Title: Progress towards Finding Stable Scaling Intensity Parameter
1Progress towards Finding Stable Scaling Intensity
- IDA analyses were applied to 6-story building for
more than 25 near fault fling and forward
directivity recordings. - The height wise distributions of various response
parameters (close to non-convergence) were
compared between different intensity scaled
recordings. - Three different deformed modes were
distinguished - Dominant first mode
- Moderate higher mode
- Dominant higher mode
2 A suite of arbitrarily scaled records in IDA
were identified which yields almost exactly the
same response characteristics throughout the
building. In this way, three sets of records
were detected in the dominant first mode,
moderate higher mode and dominant higher mode
response groups. Note that each record was
scaled to different intensity. The aim of this
exercise is to establish a controlled numerical
experiment. More like an inverse problem, and
objective is to find the common parameters
between small group of records.
3 Dominant First Mode
4 Moderate Higher Mode
5 Dominant Higher Mode