Title: ERIAFF Network
1The ERIAFF Network European Regions for
Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry
2ERIAFF main objectives
To improve the performance of the EIP network
itself by acting as facilitators of information
flow and links between stakeholders across their
territories as well as across the European Union
To develop interregional Operational Groups which
are already linked by common priorities and goals
3The ERIAFF Regions are committed to
Allocate a high level of resources on Rural
Development measures linked with innovative
actions, allowing the best take up from the work
of the Operational Groups
Select common innovation priorities and act as
promoters of close collaborations among their
Operational Groups and other Regional Stakeholders
Promote and support an European Research
Infrastructure for Sustainable Agriculture in a
Changing Environment (SACE), which was submitted
as a proposal during the European Commission
consultation of October 2012
4ERIAFF requests
- To be involved in the EIP Implementation Plan and
in the process of priorities selection and
activity deployment. Regions tend to have a deep
involvement in different EIP tools (Focus Groups,
Seminars, Experts, etc.). - Regions are also asking for strong support by the
Commission in shaping simple and clear
administrative and financial rules for maximising
the expenditure in research and innovation by
combining different funding sources (Structural,
National and Regional Funds). - Non-technological and social innovations should
be considered important aspects of the future
actions of the EIP.
5ERIAFF requests
- EIP initiatives should take into account the
different farm size across EU territories, that
is, the farm size shouldnt be considered as the
only indicator of quality. - Regions wishes to understand in practical terms
the overall ability of the EIP to influence the
future work programmes of the Research Framework
Programme. - Which technical and financial rules the
Commission intends to activate to translate into
action the desired coordination/integration among
Structural, Cohesion and Research funds through
the integrated operations, as they are proposed
by the Commission itself and confirmed by the EU
Council on last 8 February.
6EIP and ERIAFF proposed innovation areas
- Proposed EIP Innovation areas
- Increased agricultural productivity, output, and
resource efficiency - Innovation in support of the bio-based economy
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, and soil
functionality - Innovative products and services for the
integrated supply chain - Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
- COM(2012) 79
- Proposed ERIAFF Innovation areas
- Promoting innovative techniques Precision
farming and technologies for the mitigation and
adaptation to Climate Changes, with particular
attention to (a) the efficient use of energy,
water and genetic resources and (b) the
development of innovative methods to fight
against new pests and diseases - Efficient use of water resources
- Energy transition to renewable energies,
efficient use of energy and energy independence
of operations - Control of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock
and crops - Tackling new plant pathologies and diseases
7EIP and ERIAFF proposed innovation areas
- Proposed EIP Innovation areas
- Increased agricultural productivity, output, and
resource efficiency - Innovation in support of the bio-based economy
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, and soil
functionality - Innovative products and services for the
integrated supply chain - Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
- COM(2012) 79
- Proposed ERIAFF Innovation areas
- Making farm and forestry management practices
more environmentally and socially sustainable - Promotion of new production systems
- Development of ICT systems
- Development of robotics and/or co-botics (man and
machine) - Development of Social Innovation in Rural Areas
- Decreasing the environmental footprint of food
industry - Development of sustainable agricultural high-tech
8EIP and ERIAFF proposed innovation areas
- Proposed EIP Innovation areas
- Increased agricultural productivity, output, and
resource efficiency - Innovation in support of the bio-based economy
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, and soil
functionality - Innovative products and services for the
integrated supply chain - Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
- COM(2012) 79
- Proposed ERIAFF Innovation areas
- Restructuring of territorial management and
organization in rural areas, assuring a better
integration with territorial and metropolitan
planning - Management of farming systems on a territorial
basis for the conservation of soil, water,
landscapes and biodiversity (putting different
players around the table) - Improvement of rural landscape and biodiversity
9EIP and ERIAFF proposed innovation areas
- Proposed EIP Innovation areas
- Increased agricultural productivity, output, and
resource efficiency - Innovation in support of the bio-based economy
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, and soil
functionality - Innovative products and services for the
integrated supply chain - Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
- COM(2012) 79
- Proposed ERIAFF Innovation areas
- Strengthening the role of farmers (and their
cooperatives) in the agro-food production chain
through the development of new organizational
and managerial systems, the improvement of the
logistic and the creation of new services to
farms and food operators - Short market systems / farmers' markets
- Innovative managerial cooperation solutions for
the creation of competitive structures in
agricultural production - Logistic operations
- Improve feed self-sufficiency of farms
- Shaping and translating into practice new
approaches towards productivity, competitiveness
and diversification - Restructuring the production chains for the
improvement of contract managementand the
distribution of value added
10EIP and ERIAFF proposed innovation areas
- Proposed EIP Innovation areas
- Increased agricultural productivity, output, and
resource efficiency - Innovation in support of the bio-based economy
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, and soil
functionality - Innovative products and services for the
integrated supply chain - Food quality, food safety and healthy lifestyles
- COM(2012) 79
- Proposed ERIAFF Innovation areas
- Improving the quality of foods (better
nutritional and ecological profile) and food
safety - Genetic profiling and breeding (excluding
transgenic technologies) and food traceability
for the agro-food quality systems - Optimization of technical processes
- Development of innovative diets and products
- Control of the use of chemical inputs
- Nutrition education in the population and raising
awareness of healthy and safe food in society