s?? e??? apas????µ????
d??t??? ep????????a?.