OPTION CHOICES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Slide 1 Author: LFT1 Last modified by: J Taylor Created Date: 2/23/2004 2:31:38 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Core Curriculum
English (including English Literature) 7
Mathematics 7
Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) 12
Physical Education 3
Personal Development 2
Religious Studies 2
Science Sets 1 and 2
English (including English Literature) 8
Mathematics 8
Science 10
Physical Education 3
Personal Development 2
Religious Studies 2
Science Sets 3, 4 and 5
  • There are three option blocks.
  • You must choose one subject from each option
  • You must also choose a reserve choice subject
    from each option block.
  • We will try to make sure that everyone their
    first choice from each block.

Science Sets 1 and 2
Science Sets 3, 4 and 5
OPTION A (Computer Science, Food Technology, Graphic Products, Resistant Materials, Textiles) 5
OPTION B (Art, Business Studies, German, Geography, History, Performing Arts, Spanish) 5
OPTION C (Art, French, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education) 5
OPTION A (Creative iMedia, Food Technology, Graphic Products, Resistant Materials, Textiles) 5
OPTION B (Art, Business Studies, German, Geography, History, Performing Arts, Spanish) 5
OPTION C (Art, French, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education) 5
English Baccalaureate
  • The English Baccalaureate is a combination of
    GCSE subjects that the government recommend
    pupils should study.
  • This is not compulsory and doesn't lead to an
    extra qualification or certificate.
  • It is possible that in the future some colleges
    and universities might expect students wishing to
    study more academic courses to have the English
    Baccalaureate combination of GCSEs.
  • The English Baccalaureate is only relevant if you
    have a good chance of getting a minimum GCSE
    grade C in these subjects
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Two sciences (including Computer Science)
  • A Modern Foreign Language (French, German or
  • History or Geography
  • Universities always look for a board range of
    subjects at GCSE.
  • There are a whole range of subjects that you can
    study at A level and University that you do not
    have to do at GCSE.
  • The A level subjects and grades that you get
    will determine if you are offered a place on a
    particular course at University.

  • All subjects are GCSEs with the exception of
    Creative iMedia which is a Cambridge Nationals
    vocational qualification equivalent to one or two
  • You will not sit an examination for Personal
  • Pupils in Science Set 1 study separate GCSEs in
    Biology, Chemistry and Physics and take
    examinations in all three subjects at the end of
    Year 11.
  • Pupils in Science Set 2 study GCSE Science in
    Year 10 with examinations at the end of the year.
    In Year 11 these pupils study GCSE Additional
    Science and GCSE Further Additional Science with
    examinations in both at the end of the year.
  • Pupils in Science Sets 3, 4 and 5 will study GCSE
    Science in Year 10 and GCSE Additional Science in
    Year 11 with examinations at the end of each
    year. Some pupils in Set 5 might study the Entry
    Level Certificate in Science instead of GCSEs.
  • As well as final examinations, most subjects
    include some form of controlled assessment
    produced in class.

Option A Technology
  • Madeley High School is a Specialist Technology
    Academy and as such we recognise the important
    place studying STEM subjects (Science,
    Technology, Engineering and Maths) has in
    preparing pupils for the workplace by allowing
    them to develop a wide range of key transferable
  • GCSE Computer Science is for pupils with a
    particular aptitude for Mathematics and Science.
    This strengthens the STEM subject choice
    available particularly to those pupils wishing to
    follow demanding academic career paths such as
    Computing, Engineering, Science or Medicine.
  • Creative iMedia offers the opportunity to learn
    about creative digital media disciplines (e.g.
    image manipulation, video production, games
    design, and website design). Possible related
    careers include Animator, APP Developer, Games
    Designer, Web Designer, Photographer.

Choosing Options
  • Try to choose subjects you enjoy and are making
    good progress in but dont necessarily avoid
    those subjects where youre not doing so well.
  • Sometimes it is important to continue to working
    at a subject you find difficult because it may be
    the only way to lead on to something you really
    want to do.
  • You will be given a sheet with your option form
    and booklet shows the grades you are most likely
    to achieve in GCSE subjects based on how pupils
    with similar ability to you at the end of Key
    Stage 2 have performed in previous years.
  • You can get advice from your teachers or from the
    careers service in school. If you dont have any
    clear ideas about what job you would like to do,
    dont worry because most young people are like
    you at this stage.

Choosing Options
  • DONT choose a subject just to be with your
    friends. Your friends may not have the same
    abilities or ambitions as you. Make your own
  • DONT choose a subject, or give it up, just
    because you like or dislike a particular teacher.
    In the first place you often do not know who
    will be teaching you next year and, in any case,
    your future is far more important.
  • DONT choose a subject or reject it simply
    because you are a boy or a girl. In the past
    many girls have been put off subjects because
    they thought that they were for boys, and this
    has often severely restricted the choice of jobs
    open to them. Equally dont choose a subject if
    youre a boy and more girls than boys take it.

Your Options Form
  • You must choose a first and reserve choice in
    each option block.
  • You must choose a Modern Foreign Language
    (French, German or Spanish) if you want to follow
    the English Baccalaureate or become a primary
    school teacher.
  • You must also choose Geography or History for the
    English Baccalaureate.
  • You must return your form to your Form Tutor by
    Monday 9th March.
  • There is no advantage in returning your form
    before this date.
  • You will meet with a senior member of staff to
    discuss your option choices between Wednesday
    16th March and Friday 20th March (The senior
    member of staff allocated to your tutor group
    will send for you)
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