During this presentation there will be several questions to tell whether or not you are qualified to be - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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During this presentation there will be several questions to tell whether or not you are qualified to be


The amount of information in the world doubles every 2.3 years. During this presentation there will be several questions to tell whether or not you are qualified to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: During this presentation there will be several questions to tell whether or not you are qualified to be

The amount of information in the world doubles
every 2.3 years.
During this presentation there will be several
questions to tell whether or not you are
qualified to be intelligent
there are ONLY 20 or so questions, but you dont
kick yourself, because not everything is what it
  • If your read one days issue of any current
    newspaper (even the West Australian!) you would
    have access to more information than any person
    had in their entire lifetime during the 17th

The muscles in your heart have the strength to
shoot your blood 10 meters in the air?
The questions are not that difficult - but please
think carefully! Rememberthink outside the
First Question
1. You are participating in a race. You overtake
the second person. What position are you in?
First Answer
If you answer that you are first, then you are
absolutely wrong! if you overtake the second
person and you take his/her place, you are second!
Second Question
  • 2. If you overtake the last person in the race ,
    then you are...?

Second Answer
If you answered that you are second to last, then
you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you
overtake the LAST person!
Todays university students in their first year
of study, will be exposed in one year, to more
information than their grandparents were in a
3 Do this in your head
Third Question
  • Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
  • Now add another 1000.
  • Now add 30.
  • Add another 1000.
  • Now add 20.
  • Now add another 1000.
  • Now add 10.

Third Answer
  • Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
  • Now add another 1000.
  • Now add 30.
  • Add another 1000.
  • Now add 20.
  • Now add another 1000.
  • Now add 10.

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is
actually 4100.
Fourth Question
4. Mary's father has five daughters 1. Nana, 2.
Nene, 3.Nini, 4.Nono,
What is the name of the fifth daughter?
4. Mary's father has five daughters 1. Nana, 2.
Nene, 3.Nini, 4.Nono.
What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Fourth Answer
Answer Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is
Mary. Read the question again.
Fifth Question
5. How do you put a Giraffe into a refrigerator?
Giraffes use their long necks for Fighting not
just to get at fruit in tall trees
Fifth Answer
The correct answer is
Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and
close the door.
This question tests whether you tend to do simple
things in an overly complicated way.
Sixth Question
6. How do you put an elephant into a
Did you say
Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and
close the refrigerator?
Wrong Answer
Sixth Answer
The correct answer is
Open the refrigerator, take out the
giraffe, Then put in the elephant and close the
door. This tests your ability to think through
the repercussions of your actions.
Q How can you tell that an elephant has been in
the fridge? A Footprints in the butter.
Seventh Question
  • 7. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.
  • All the animals attend except one.
  • Which animal does not attend?

Seventh Answer
Correct Answer
The Elephant.

The Elephant is in the refrigerator, remember.
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump
This tests your memory!
O.K. even if you did not get all the answers
correct you still have a chance to show your
Eighth Question
  • 8. There is a river you must cross. But it is
    inhabited by crocodiles.
  • How do you manage it?

Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongue
Eighth Answer
You swim across.
Correct Answer
All the Crocodiles are attending the Animal
This tests whether you learn quickly from your
Ninth Question
9. Join all the dots using four straight lines
only, do not go back along a line
Ninth Answer
Incredibly illogical ?
  • Happiness is a perfume you cannot put on others
    without getting a few drops on yourself. 
  • -R. W. Emerson 

Tenth Question
10. Complete the sequence O, T, T, F, F, S, S,
All polar bears are left handed
Tenth Answer
10. Complete the sequence O, T, T, F, F, S, S,
Eight, Nine, Ten . . .
Eleventh Question
11. Spell the word 'silk'.
What do cows drink?
Spell the word 'coast
What do you put into a toaster?
Eleventh Answer
11. Spell the word 'silk'.
What do cows drink?
Spell the word 'coast
What do you put into a toaster?
Did you say 'milk' and toast?
The answers are 'water' and 'bread'.
Twelfth Question
12. Count the number of Fs in the following
sentence you have 30 seconds

