Aviation Rules of Thumb - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aviation Rules of Thumb


Some Aviation Rules of Thumb Navigation reciprocals ... Mountain Flying Bible Takeoff flap setting If you ... Storms tend to be stronger when the cold frontal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aviation Rules of Thumb

Aviation Rules of Thumb
  • Checked Out From The SAFE Members Only Resource
  • Society of Aviation and Flight Educators
  • John Mahany, ATP/MCFI
  • Flight Advisor, EAA Chapter 7
  • FAASTeam Lead Rep, KLGB
  • September 13, 2011

ATA SmartBrief, 8/30/11
  • Automation prompts safety officials' concern
    about pilots' skillsAirplanes are become
    increasingly automated, leading some safety
    officials to raise concerns that pilots might be
    losing their in-flight instincts, which could be
    troublesome when faced with an issue. Rory Kay,
    co-chairman of the Federal Aviation
    Administration's committee on pilot training and
    an airline captain, says that the industry is
    suffering from "automation addiction," which is
    leading to different types of incidents.

ATA SmartBrief, cont.
  • "We think the best way to handle this is through
    the policies and training of the airlines to
    ensure they stipulate that the pilots devote a
    fair amount of time to manually flying," said
    Paul Railsback, operations director at the Air
    Transport Association. "We want to encourage
    pilots to do that and not rely 100 on the
    automation. I think many airlines are moving in
    that direction."

More on piloting skills
  • The ability of pilots to respond to the
    unexpected loss or malfunction of automated
    aircraft systems "is the big issue that we can no
    longer hide from in aviation," said Bill Voss,
    president of the Flight Safety Foundation in
    Alexandria, Va. "We've been very slow to
    recognize the consequence of it and deal with

Some Aviation Rules of Thumb
  • Navigation reciprocals
  • Normally aspirated Turbo-charged
  • Density Altitude
  • Takeoff Performance
  • Crosswind Component
  • Vx Vy
  • Cruise Climb

More Aviation Rules of Thumb
  • Flight Planning ISA
  • Figuring TAS
  • Figuring Va
  • Engine Failure
  • Converting KTS to MPH
  • Maximum Glide
  • Icing, weather, descent planning
  • Your own?

Navigation reciprocals
  • Take the 1st digit plus two, 2nd digit minus two
    or visa versa
  • Minus two, plus two
  • 180 becomes 360
  • 090 becomes 270

Related accident?
  • Lexington, KY CRJ takeoff accident,
  • Aug. 27, 2006
  • Did they brief the takeoff??
  • Were their Heading Bugs properly set?
  • They did not realize they were on the wrong
    runway until it was too late, at rotation.

Comair 5191 CVR
  • Pilot Thrust SetPilot That is weird, No
    LightsPilot YeahPilot 100 KnotsPilot
    CheckPilot vee onePilot RotatePilot Whoa!

Generic Takeoff Briefing
  • Departing KSNA or any other confirm R/W _ _
  • If applicable, r/w is _ _ _ _ ft. long
  • Density Altitude if applicable, is _ _ _ _
  • Takeoff weather/visibility is X T/O alternate?
  • Up to Vr, will abort for _ _ _
  • Once airborne, if engine fails then _ _ _
  • Any noise, DP or terrain issues?
  • In event of emergency return, plan is ??

Normally aspirated engines
  • A normally aspirated engine only produces rated
    Hp at Sea Level on a Standard Day, or ISA 15C
    or 59F
  • It loses 3 ½ - 4 hp for each 1000 increase in
  • Every 10 deg. F/6C above ISA results in 1 less
    power output

Turbo-Charged Engines
  • Takeoff fuel flow
  • Your takeoff fuel flow should be at least 10
  • of your max rated hp. ie., for 285hp, expect
  • 28.5 gph 310hp should be at least 31.0gph
  • For turbo-normalized (8.5-1) it should be
    somewhat less
  • CHT during takeoff/climb should be lt 380F
  • Source, Mike Busch, Savvy Aviator

Density Altitude
  • For every 10F above ISA, add 600 to
  • the airport elevation to figure density
  • altitude and your airplanes performance.
  • source, Richard L. Collins

