Aristotle: Politics Bk. 5 [1] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aristotle: Politics Bk. 5 [1]


Aristotle: Politics Bk. 5 [*] Book V: Revolution and Preservation Assume as our starting point: an acknowledgement of justice and proportionate equality ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aristotle: Politics Bk. 5 [1]

Aristotle Politics Bk. 5 1
  • Book V Revolution and Preservation
  • Assume as our starting point an acknowledgement
    of justice and proportionate equality though
    rarely attained
  • Democracy says any who are equal in any respect
    are equal in all respects because men are
    equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.
  • All have a kind of justice, but, tried by an
    absolute standard, they are faulty
  • therefore, whenever their share in the government
    does not accord with their preconceived ideas,
    stir up revolution.
  • That a state should be ordered, simply and
    wholly, according to either kind of equality, is
    not a good thing
  • the proof is the fact that such forms of
    government never last. ...

Aristotle Politics.5 2
  • democracy appears to be safer and less liable to
    revolution than oligarchy
  • For in oligarchies the oligarchs are always
    falling out among themselves and also with the
  • but in democracies there is only the danger of a
    quarrel with the oligarchs. No dissension worth
    mentioning arises among the people themselves.
  • Q is this so??
  • And we may further remark that a government which
    is composed of the middle class more nearly
    approximates to democracy than to oligarchy, and
    is the safest of the imperfect forms of
  • The universal and chief cause of this
    revolutionary feeling the desire of equality,
    when men think that they are equal to others who
    have more
  • also insolence, fear, contempt, carelessness,

Aristotle Politics.5 3
  • How Revolutions are effected
  • two main ways by (a) force and by (b) fraud
  • (a) Force may be applied either at the time of
    making the revolution or afterwards.
  • (b) Fraud is of two kinds for
  • (1) sometimes the citizens are deceived into
    acquiescing in a change of government, and
    afterwards they are held in subjection against
    their will. ...
  • (2) In other cases the people are persuaded at
    first, and afterwards, by a repetition of the
    persuasion, their goodwill and allegiance are
  • re (2) how can this be fraud? Can we fool all
    of the people all the time
  • The revolutions which effect constitutions
    generally spring from the above-mentioned causes.

Aristotle Politics.5 4
  • A. discusses revolutions in each form democracy,
    oligarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional
  • 1. Revolutions in Democracies
  • caused by the intemperance of demagogues
  • who lay information against rich men until they
    compel them to combine (for a common danger
    unites even the bitterest enemies)
  • or come forward in public to stir up the people
    against them
  • Where there is a popular election of the
    magistrates and no property qualification, the
    aspirants for office get hold of the people, and
    contrive at last even to set them above the laws.
  • A more or less complete cure for this state of
    things is for the separate tribes, and not the
    whole people, to elect the magistrates.
  • Federalism!
  • Is that a comment on constituency systems vs.

Aristotle Politics.5 5
  • 2. Revolutions in Oligarchies
  • (1) First, when the oligarchs oppress the people,
    for then anybody is good enough to be their
    champion ...
  • (2) .. personal rivalry of the oligarchs leads
    them to play the demagogue. ...
  • (3) oligarchs waste their property by
    extravagence - then they make themselves tyrants
  • (4) another oligarchy is created within the
    original one - when the whole governing body is
    small, but not all share in the highest offices
  • (5) in war not trusting the people, they hire
  • (6) in peace mutual distrust impels parties to
    hand over the defense of the state, and
    arbitration, to the army, who become master of

Aristotle Politics.5 6
  • 3. Revolutions in Aristocracies
  • when only a few share in the honors of the state
  • when the mass of the people have a notion that
    they are as good as their rulers
  • or some great individual wants to be greater or
    rule alone..

Aristotle Politics.5 7
  • 4. Revolutions in Constitutional governments
  • Constitutional governments and aristocracies are
    commonly overthrown owing to some deviation from
    justice in the constitution itself
  • the cause of the downfall is, in the former, the
    ill-mingling of the two elements, democracy and
  • in the latter, of the three elements, democracy,
    oligarchy, and virtue, but especially democracy
    and oligarchy.
  • For to combine these is the endeavor of
    constitutional governments
  • ... The only stable principle of government is
    equality according to proportion, and for every
    man to enjoy his own. ...

Aristotle Politics.5 8
  • Preserving constitutions
  • knowing what destroys them should enable us to
    know how to fix it
  • In all well-tempered governments there is
    nothing which should be more jealously maintained
    than the spirit of obedience to law, more
    especially in small matters
  • bit by bit, they add up to destabilization
  • cf. the broken window theorem...
  • (1) men should guard against the beginning of
  • (2) they should not rely upon the political
    devices of which I have already spoken invented
    only to deceive the people, for they are proved
    by experience to be useless.
  • (3) prevent the wealthy citizens, even if they
    are willing, from undertaking expensive and
    useless public services - choruses, torch-races,
    and the like RIM park...