Twelfth Answer
My brain hurts
The answer is 6
Amazing, isn't it? Most people count three of
them, so much for perception, but it does not say
anything about your IQ. Whoever counts the six
'F' the first time is a genius, five is rather
rare, four is rather frequent, three is normal.
Less than three, and you must change glasses
-) For some obscure reason, we (or our brain)
does not count the "f" in "of", maybe because the
phonetic is similar to "ov", or because during
(quick) reading the brain focus on "lexical"
words, and not so much on "grammatical" words.
Thirteenth Question
13. How many animals of each species did Moses
take into the Ark?
Thirteenth Answer
If you answer all of them, then you are
absolutely wrong!

Noah was looking after the Ark!
Fourteenth Question
14. If you were alone in a deserted house at
night, and there was an oil lamp, a candle and
firewood and you only have one match, which would
you light first?
Fourteenth Answer
  • If you answered that you would light the oil
    lamp, candle or firewood

You would be wrong Obviously you would
light the Match first
Fifteenth Question
  • 15. Which side of a cat contains the most hair?

Through out the whole of World war II they did
not have the technology that is used when one
opens a musical greeting card and plays Happy
Birthday to you
Fifteenth Answer
15. Which side of a cat contains the most hair?
The answer is The outside
Sixteenth Question
16, What's the difference between an elephant and
a grape?
Dont look it up on the Internet!
Sixteenth Answer
Grapes are purple (or green)
Elephants are grey
Last Chance
Now for a serious quiz
1) How long did the Hundred Years War
last? 2) Which country makes Panama
hats? 3) From which animal do we get
1) How long did the Hundred Years War
last? 116 years 2) Which country makes
Panama hats?  Ecuador 3) From which animal
do we get cat gut? Sheep and Horses 
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the
October Revolution? 5) What is a camel's
hair brush made of? 6) The Canary Islands in
the Pacific are named after what animal? 
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the
October Revolution? November 5) What is a
camel's hair brush made of? Squirrel fur 6)
The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named
after what animal? Dogs 
7) What was King George VI's first name? 8)
What color is a purple finch? 9) Where are
Chinese gooseberries from? 10) What is the
color of the black box in a commercial
7) What was King George VI's first
name? Albert 8) What color is a purple
finch? Crimson 9) Where are Chinese
gooseberries from?  New Zealand 10) What is
the color of the black box in a commercial
airplane?  Orange , of course.
  • A conference room contains three separate
    wall-mounted spotlights - right, left and front
    of stage. Each is controlled by its own on-off

These three switches are numbered 1, 2 and 3,
but they are in a back-room which has no sight of
the the spotlights or the conference room (and
there are no reflections or shadows or mirrors,
and you are alone).
How do you identify each switch correctly -
right, left, front - if you can only enter the
back-room once?
Answer to Lights
  • Switch number 1 light on for a few minutes then
    turn it off
  • Switch light 2 on and leave it on.
  • Leave switch 3 off.
  • The lights will be right, left, front -
  • enter room, feel if one of the off lights is warm
    switch 1
  • The one on will be switch 2 and the light off
    must be switch 3

  • Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111

Help me always to give 100 at work... 12 on
Monday, 23 on Tuesday, 40 on Wednesday, 20 on
Thursday and 5 on Friday And help me to
remember... When I'm having a bad day and it
seems that people are trying to wind me up, it
takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to smile and
only 4 to extend my arm and smack someone ...
The End
How many questions were actually asked?
Well Done
Thank You !
According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide,
around 90 of the professionals they tested got
all questions wrong.
But many preschoolers and students got several
correct answers, how many did you get right?.
Anderson Consulting says this conclusively
disproves the theory that most professionals have
the brains of a four year old.
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