Title: NATS 101 - 06 Lecture 2 Density, Pressure
1NATS 101 - 06Lecture 2Density, Pressure
TemperatureClimate and Weather
2Two Important Concepts
- Lets introduce two new concepts...
- Density
- Pressure
3What is Density?
- Density (?) Mass (M) per unit Volume (V)
- ? M/V
- ? Greek letter rho
- Typical Units kg/m3, gm/cm3
- Mass
- molecules (mole) ? molecular mass (gm/mole)
- Avogadro number (6.023x1023 molecules/mole)
4Density Change
- Density (?) changes by altering either
- a) molecules in a constant volume
- b) volume occupied by the same molecules
5What is Pressure?
- Pressure (p) Force (F) per unit Area (A)
- Typical Units pounds per square inch (psi),
millibars (mb), inches Hg - Average pressure at sea-level
- 14.7 psi
- 1013 mb
- 29.92 in. Hg
- Can be thought of as weight of air above you.
- (Note that pressure acts in all directions!)
- So as elevation increases, pressure decreases.
Higher elevation Less air above Lower
pressure Lower elevation More air above Higher
7Density and Pressure Variation
- Key Points
- Both decrease rapidly with height
- Air is compressible, i.e. its density varies
Ahrens, Fig. 1.5
8Why rapid change with height?
- Consider a spring with 10 kg bricks on top of it
- The spring compresses a little more with each
addition of a brick. The spring is compressible.
9Why rapid change with height?
- Now consider several 10 kg springs piled on top
of each other. - Topmost spring compresses the least!
- Bottom spring compresses the most!
- The total mass above you decreases rapidly
? mass
? mass
? mass
? mass
10Why rapid change with height?
- Finally, consider piled-up parcels of air, each
with the same molecules. - The bottom parcel is squished the most.
- Its density is the highest.
- Density decreases most rapidly at bottom.
11Why rapid change with height?
- Each parcel has the same mass (i.e. same number
of molecules), so the height of a parcel
represents the same change in pressure ?p. - Thus, pressure must decrease most rapidly near
the bottom.
12A Thinning Atmosphere
Lower density, Gradual drop Higher
density Rapid decrease
NASA photo gallery
13Pressure Decreases Exponentially with Height
- Logarithmic Decrease
- For each 16 km increase in altitude, pressure
drops by factor of 10. - 48 km - 1 mb 32 km - 10 mb 16 km - 100
mb 0 km - 1000 mb
1 mb
48 km
10 mb
32 km
100 mb
16 km
Ahrens, Fig. 1.5
14Exponential Variation
- Logarithmic Decrease
- For each 5.5 km height increase, pressure drops
by factor of 2. - 16.5 km - 125 mb 11 km - 250 mb 5.5 km - 500
mb 0 km - 1000 mb
15Water versus Air
- Pressure variation in water acts more like
bricks, close to incompressible, instead of like
Air Lower density, Gradual drop Higher
density Rapid decrease
Water Constant drop Constant drop
16Equation for Pressure Variation
- We can Quantify Pressure Change with Height
17What is Pressure at 2.8 km?(Summit of Mt. Lemmon)
- Use Equation for Pressure Change
18What is Pressure at Tucson?
- Use Equation for Pressure Change
- Lets get cocky
- How about Denver? Z1,600 m
- How about Mt. Everest? Z8,700 m
- You try these examples at home for practice
19Temperature (T) Profile
- More complex than pressure or density
- Layers based on the Environmental Lapse Rate
(ELR), the rate at which temperature decreases
with height.
Ahrens, Fig. 1.7
20Higher Atmosphere
- Molecular Composition
- Homosphere- gases are well mixed. Below 80 km.
Emphasis of Course. - Heterosphere- gases separate by molecular weight,
with heaviest near bottom. Lighter gases (H, He)
Ahrens, Fig. 1.8
21Atmospheric Layers Essentials
- Thermosphere-above 85 km
- Temps warm w/height
- Gases settle by molecular weight (Heterosphere)
- Mesosphere-50 to 85 km
- Temps cool w/height
- Stratosphere-10 to 50 km
- Temps warm w/height, very dry
- Troposphere-0 to 10 km (to the nearest 5 km)
- Temps cool with height
- Contains all H2O vapor, weather of public
- Many gases make up air
- N2 and O2 account for 99
- Trace gases CO2, H2O, O3, etc.
- Some are very importantmore later
- Pressure and Density
- Decrease rapidly with height
- Temperature
- Complex vertical structure
23Climate and Weather
- Climate is what you expect.
- Weather is what you get.
- -Robert A. Heinlein
- Weather The state of the atmosphere
- for a specific place
- at a particular time
- Weather Elements
- 1) Temperature
- 2) Pressure
- 3) Humidity
- 4) Wind
- 5) Visibility
- 6) Clouds
- 7) Significant Weather
25Surface Station Model
Responsible for boxed parameters
- Temperatures
- Plotted ?F in U.S.
- Sea Level Pressure
- Leading 10 or 9 is not plotted
- Examples
- 1013.8 plotted as 138
- 998.7 plotted as 987
- 1036.0 plotted as 360
Ahrens, p 431
26Sky Cover and Weather Symbols
Ahrens, p 431
Ahrens, p 431
27Pressure Tendency
- Change in pressure over the past 3 hours is also
plotted. - Also called barometric tendency
Ahrens, p 432
28Wind Barbs
- Direction
- Wind is going towards
- Westerly ? from the West
- Speed (accumulated)
- Each flag is 50 knots
- Each full barb is 10 knots
- Each half barb is 5 knots
65 kts from west
Ahrens, p 432
29SLP pressure
temperature dew point
cloud cover
Ohio State website
30Practice Surface Station
- Temperate (oF)
- Pressure (mb) Last Three Digits (tens, ones,
tenths) - Dew Point (later) Moisture
- Wind Barb Direction and Speed
- Cloud Cover Tenths total coverage
31Practice Surface Station
- Sea Level Pressure
- Leading 10 or 9 is not plotted
- Examples
- 1013.8 plotted as 138
- 998.7 plotted as 987
- 1036.0 plotted as 360
32Surface Map Symbols
- Fronts
- Mark the boundary between different air
masseslater -
- Significant weather occurs near fronts
- Current US Map
Ahrens, p 432
33(No Transcript)