Density Altitude
  • From AOPA Safety Advisor 6,
  • Mastering Takeoffs and Landings
  • the simple act of taking off or landing
  • accounts for 50 of all general aviation
  • related accidents

Big Bear City, CA, takeoff - 6748 msl
  • What is your density altitude?
  • What is your takeoff performance?
  • Do you know how to lean for takeoff?
  • Begin the takeoff roll, and with full power, lean
    the mixture until there is some roughnesss, then
    enrichen until it runs smoothly.
  • source, Mountain Flying Bible

Takeoff performance
  • T/O distance increases 15 for each 1000
  • Increase in Density Altitude above S.L.
  • A 10 change in aircraft weight will result in a
  • 20 change in the takeoff distance required
  • source Mountain Flying Bible

Takeoff flap setting
  • If you want to use flaps for takeoff, but there
    is no reference in the P.O.H., suggest turning
    the yoke full scale, either direction and lower
    the flaps to approximately match the down aileron
  • source, Mountain Flying Bible

Takeoff performance
  • Short field takeoff advice from the late Sparky
    Imeson, noted mountain flying expert
  • If you have not reached 70 of your takeoff speed
    ½ way down the runway, ABORT!
  • Also, make sure the parking brake is OFF! ?
  • source, Mountain Flying Bible

Crosswind component
  • The 5, 7, 9 rule
  • Runway numbers are magnetic ATIS/ASOS
  • winds are magnetic
  • If the wind is 30, 45 or 60 degrees to the R/W
  • Take 50, 70 or 90 of the wind velocity this
    becomes the direct crosswind component.
  • Note Crosswinds are not hard limits they are
    only demonstrated more importantly, how is
    your cross-wind proficiency?

Vx Vy
  • Both Vx Vy decrease 1 knot per
  • 100 pounds below max gross weight
  • Verify this in the P.O.H.

Cruise Climb speed
  • Vy Vx C. Add C to Vy, this is cruise climb
  • Ex., a CE 172S Vy 74 knots Vx 62 C 12
  • 74 12 86 suggested for cruise climb.
  • P.O.H. shows 70 85Kts for cruise climb
  • A more efficient climb. Better engine cooling
    with a lower, better deck angle. Source, Fly
  • the Engine, Kas Thomas

Flt. Planning - Figuring ISA
  • Intl Standard AtmosphereISA
  • Found in the P.O.H. in performance charts
  • ISA is 59F or 15C at sea level, 29.92hg
  • To find ISA at altitude take cruise altitude, x
    2, subtract 15, then change the sign (/-)
  • 5,000 5 x 2 10 - 15 -5 becomes 5.
  • 10,000 10 x 2 20 15 5 becomes -5

Figuring TAS
  • How to find your approximate TAS
  • TAS increases approximately 2 per 1000
  • What is your indicated altitude?
  • Double the 1st digit, and add to the IAS.
  • Result should approximate TAS
  • Example 3000, and 120 knots, TAS is 3 x 2
    6, 120 6 126 knots

The ice tea airspeed formula
  • Airspeed relationships how to remember
  • The iceT formula indicated calibrated,
    equivalent (applies to jets), True Airspeed. TAS
    increases with altitude. Indicated will decrease
    with altitude due to less dynamic pressure in the
    Pitot tube

Rule of 60
  • At cruise TAS, each degree of crab angle
  • x TAS multiple (601, 1202, etc)
  • crosswind component
  • Ie., _at_ 120 knots, each degree of crab is
    caused by a 2 degree x-wind component resulting
    in a x degree drift correction.
  • Ex., 5 degrees left x 2 10 knot cross

Maneuvering Speed Va
  • Maneuvering Speed Va 1.7 x Vs1
  • Reduce Va by 10 for each 20 reduction in gross
    weight. Or, reduce by 1 for each 2 reduction in
  • Remember, you are always BELOW G.W. at cruise.
    You burned fuel on taxi, takeoff and climb.
  • All V speeds are predicated on G.W., so adjust
    accordingly for best performance.

