Title: Introduction to Earth History
1 Lecture 2 Introduction to Earth History
2 Outline
I Components of Geology A) Physical
Geology B) Historical Geology II Founders of
A) James Ussher B) Nicolaus
Steno 1) Superposition 2) Original
Horizontality 3) Original Lateral
Continuity C) John Strachey D) Giovanni
Arduino E) Abraham Gottlob Werner F) James
Hutton 1) Plutonism 2) Uniformitarianism
3) Hutton's Corollaries to Superposition a) Cr
oss-Cutting Relationships b) Inclusion G) Wi
lliam Smith H) Charles Lyell I) Charles
3 Geological Science
the study of the planet Earth - the materials of
which it is made, the processes that act on these
materials, the products formed, and the history
of the planet and its life forms since its origin.
physical geology
a broad division of geology that concerns itself
with the processes and forces involved in the
inorganic evolution of the Earth and morphology,
and with its constituent minerals, rocks, magmas,
and core materials.
historical geology
a major branch of geology that is concerned with
the evolution of the Earth and its life forms
from its origins to the present day.
4 Catastrophism
the doctrine that sudden violent, short-lived,
more or less worldwide events outside our present
experience or knowledge have greatly modified
the Earth's crust accounting for its present
configuration as well as for the observed
distribution of life forms.
James Ussher (1581-1656)
5 Founders of Historical Geology Nicolaus Steno
- fossil descriptions
- first stratigrapher
- Steno's Laws
- Superposition
- Original Horizontality
- Original Lateral Continuity
6 Steno's Laws Superposition
7 Steno's Laws Original Horizontality
8 Steno's Laws Original Lateral Continuity
9 Founders of Historical Geology John Strachey
- local stratigraphy of English coal beds
- described first angular unconformity
an unconformity in which younger sediments rest
upon the eroded surface of tilted or folded
older rocks.
10 Founders of Historical Geology Giovanni Arduino
- founder of stratigraphy
- Italian mines specialist
11 Founders of Historical Geology Abraham Gottlob
Werner (1749-1817)
- mining inspector and teacher
- first to systematically classify minerals
Woodward (1733)
the theory that the rocks of the Earth's crust
all consist of material deposited from, or
crystallized out of, water.
12 Founders of Historical Geology Georges Leopold
Cuvier (1769-1832)
- founder of vertebrate paleontology
- scientific catastrophism
13 Founders of Historical Geology William Smith
14 Principle of Faunal Succession
- Life on Earth has evolved through time.
- Therefore,
- Like assemblages of fossils are of like age, and,
- The rocks containing them are of like age
15 Founders of Historical Geology James Hutton
- dynamic/cyclic concept of Earth history (rock
cycle) - plutonism
- deep time
- uniformitarianism
- recognized significance of unconformities
- corollaries to superposition
16 Hutton's Rock Cycle
17 Plutonism
the concept of the formation of the Earth by
solidification of a molten mass.
Kircher (1655)
18 Deep Time
19 Uniformitarianism
the fundamental principle that geological
processes and natural laws now operating to
modify the Earth's crust have acted in much the
same manner and with essentially the same
intensity throughout geologic time, and that
past geologic events can be explained by forces
observable today "The present is the key to the
past." James Hutton (1726-1797)
20 Hutton's Unconformities
21 Hutton's Corollaries Cross-cutting Relationships
22 Hutton's Corollaries Inclusions
23 Founders of Historical Geology Charles Lyell
- first geologic time scale
- relative time
24 Founders of Historical Geology Charles Darwin
- Evolution of Species through Natural Selection
25 Components of Historical Geology
- geochronology
- paleoclimatology
- sea level
- stratigraphy
- plate tectonic movements
- paleontology
26 General Patterns in Earth History
27 General Patterns in Earth History Heat Flow
- Heat production 4 billion years ago was 4 to 6
times as great as it is now
28 General Patterns in Earth History Major Trends
29 General Patterns in Earth History Atmospheric
30 General Patterns in Earth History The History of
31 General Patterns in Earth History Biodiversity in
Earth History
Range of Global Biodiversity
32 General Patterns in Earth History Paleogeography
600 million years ago
300 million years ago
450 million years ago
33 General Patterns in Earth History Climate
34 General Patterns in Earth History Sea Level
35 General Patterns in Earth History Summary