ISEC0511 Programming for Information System Security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISEC0511 Programming for Information System Security


ISEC0511 Programming for Information System Security Lecture Notes #5 Java Client-Side Security * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ISEC0511 Programming for Information System Security

ISEC0511Programming for Information System
  • Lecture Notes 5
  • Java Client-Side Security

  • Java language derived much of its syntax from C
    and C, but the object model is much simpler and
    has fewer low-level facilities.
  • As Java removes many of low-level facilities,
    programmers can make less mistakes, resulting in
    more secured programs.
  • Source code files (.java) are compiled into
    bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine
    (JVM), which is independent of the operating
  • Java is designed to write-once-run-anywhere.

Java Application Development
Java Source Code (.java)
Java Bytecode (.class)
Java Compiler
JVM (Windows)
JVM (Linux)
JVM (Solaris)
Java Example
  • Sample java code.

public class Hello public static void
main(String args) System.out.println("Hello
Java Framework
  • Main features of Java framework are
  • Platform independent. One should be able to write
    a code once and run it anywhere, on any platform.
    JVM itself is a native application that runs on a
    specific platform.
  • Automatic memory management. Programmers
    allocates memory for data, but JVMs garbage
    collection will collect unused objects and free
    memory to the operating system.

Java Framework
  • Java sandbox. Java differentiates between trusted
    and untrusted code and provides a restricted
    environment in which the untrusted code can run
    while giving full access to the trusted.

Java Security Infrastructure
  • Platform security.
  • Java includes built-in language security features
    that are provided by the Java compiler and
  • Cryptography.
  • Java includes a comprehensive application
    programming interface (API) with support for
    various cryptographic algorithms and services.

Java Security Infrastructure
  • Authentication and access control.
  • Java includes the abstract authentication APIs
    that can incorporate a wide range of login and
    fine-grained access control mechanisms.
  • Secure communication
  • Java includes APIs and implementations for
    standards-based secure communication protocols.

Java Platform Security
  • Java platform security features can be
    categorized into two main groups
  • Security features enforced by the compiler in the
    static state.
  • Security features that are enforced by the JVM at
    the runtime.

Java Compiler Security
  • Java compiler enforces the following language
    rules to enforce security.
  • Private data and methods can be accessed only
    from the same class.
  • Programs cannot access memory locations directly.
  • Any entity that is declared final cannot be

final int strictData 10 strictData
100 // error
Java Compiler Security
  • Variables cannot be used unless they are
  • Objects cannot be cast into other objects.

String password System.out.println(password)
// error
Integer i i new Integer(1) String s
(String)i // error
Java Virtual Machine Security
  • Java bytecode verifier security.
  • To prevent invalid or crafted bytecode to run on
    a virtual machine, bytecode verifier inside the
    JVM will check also for errors.

Java Virtual Machine Security
  • Java runtime security enforcement
  • Additional security checks are performed during
    runtime, for example checking array index bounds.
  • void exceedIndex(int arr, int n)
  • for (int i 0 i lt n i)
  • arri 0
  • Violations will result in an exception.

  • Java offers a range of security tools and
    services to develop a secured and safe program.
  • Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) provides a
    set of APIs for digital signatures, message
    digests, symmetric and asymmetric encryption and
    decryption, session key generation and
    management, and public key generation and
  • Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) extends the JCA
    API to include APIs for encryption, key exchange,
    and Message Authentication Code (MAC).

Java Cryptography Application Programming
  • Major principles of JCA
  • Implementation independence. Applications can
    request services from that platform. Thus, the
    application is dependent of the implementation

Algorithm A By Vendor P
Algorithm A By Vendor Q
Java Cryptography Application Programming
  • Implementation interoperability. Applications use
    the service though standard interface, not
    specific to a provider.

