Title: IMM Publikationsdatabase
1Learning latent structure in complex
networks Morten Mørup and Lars Kai
Hansen Cognitive Systems, DTU Informatics, Denmark
How does model flexibility affect identification
of latent structure?
Does latent structure (community detection)
modeling assist link prediction compared to
heuristic or non-parametric scoring methods?
To take degree distribution into account in the
latent modeling we propose the Link Density model
(LD) - an extension of the Mixed Membership
Stochastic Block Model (Airoldi et al, 2008).
2- Most community detection approaches can be posed
as a standard continuous optimization problem of
what we define as the generalized Hamiltonian for
graph clustering (GHGC)
We evaluated a variety of community detection
approaches and non-parametric methods in terms of
their ability to predict links (AUC score) on 3
synthetic and 11 benchmark complex networks
Community detection approach better than all
non-parametric methods
Non-parametric method better than all community
detection approaches
Proposed LD model best performing community
detection approach
We look very much forward to discuss these