Aristotle Politics.5 9
  • Preserving constitutions
  • (4) oligarchies great care should be taken of
    the poor - lucrative offices should go to them
    if any of the wealthy classes insult them, the
    offender should be punished more severely than if
    he had wronged one of his own class.
  • (5) Provision should be made that estates pass by
    inheritance and not by gift, and no person should
    have more than one inheritance - in this way
    properties will be equalized, and more of the
    poor rise to competency. ?
  • both in a democracy and in an oligarchy assign
    to those who have less share in the government,
    an equality or preference in all but the
    principal offices of state. The latter should be
    entrusted chiefly or only to members of the
    governing class.

Aristotle Politics.5 10
  • Preserving constitutions - polities
  • There are three qualifications required for the
    highest offices-
  • (1) first of all, loyalty to the established
  • (2) the greatest administrative capacity
  • (3) virtue and justice of the kind proper to each
    form of government -- for, if
    what is just is not the same in all governments,
    the quality of justice must also differ.

Aristotle Politics.5 11
  • Preserving constitutions - Monarchies
  • The idea of a king is to be a protector
  • - of the rich against unjust treatment,
  • - of the people against insult and
  • Whereas a tyrant has no regard to any public
    interest, except as conducive to his private
    ends his aim is pleasure, the aim of a king,
  • the beginnings of change in monarchies same as
    in constitutional government subjects attack
    their sovereigns out of fear or contempt,
  • or because they have been unjustly treated by
  • And of injustice, the most common form is insult,
    another is confiscation of property. ..
  • Any sort of insult (and there are many) may stir
    up anger, and when men are angry, they commonly
    act out of revenge, and not from ambition. ..
  • Hatred of tyrants is inevitable, and contempt is
    also a frequent cause of their destruction.

Aristotle Politics.5 12
  • Preserving constitutions - Monarchies continued
  • (1) royalty is preserved by the limitation of
    its powers. The more restricted the functions of
    kings, the longer their power will last
  • e.g. Great Britain
  • (2) tyrannies are preserved in two most opposite
  • (a) the old traditional method
  • viz., that the tyrant should lop off those who
    are too high
  • he must put to death men of spirit
  • he must not allow common meals, clubs, education,
    and the like
  • he must be upon his guard against anything which
    is likely to inspire either courage or confidence
    among his subjects
  • he must prohibit literary assemblies or other
    meetings for discussion, and
  • he must take every means to prevent people from
    knowing one another (for acquaintance begets
    mutual confidence).

Aristotle Politics.5 13
  • Further, he must compel all persons staying in
    the city to appear in public and live at his
    gates then he will know what they are doing if
    they are always kept under, they will learn to be
  • A tyrant should also endeavor to know what each
    of his subjects says or does, and should employ
    spies, - for the fear of informers prevents
    people from speaking their minds, and if they do,
    they are more easily found out.
  • In short, he should practice these and the like
    Persian and barbaric arts, which all have the
    same object.
  • our question what about this should??

Aristotle Politics.5 14
  • Preserving constitutions - Tyrannies
  • (second method) Another art of the tyrant is to
    sow quarrels among the citizens
  • friends should be embroiled with friends, the
    people with the notables, and the rich with one
  • Also he should impoverish his subjects he thus
    provides against the maintenance of a guard by
    the citizen and the people, having to keep hard
    at work, are prevented from conspiring. ...
  • Another practice of tyrants is to multiply taxes
  • ... The tyrant is also fond of making war in
    order that his subjects may have something to do
    and be always in want of a leader.
  • And whereas the power of a king is preserved by
    his friends, the characteristic of a tyrant is to
    distrust his friends, because he knows that all
    men want to overthrow him, and they above all
    have the power.

Aristotle Politics.5 15
  • Preserving constitutions - Tyrannies
  • the evil practices of the last and worst form of
    democracy are all found in tyrannies. ...
  • It is characteristic of a tyrant to
  • (1) dislike every one who has dignity or
    independence he wants to be alone in his glory,
  • any one who claims a like dignity or asserts his
    independence encroaches upon his prerogative, and
    is hated by him as an enemy to his power.
  • (2) Another mark of a tyrant is that he likes
    foreigners better than citizens, and lives with
    them and invites them to his table for the one
    are enemies, but the Others enter into no rivalry
    with him.
  • Such are the notes of the tyrant and the arts by
    which he preserves his power there is no
    wickedness too great for him.

Aristotle Politics.5 16
  • Preserving constitutions - Tyrannies
  • All that we have said may be summed up under
    three heads, which answer to the three aims of
    the tyrant. These are,
  • (1) the humiliation of his subjects he knows
    that a mean-spirited man will not conspire
    against anybody
  • (2) the creation of mistrust among them for a
    tyrant is not overthrown until men begin to have
    confidence in one another ...
  • (3) the tyrant desires that his subjects shall be
    incapable of action, for no one attempts what is
    impossible, and they will not attempt to
    overthrow a tyranny, if they are powerless.