Algorithm A By Vendor P
Algorithm A By Vendor Q
Java Cryptography Application Programming
  • Algorithm extensibility. New security providers
    can be added to the existing Java platform

Algorithm A
Algorithm A
Algorithm B
Algorithm C
Message Digest
  • Hash or digest exhibit the following
  • Collision free. You cannot have two different
    inputs that generate the same output.
  • One way. Given any input message, you can
    generate a hashed output however, given any hash
    value, you cannot generate the original message.
  • Unique. Any specific input will always generate
    the same unique output all time.
  • Java supports MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384,
    SHA-512 (Sun JDK-5)

Message Digest with Java
MessageDigest md md MessageDigest.getInstance(
algorithmName) md.update(text.getBytes(), 0,
text.length()) byte digest md.digest()
Message Authentication Codes
  • A message authentication code (often MAC) is a
    short piece of information used to authenticate a
  • MAC value protects both a message's data
    integrity as well as its authenticity.
  • There are several types of MAC algorithms.
  • One way to create a MAC is by using the hashed
    message authentication code (HMAC) algorithm as
    described in RFC 2104.

Message Authentication Codes
  • MAC or HMAC is similar to message digest.
  • The difference is that you add a secret key with
    the message to create a MAC.

Message Authentication Codes
  • MAC is used between two parties to check the
    integrity of the message by verifying whether the
    content that has been transmitted between two
    parties has been altered or not.
  • Two parties share a unique secret key.
  • HMAC can be used with any cryptographic algorithm
    like MD5 or SHA-1.

HMAC with Java
// Generate secret key for HMAC-MD5 KeyGenerator
kg KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacMD5") SecretKe
y sk kg.generateKey() // Get instance of Mac
object implementing HMAC-MD5, and // initialize
it with the above secret key Mac mac
Mac.getInstance("HmacMD5") mac.init(sk) byte
result result mac.doFinal("This is the
Digital Signatures
  • Signatures ensure integrity and nonrepudiation.
  • Content has not been tampered with in transit,
    and also that it has been sent by the specified
  • You take the message and then create a MAC and
    then this MAC is signed by encrypting the MAC
    with the private key of the signer (sender),
    which produces a digital signature.
  • The signature can only be decrypted with the
    public key of the sender, it guarantees the
    identity of the sender proving non-repudiation.

  • Cryptographic ciphers are used to ensure
    confidentiality so that the meaning of the
    message cannot be derived by any adversary.
  • This is achieved through encryption and
  • Java supports many modern algorithms which can be
    used by programmers, including AES, RSA, RC4,

Key Generation
  • The strength of a cipher is more dependent on the
    size of the key and how difficult it is to get
    the key.
  • Size of the key is generally called keyspace.
  • A key generator will get a key with a large
    keyspace that is random and difficult to guess.
  • Java can generate key pair and secure random data
    for programmers.

Java Secure Sockets Extension
  • When data travels across a network, it is
    possible that it might get intercepted somewhere
    by someone who is not the intended recipient.
  • It needs to be ensured that the data has not been
    modified while in transit.
  • Protocols such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and
    Transport Layer Security (TLS) have been designed
    to handle such situations.

Java Secure Sockets Extension
  • SSL/TLS allows programs to tunnel any program
    data inside an encrypted tunnel.
  • Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) provides a
    framework for developing applications in Java
    that can use the SSL and TLS protocols.
  • Java supports both secure and non-secure sockets
    for applications.

SSL Connections with Java
// Client sslsocketfactory (SSLSocketFactory)
SSLSocketFactory.getDefault() sslsocket
("localhost", 9999)
// Server sslserversocketfactory
(SSLServerSocketFactory) SSLServerSocketFactory.
getDefault() sslserversocket
(SSLServerSocket) sslserversocketfactory.createSe
rverSocket(9999) sslsocket (SSLSocket)
Authentication and Access Control
  • Java platform provides a pluggable architecture
    for incorporating login and access control
  • Application is independent of underlying
    authentication mechanism.
  • Programmer can change the authentication
    mechanism without changing the application code.

