Title: Spanish Level 1
1Spanish Level 1
1. Greetings Build into daily routines starting
with Hola and Adiós and then gradually adding in
more vocabulary as learners progress. Hola!
Hello Hola todos! Hello all Buenos
dias señorita/señora! Hello Miss Buenos dias
señor! Hello Sir Hola! Hi Hagamos la
lista We will take the register A
dormir! Go to sleep Buenas noches!
Goodnight Adiós!
3Hola todos!
4Buenos días señorita/señora!
5Buenos dias señor!
7Hacemos la lista!
9Hasta mañana!
10Buen fin de semana!
11A dormir!
12Buenas noches!
13Embedding the language
- Using the greetings as part of everyday routine
in class e.g. Hola! at the start of everyday,
adios! at the end of the day and Buen fin de
semana! on a Friday at the end of the school day! - Do the register in Spanish each morning teacher
says, Hacemos la lista and pupils respond with
hola. - Use a Buenos días song and/or an Adiós song at
the start and end of each day.
14Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which
you can use to practise the vocabulary in the
classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of
activities and you can use or adapt them to suit
the needs of your class.
15Hola! y Adiós!
- Pupils walk around the class whilst some Spanish
music plays. As they walk around, they should
greet each other saying Hola! - Teacher then plays more lively music and everyone
skips and mimes wearing a backpack and waving to
each other and saying adiós! to each other. - Music gets even livelier and pupils now dance
about saying Buen fin de semana! - Lastly the music is sad and they pretend to cry
and look sad, waving each other goodbye saying
16Escuchad la música
decid hola...
Y hola moviendo la mano!
17Escuchad la música
decid adiós...
y adiós moviendo la mano!
18Escuchad la música
decid buen fin de semana...
Y adiós moviendo la mano!
19Escuchad la música
decid adiós...
Y adiós moviendo la mano!
20Songs and videos!
You will find a bank of sample songs and videos
which you can use to practise the vocabulary in
the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list
of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit
the needs of your class. You will find a set of
more supported activities in Early Feelings and
more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings.
21Hola!, Qué tal? song
22Buenos días todo el mundo!
23Adiós! song lyrics
- El día ha terminado! The day is finished
- Es el momento de decir, Its time to say to
you - gracias y hasta la próxima Thanks, see you
next time! -
- El día ha terminado! The day is finished
- Es el momento de decir, Its time to say to
you - Gracias y hasta mañana! Thanks, see you
tomorrow! -
- El día ha terminado! The day is finished!
- Es el momento de decir, Its time to say to
you - gracias y hasta pronto! Thanks, see you soon!
- El día ha terminado! The day is finished!
- Es el momento de decir, Its time to say to
you! - gracias y adiós! Thanks, goodbye!
24Adiós song ?
25Adiós! song lyrics
- Adiós, adiós Goodbye, goodbye
- Lo hemos pasado bien Weve had lots of fun
- Adiós, adiós Goodbye, goodbye
- Hemos cantado We sang well
- Adiós, adiós Goodbye, goodbye
- Lo hemos pasado bien Weve had lots of fun
- Adiós, adiós Goodbye, goodbye
- Canatamos bien We sang well
- Adiós, María Goodbye María
- Adiós, José Goodbye José
- Adiós, Paco Goodbye Paco
- Cantaremos de nuevo We will sing again soon
- Adiós, Antonio Goodbye Antonio
- Adiós, chicos Goodbye children
- Adiós, señorita Goodbye Madame
- Estamos felices! We are very happy!
- Se acaba el día, The day is over
- Es hora de decir adiós Its time for goodbye
26Adiós song ?