Aristotle Politics.5 17
  • Preserving constitutions - Tyrannies
  • what should be the general policy of the tyrant
    is obvious.
  • He ought to show himself to his subjects in the
    light, not of a tyrant, but of a steward and a
  • He should not appropriate what is theirs, but
    should be their guardian
  • he should be moderate, not extravagant in his way
    of life he should win the notables by
    companionship, and the multitude by flattery.
  • For then his rule will of necessity be nobler
    and happier, because he will rule over better men
    whose spirits are not crushed, over men to whom
    he himself is not an object of hatred, and of
    whom he is not afraid.
  • His power too will be more lasting. His
    disposition will be virtuous, or at least half
    virtuous and he will not be wicked, but half
    wicked only.
  • note is this tongue in cheek??
  • Note no forms of government are so short-lived
    as oligarchy and tyranny
  • end of bk 5

Aristotle Politics. Bk. VI 18
  • Democracy
  • The elements
  • (1) differences of population husbandmen,
    mechanics, laborers - it matters which
    combination makes up the main populace
  • (2) various properties of democracy, when
    variously combined ?
  • Liberty - the basis of the democratic state
  • Two notions
  • (1) political all to rule and be ruled in
    turn political equality
  • (2) civil that a man should live as he likes
  • whence has arisen the claim of men to be ruled
    by none, if possible, or if impossible to rule/be
    ruled in turns
  • - so it contributes to the freedom based upon

Aristotle Politics.6 19
  • Democratic institutions
  • 1. election of officers by all and from all
  • 2. taking turns at ruling, by every one in turn
  • 3. appointment by lot to offices, at least all
    that dont absolutely require
  • professional skills
  • 4. no (or minimal), property qualifications for
  • 5. no office being held twice by the same person
  • 6. brief tenure of office
  • 7. popular courts, composed of all citizens
  • 8. The popular assembly sovereign in all (or the
    most important) matters
  • 9. Payment for services in offices
  • 10. Ancient offices dont matter holders now
    elected by lot cf. Britains House of Lords...
  • all should count equally (the poor as much as
    the rich
  • in this way men think that they will secure
    equality and freedom in their state

Aristotle Politics.6 20
  • Democracy and Justice
  • Democrats say justice is that to which the
    majority agree
  • Oligarchs, that to which the wealthier class
  • Both Democracy and Oligarchy involve some
  • a) If justice is the will of the few richest,
    tyranny is the logical result
  • -- in extreme form, a single person who owns
    more than all the others
  • together would have just claim to be the sole
  • b) If justice consists in the will of the
    majority, then that majority is sure to
  • act unjustly, confiscating the property of the
    rich minority.
  • in either case, the majority of the relevant
    class decides the law
  • what if its mixed? example 60 of the rich
    favor x, 75 of the poor
  • - a system of weighting would be needed... (but
    is possible)
  • (ties would be settled by lottery)

Aristotle Politics.6 21
  • Democracy and Justice
  • The practical difficulty of inducing those to
    forbear who can encroach
  • is greater in democracy, for the weaker are
    always asking for equality and justice, but the
    stronger care for none of these things
  • Agricultural democracy is best -
  • separate owners, busy, non-covetous
  • all should elect to offices, and sit in the
  • but the great offices should be filled up by
  • and from persons having a qualification - the
    greater requiring a greater qualification,
  • or, if there be no offices for which a
    qualification is required, then those who are
    marked out by special ability should be
  • Under such a form of government the citizens are
    sure to be governed well
  • (for the offices will always be held by the best
    persons the people are willing enough to elect
    them and are not jealous of the good).

Aristotle Politics.6 22
  • Democracy and Justice
  • The last form of democracy, that in which all
    share alike, is one which cannot be borne by all
    states, and will not last long unless well
    regulated by laws and customs.
  • leaders make citizens of all, including the
  • ripe for demagoguery
  • the right thing would be to make no more
    additions when the number of the commonalty
    exceeds that of the notables and of the middle
  • notes that tyrants flourish in democracies
  • The Legislator should have an eye to endurance,
    not to purism of form
  • (e.g. democracy or oligarchy)

Aristotle Politics.6 23
  • no difficulty in seeing what should be the
    constitution of oligarchies. ...
  • The best tempered of oligarchies is akin to a
    constitutional government.
  • two standards of qualification the one high, the
    other low
  • - lower for the humbler yet indispensable offices
  • higher for the superior ones.
  • Offices
  • need more in a larger state. Examples
  • 1. that which has the care of the market
  • 2. supervision and embellishment of public and
    private buildings, roads etc
  • 3. similar matters outside the walls
  • 4. receivers of taxes
  • 5. registration of private contracts and court
  • 6. execution of punishments, exaction of fines
  • 7. guardianship of women, children, gymnastic,
    festivals and spectacles
  • end, book six
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