Title: SIAscope Training Course
1SIAscope Training Course
- Micro-architecture of skin lesions
2SIAscope training course aims
- After this course you will be able to discuss
- Common skin lesions, and their histology
- Methods of melanoma diagnosis and their relative
- Structure of the skin
- Common lesions
- Premalignant lesions
- Melanoma
- Basic structure applicable to SIAgraphs
- Melanoma
- Conditions that can be mistaken for melanoma
- 18 of melanomas are misdiagnosed in first
clinical episode BJD 1999 - Difficulties of diagnosis
- Skin is a complex organ
- Many components
- Components may have strong visual resemblance to
each other - Different conditions can look the same
6Structure of the skin
Dermal papillae
Rete ridges
81.2 Histology of the skin
- Epidermis 5 layers
- Stratum corneum
- Stratum granulosum
- Dermis
- Papillary
- Reticular
- Stratum Corneum (Hornlike Layer)
- 20-30 layers of dead, anucleated cells
- outer cells are constantly shed
- Stratum Lucidum (Clear Layer)
- only seen in thick skin
- 2-3 layers of dead, anucleate cells
- Stratum Granulosum (Granular Layer)
- 3-5 layers of granular, flattened cells
- Stratum Spinosum (Spiny Layer, Prickly Layer)
- several layers of polygonal-shaped cells
- Stratum Basale (Basal Layer)
- single layer of columnar/cuboidal cells resting
on basement membrane
10Dermis Beyond
- Dermis
- Separates into papillary and reticular dermis
- Dense irregular connective tissue Collagen
- Contains nerve endings, hair follicles, glands,
capillaries - Dermal papillae (projections of dermal tissue
into the epidermis) interlock with rete ridges - Hypodermis or Superficial Fascia
- Subcutaneous tissue underneath dermis
- Stores fat and helps anchor skin
11Common lesions
- May appear similar to melanoma
- But benign
- Appearance and history important
- Junctional, Compound, Intradermal naevi
- Blue, Spindle-cell naevi
- Seborrheic Keratosis
- Pyogenic Granuloma
- Haemangioma
12Histology of skin naevi
13Histology of skin lesions
- Freckles
- Seen on many people
- Junctional naevus
- Common mole
14Compound naevus
- Acquired between 6 months and 35 years
- May be raised
- Brown
15Compound naevus histology
Nests of melanocytes at rete tips
Nests of melanocytes in dermis producing less
16Compound naevus
17Blue Naevus
- Usually begin early in life
- May appear similar to nodular melanoma
- Rounded nest of melanocytes in the dermis
- Blue.
18Blue Naevus histology
19Blue Naevus
20Spitz / Spindle Cell Naevus
- Occurs mainly in children
- Smooth, round, slightly scaling pink nodule
- Very difficult to diagnose
- Resemble melanoma even in histology.
21Spitz / Spindle Cell Naevus
22Seborrhoeic Keratosis
- Acquired in middle and later life
- Slow-growing
- Scaling / stuck-on appearance
23Seborrhoeic Keratosis - Histology
24Seborrhoeic Keratosis
25Pyogenic Granuloma
- Proliferation of blood vessels
26Pyogenic granuloma
- Several kinds
- Cherry angioma can be mistaken for melanoma
- 2 to 5mm
- Red to purple in colour
- Usually on the trunk, can be multiple
28Haemangioma Histology
29Cherry Angioma
- Lentigo maligna
- Dysplastic naevus
31Dysplastic Naevus warning!
- With or without dermal nests
- Capillary proliferation
- Increase in Collagen in dermis
32Dysplastic Naevus warning!
33Lentigo Maligna
- Precursor to lentigo maligna melanoma
- Large, cosmetically sensitive areas
- Excision undesirable in frail/elderly patients
unless lesion changes to lentigo maligna melanoma
34Lentigo Maligna
- Punch biopsies sometimes used to confirm
diagnosis - Disfiguring, inaccurate
- Dermal melanin SIAgraph indicates change to
lentigo maligna melanoma
35Lentigo Maligna
36Histology of skin lesions
- Melanoma stages
- Radial Growth Phase (RGP)
- Vertical Growth Phase (VGP)
37Histology of Melanoma
- Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM)
- Nodular malignant melanoma (NMM)
- Amelanotic melanoma
39Superficial Spreading Melanoma
- Radial Growth Phase
- Microinvasion
40SSM - Histology
41Superficial Spreading melanoma
- Larger areas of dermal melanin
431.2 Histology of skin lesions
44Nodular melanoma
45Amelanotic Melanoma
- Less melanin
- Very rare
- SIAscope can diagnose in theory
- No amelanotic melanomas in studies as yet
46Amelanotic melanoma
47Melanoma treatment
- Excision to fascia
- Margin based on thickness of tumour
- Up to 3cm for thick lesions
- Sentinel node biopsy(?)
- Chemotherapy, Radiation, Immunotherapy
(interferon), Medical trials.
48Melanoma Prognosis
- Breslow thickness
- Stratum granulosum to bottom of tumour in mm
- Clarks level
- 1 in situ (epidermis)
- 2 upper papillary dermis
- 3 full thickness of papillary dermis
- 4 reticular dermis
- 5 subcutaneous fat
- Several others
49 50End of presentation
- Many different conditions may appear clinically
similar to melanoma - Diagnosis is difficult
- More in the next presentation