Women%20in%20Science:%20the%20European%20Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Women in Science: the European Policy European Commission Research DG Luisa Prista, Head of Unit Unit L.4 - Scientific culture and gender issues – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Women%20in%20Science:%20the%20European%20Policy

Women in Science the European Policy
European Commission Research DG Luisa Prista,
Head of Unit Unit L.4 - Scientific culture and
gender issues luisa.prista_at_ec.europa.eu
  • Born September 5, 1950 Galway, Ireland
  • 1970 1975 Teacher
  • From 1975 to 1997 various political positions in
    Ireland(Irish Parliament, Minister of State for
    Commerce, Minister for the Gaeltacht, Minister of
    State for Education, Minister for European
    Affairs, Minister for Tourism, Transport and
    Communications, Minister for Justice)
  • 1997 - 2000 Columnist with The Irish Times
    newspaper TV presenter Part-time business
    consultant Non-executive director Aer Lingus
    Non-executive director Ryan Hotels
  • From March 2000-2010 Member of the European
    Court of Auditors
  • http//ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/geoghegan

Key SiS messages by the Commissioner
  • The research workplace needs to evolve to empower
    more women to play their full part in science
  • Research DGs exemplary, working conditions and
    status, specific communication campaign targeting
    young girls
  • We also need to address the increasing disconnect
    between science and society
  • Society must be familiar and at ease with the
    science underpinning its progress, functioning
    and survival
  • Communicating the benefits and outcomes of
    research to the public will be critical to public
    support for Research
  • Science must belong in Society

Commissioner Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN at EP
  1. Commission, DG RTD to leads by example . (40
    target, gender mainstream)
  2. Push modernisation of managing research in
    Europe( include gender management )
  3. Awareness and Communication ( citizens, young
    people )
  4. Take stock of existing knowledge (incl industry),
    set instruments and specific polices to achieve
    the set targets

  • EUROPE 2020
  • 3 Priorities
  • 5 Targets
  • 7 Flagship initiatives

Europe 2020 PRIORITIES
  • EU 2020 sets out a vision of Europe's social
    market economy for the 21st century.
  • Three mutually reinforcing priorities
  • Smart growth developing an economy based on
    knowledge and innovation.
  • Sustainable growth promoting a more resource
    efficient, greener and more competitive economy.
  • Inclusive growth fostering a high-employment
    economy delivering social and territorial

Europe 2020 TARGETS
By 2020 1 -75 employment rate ( of
population aged 20-64 years) 2 - 3
investment in RD ( of EUs GDP). and an
innovation indicator 3 - 20/20/20
climate/energy targets met (incl. 30
emissions reduction if conditions are right) 4 -
lt 10 early school leavers min. 40 hold
tertiary degree 5 - 20 million less people
should be at risk of poverty
the EU 2020 AGENDAFlagship Initiatives
  1.  Innovation Union
  2. Youth on the move
  3. A digital agenda for Europe
  4. Resource efficient Europe
  5. An industrial policy for the globalisation era
  6. An agenda for new skills and jobs
  7. European platform against poverty

Flagship InitiativeInnovation Union
My job, in short, is to work with the Member
States, business and other stakeholders to
transform Europe into a really vibrant innovation
economy, what I call an "i-conomy. Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn, Research, Innovation Science
Flagship InitiativeInnovation Union
"i-conomy. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Research,
Innovation Science Commissioner 17/06/2010
1000 - 1100 "Innovation Union!" Your chance
to debate with Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn live
ARTICULATION Research and Innovation Plan, ERA
communication FP8
Europe 2020
Financial Perspectives 2014-2020
Research Innovation Plan
Communication ERA
8ème Framework Programe (et CIP?)
Legislative Action and others
Timetable Research and Innovation Plan, ERA
  • - Financial Perspectives 2014-2020
  • April 2011 Adoption by COM
  • - Research and Innovation Plan
  • September 2010 Adoption BY COM
  • - ERA communication
  • December 2010 Submission of draft Impact
    Assessment (IA) report and executive summary to
    IA board
  • Juin 2011 Adoption BY COM
  • - FP8
  • October 2010 Interim evaluation FP7
  • April 2011 Adoption of orientation document FP8
    by COM
  • July 2011 Draft FP8 proposals and ex-ante impact
  • January 2012 Adoption Formal Proposals FP8 (incl
    Specific Programs, Participation Rules) by COM

Structural Change projects
  • PRAGES - collecting, classifying and evaluating
    good practices in OECD countries, at the national
    level and at the level of the individual
    institutions, and making them available to
    decision-makers and other stakeholders
  • GENDERA raises awareness collects, systemises
    and analyses existing policies / programmes to
    identify best practices to ensure that women get
    higher positions in research decision-making
  • DIVERSITY - supports greater inclusiveness of
    women scientists in materials research
    organisations surveyed 300 institutions from
    over 11 countries. Research institutions
    participating in the project will later build
    their own profile on the basis of the principles
    of the European Charter for Researchers. Hot
    themes recruitment, promotion and nomination.
  • GEN-SET - develops practical ways in which gender
    knowledge and gender mainstreaming expertise can
    be incorporated within European science
    institutions in order to improve individual and
    collective capacity for action to increase
    womens participation in science. 
  • WHIST - networking, awareness-raising, piloting
    and knowledge transfer among scientific
    organisations and with decision-makers. aims to
    obtain commitment of MS in the promotion of women
    in RTD increase the capacity of ST
    institutions in monitoring, managing and feeding
    gender diversity in their organisation
    contribute to the implementation of the European
    Charter for Researchers Code of Conduct
  • 2 to be negotiated following 2010 call (contracts
    might start at the beginning of 2011)

Roadmap WiS
  • At project level we continue with the structural
    change approach.
  • Women in FP, we want to increase efforts to
    monitor the 40 target.
  • A special extra effort in 2011 will be put into
    gender mainstreaming with FP, an area of work
    that we haven't fully exploited yet.
  • Following the institutional wave, we want to go
    ahead with an expert group on innovation through
    gender in research, and learn more about the
    potential of this area too.
  • Policy gt looking at existing practices of
    negotiation of collective labour agreements at MS
    level and how to encourage best practice exchange
    among MS and social partners in this sense
    explanatory opinion with EESC
  • Starting from end 2010, wide Awareness and
    Communication Campaign
  • All of this in addition to business as usual, eg
    flagship projects, She Figures 2012 WIST 2 and
    the cooperation with Mediterranean countries.

Partnership MS-EUCouncil, EU Parliament,
  • ERA governance should strengthen the role of the
    Council strategic steering, orientation
    debates, presidency trios
  • Involvement of EP to be further developed
    currently not actively associated in the
    Ljubljana Process - ITRE
  • The Commission must fully exercise its role as
    set in the Treaties MS-EU as equal partners
  • a stronger strategic and steering role by the
    Council in the governance of ERA is needed
  • Orientation debates could be envisaged on overall
    progress and strategic development of ERA in
  • Important facilitating and planning role of
    Presidency Trios
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