Engine failure A, B, Cs
  • Airspeed best glide
  • Best place to land straight ahead, to the side,
    or behind you?
  • Aircraft Control maintain control!
  • Know your emergency checklist!

Engine Failure, Maximum Glide
  • Weight has no effect on max glide range
  • Weight does have an effect on glide speed
  • Reduce glide speed 5 for each 10 reduction in
    gross weight
  • With a headwind, increase glide speed by 50 of
    the headwind component. Glider
  • pilots use this technique.

Converting KTS to MPH
  • Add 15, or multiply by 1.15
  • 100kts 115mph

  • No aircraft is certified for CONTINUOUS flight in
    KNOWN icing conditions
  • Icing/deice certification is only for flight
    THROUGH icing. Ref. FAR 25 Appendix C, icing
  • Check your P.O.H.
  • From, Professional Pilot, 3rd. ed., John Lowery

  • A rough rule of thumb for avoiding/escaping icing
    conditions but it varies each time
  • Climb in a cold front towards colder temps (away
    from ice) if temps in the bases of developing
    cumulus clouds is -12C or warmerexpect heavy
  • Descend in a warm front to warmer temps below
  • Sources, Severe Weather Flying, Dennis Newton
  • Weather Flying, Bob Buck

Weather/TRW rules
  • Storms tend to be stronger when the cold frontal
    passage occurs in the afternoon or evening. This
    is because the air can get more unstable out
    ahead of the front (i.e. daytime heating).

IFR Standard Rate Turn bank angle
  • Take 10 of the IAS and add 5.

Ground Speed
  • Rough estimate
  • Add or subtract all of the headwind or tailwind
  • Add or subtract ½ of a quartering head or tailwind

Calculating Ground Speed - piston drivers
  • Note the time to fly a distance ie., 30NM
  • 30/15 15x 4 60 4 x 30 120
  • 15 min to fly 30NM. G.S. 120kts.
  • 10 min to fly 25NM 10x660 6x25 150 kts

Ground Speed Check - VLJ drivers
  • For faster aircraft (at least 250 kts.) there is
    another G.S. check
  • Note the distance travelled in 36 seconds on the
    DME and multiply by 100.
  • 36 seconds is 1 of an hour.
  • So, if you travel 3NM, ground speed is 300 kts.

How to plan descents
  • Suggestion altitude to lose times 2 (500 FPM for
    pax comfort), times ground speed in miles per
    minute (1,2, 3, etc.), this is how many miles you
    will cover descendingadjust as needed for wind
    and plan when to start down accordingly

Descent planning from the flight levels
  • Multiply cruise altitude ( thousands of feet) x
    approx. 3 (depending on the aircraft and winds)
    to determine the approximate start of descent.
  • To descend from FL 250 25 x 3 75
  • Begin descent 75 NM out

Intercept the glideslope
  • At G.S. intercept, lower the nose exactly
    whatever the G/S angle is, as shown on the
    approach plate. Capture is automatic.
  • This is typically 3 degrees.
  • source, Barry Schiff, Proficient Pilot

Flying the glideslope
  • Determine the proper ILS descent rate
  • Standard ILS descent rate 300/NM.
  • Take IAS / 2, add a zero this is your Rate of
    Descent 100kts / 2 50, add a 0 500 FPM.
    120 kts 600 FPM
  • Or, use this to figure the altitude to be at a
    given distance from a runwayfor a stabilized
  • approach

  • Approx. 42 of G.A. accidents occur during
    approach and landing
  • If the runway is wet and ungrooved, the landing
    ground roll doubles
  • Crossing the runway threshold higher than 50
    feet landing distance increases 200 for every
    10 of excess height
  • Every 10 kts of excess speed increases landing
    distance 20

  • For each 1000 above S.L., the takeoff run will
    increase 12

  • Rollout from a turn lead your bank by ½ the bank
  • Most structural icing occurs between 0C - 10C

Your own
  • Rules of Thumb???

Thank you!
  • j.mahany_at_charter.net
  • www.johnmahany.com

This presentation has been donated to the SAFE
Resource Center for the personal use of SAFE
Members. Permission for any other intended use
must be coordinated directly with the author.
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