Authentication and Access Control
  • Java achieves authentication and authorization by
    using the Java Authentication and Authorization
    Service (JAAS).
  • JAAS was an optional package before JDK 1.4.
  • In JDK 1.4 onwards it was integrated as part of
    the Java platform.

Java Sandbox
  • Java security model centers around the idea of a
  • A sandbox is a security enclosure for safely
    running computer programs.
  • Sandbox typically provides a controlled set of
    resources for guest or untrusted programs to run

Java Sandbox
  • Java sandbox is responsible for protecting a
    number of resources on your machine.
  • The users machine has access to many things such
  • It has access to its local memory (the computers
  • It has access to its file system and to other
    machines on the local network.
  • For running applets, it also has access to a Web
    server, which may be on its intranet or the
  • Data flows through this network model, from the
    users machine through the network and (possibly)
    to the disk.

Java Sandbox
  • You may give the program certain permissions but
    you would want to limit the actions that the
    running program can take on your machine.
  • Javas sandbox started with a very restrictive
  • The concept is
  • All trusted code can have access to all resources
    on the machine.
  • All untrusted code can run in a very restrictive
    environment, which is defined by the sandbox.

Java Sandbox
  • By default, local code (same machine) is
    considered trusted.
  • Code from network is run inside sandbox.

Sandbox Policy File
  • Permissions inside Java sandbox can be configured
    using policy file.
  • Policy file can control various types of
    permission, including
  • Disk access
  • Network access
  • Audio access
  • System information

grant codeBase "filejava.home/lib/ext/ "
grant permission java.util.PropertyPermiss
ion "java.version", "read" permission
java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor",
"read" permission
"user.home", "read"
Java Applets Security
  • Applets are small applications that are hosted on
    an Internet server.
  • Applets are transported over the Internet using a
    Web browser, automatically installed, and run as
    part of a Web document at the client machines.
  • Example of HTML file containing an applet.

ltapplet width300 height300 code"
Basic Applet Lifecycle
  • What browser does includes
  • reads the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page
    and finds an ltAPPLETgt tag.
  • parses the ltAPPLETgt tag to find the CODE and
    possibly CODEBASE attribute to know the location
    of the applet to be downloaded.
  • downloads the .class file for the applet from the
  • converts the raw bytes downloaded into a Java
  • instantiates the applet class to form an applet
  • starts the applet program (inside the sandbox).

What an Applet Can Do
  • Following is a list of functions that an applet
    can perform.
  • Draw pictures on a Web page.
  • Create a new window and draw in it.
  • Play sounds.
  • Receive input from the user through the keyboard
    or the mouse.
  • Make a network connection to the server from
    which it came and can send to and receive
    arbitrary data from that server.

Applet Security Policy
  • File Access Restrictions
  • No applet is allowed to access the local file
    system in any way, not even in a read-only mode.
  • Otherwise someone could implant an invisible
    applet on their Web page and they could snoop
    your hard drive and copy files from it.
  • You may be allowed to read and write files if
    your applets loaded from the local file system
    using a URL of type file.

Applet Security Policy
  • Network Restrictions
  • The general concept of network security is that
    applets can only make network connections back to
    the Web server from which they were downloaded.
  • An applet is not allowed to listen for incoming
    socket connections, nor can it listen for
    datagrams from anywhere but its home server.
  • It also can only send datagrams back to its home
    server from which it has been downloaded.

Applet Security Policy
  • Other restrictions
  • A local applet may read and write the system
  • System properties like information about the
    local machine, which could include the host name
    and IP address, are not accessible to an applet.
  • An applet is not allowed to call native methods.
  • Applets cannot execute commands on the local
    system using the Runtime.exec method.

Signed Applets
  • A signed applet can access local system resources
    as allowed by the local systems security policy.
  • You define the rights of the applet by specifying
    in the policy file how much access to local
    system resources this signed applet or
    application can have.
  • If your applet requires access to local system
    resources, the applet must be signed with a valid
    certificate, and the local system must have a
    policy file configured to allow the access.

  • Java Client Side Security, Chapter 6.
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