Title: Resolution Proofs for Combinational Equivalence
1Resolution Proofs for Combinational Equivalence
- Satrajit Chatterjee
- Alan Mishchenko
- Robert Brayton
- Andreas Kuehlmann
DAC / 6 Jun 2007
- Modern combinational equivalence checking (CEC)
engines are difficult to verify - Several thousand lines of code
- How can we trust a CEC program when it claims
that two circuits are equivalent? - When it claims they are different, it produces an
input vector to distinguish them a proof of
inequivalence - Solution Require CEC engine produce a proof of
equivalence - The program that checks the correctness of the
proof is much simpler than the CEC engine - The proof can be verified without knowledge of
the inner workings of the CEC engine - The language of our proofs is resolution
- Resolution
- Proofs for Naïve CEC
- Review of Modern CEC
- Proof Generation in Modern CEC
- Conclusions
A resolvent is a clause implied by two clauses in
a SAT instance
1. A SAT instance C
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z) 9.
(p q z) 10. (p q z) 11. (z)
2. Resolvent of clauses 3 and 4 (w.r.t. a) is the
clause (p b q)
3. Adding the resolvent to the original set does
not alter satisfiability
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z)
9. (p q z) 10. (p q z) 11.
(z) 12. (p b q)
It can be checked that C is satisfiable if and
only if C is.
5Resolution Proofs
A resolution proof is a sequence of resolvents
until the empty clause
1. Original set of clauses C
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z) 9.
(p q z) 10. (p q z) 11. (z)
2. Sequence of resolvents
If the empty clause i.e. () is derived by
resolution then the original set of clauses is
12. (p b q) (from 3 and 4) 13. (p
q) (from 5 and 12) 14. (p q a) (from 2
and 6) 15. (p q) (from 1 and 14) 16. (p
q) (from 10 and 11) 17. (p q) (from 7 and
11) 18. (q) (from 13 and 16) 19. (q) (from
15 and 17) 20. () (from 18 and 19)
Thus the sequence of resolution steps 1220 forms
a proof of unsatisfiability of C if () is derived
at the end.
6Generating Resolution Proofs
A SAT solver can be modified to produce a
resolution proof if the instance is unsatisfiable
- Zhang and Malik (2003) modified zChaff to produce
resolution proofs - Goldberg and Novikov (2003) presented an
alternative method that needs minimal
modification to the SAT solver
It is much easier to verify that a sequence of
resolution steps is correct than it is to verify
that the SAT solver is correct.
- Resolution
- Proofs for Naïve CEC
- Review of Modern CEC
- Proof Generation in Modern CEC
- Conclusions
8Combinational Equivalence Checking
We are given two combinational circuits and asked
to check if they are equivalent or not
A simple instance of CEC that we will use as a
running example
circuit 1
circuit 2
The CEC problem Are outputs p and q functionally
9A Simple Reformulation
The CEC problem is equivalent to checking if the
output of the miter of the two circuits is
identically 0 or not
circuit 1
circuit 2
Miter of circuits 1 and 2
Circuits 1 and 2 are equivalent if and only if z
is identically 0
10Naïve CEC
The CEC problem is formulated as a SAT instance
by adding clauses for each gate and asserting the
miter output to be true
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z) 9.
(p q z) 10. (p q z) 11. (z)
Corresponding SAT instance C
The two circuits are equivalent if and only if C
11Proof of Combinational Equivalence
A proof of unsatisfiability of the corresponding
SAT instance is a proof of combinational
SAT instance
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z) 9.
(p q z) 10. (p q z) 11. (z)
Proof of UNSAT (from SAT solver)
12. (p b q) (from 3 and 4) 13. (p
q) (from 5 and 12) 14. (p q a) (from 2
and 6) 15. (p q) (from 1 and 14) 16. (p
q) (from 10 and 11) 17. (p q) (from 7 and
11) 18. (q) (from 13 and 16) 19. (q) (from
15 and 17) 20. () (from 18 and 19)
Proof of combinational equivalence of p and q
12Proof Verification
Verifying the proof for combinational equivalence
is easy
Original clauses
Sequence of resolution steps
Resolve 3 and 4 Resolve 5 and 12 Resolve 2 and 6
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a b)
Proof Verifier
- Proof Verifier does the following
- Ensures that only clauses from miter are in
original clauses - Performs the sequence of resolution steps
- Ensure that the empty clause is derived at the end
- Resolution
- Proofs for Naïve CEC
- Review of Modern CEC
- Proof Generation in Modern CEC
- Conclusions
14Modern CEC
Modern CEC engines do not construct a monolithic
SAT instance
- Modern CEC methods are transformational
- Detect functional redundancies in the miter
- Simplify miter using the detected redundancies
- SAT solver may not even be invoked
Goal Generate a single resolution proof for
modern CEC just as in the naïve case
15Main Techniques in Modern CEC
- Main Transformational Techniques
- Structural Hashing
- Functional Hashing
- Logic Re-writing
- Next Distill these techniques down to a
small set of basic atomic operations
16Structural Hashing
Structural Hashing Structural Identification
Fanout transfer
1. Since both G and H are And gates and have
same inputs, nets p and q are functionally
equivalent by structural identification
2. Therefore, fanouts of q can be driven by p
thus simplifying the circuit
17Functional Hashing
Functional Hashing Functional Identification
Fanout Transfer
Functional Identification 1. Use random
simulation to detect candidate pairs of nets that
may be equivalent 2. Formulate two smaller SAT
instances to check that a pair of nets is indeed
Random simulation would indicate p and q may be
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p) 8. (q)
The two SAT instances to check equivalence of p
and q.
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p) 8. (q)
18Functional Hashing
Functional Hashing Functional Identification
Fanout Transfer
1. Functional identification proves p and q are
equivalent if the two smaller SAT instances are
both UNSAT
2. Therefore, fanouts of q can be driven by p
thus simplifying the circuit
19Logic Re-writing
Re-writing replaces a cone of logic in the miter
with a different cone
Rewriting can significantly alter the logic
structure of the miter and its size
20Rewriting, Conceptually
Rewriting Logic Insertion Functional Hashing
21Basic Operations
Structural Hashing Structural Identification
Fanout transfer
Functional Hashing Functional Identification
Fanout Transfer
Rewriting Logic Insertion Functional Hashing
We have 4 basic operations during CEC 1.
Structural Identification 2. Functional
Identification 3. Fanout Transfer 4. Logic
Do not modify miter
Modify miter
The equivalence checking process is thought of as
a sequence of these basic operations
22Sequence of Basic Operations
Transformations on the miter
Initial Miter
Structural Identification
Fanout Transfer
Logic Insertion
Functional Identification
Structural Identification
Miter is reduced to constant zero
- Resolution
- Proofs for Naïve CEC
- Review of Modern CEC
- Proof Generation in Modern CEC
- Conclusions
24Overview of Proof Generation
Maintain correspondence between the miter and
Initial miter
Initial Clauses for the gates in the miter
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) 7. (p q z) 8. (p q z) 9.
(p q z) 10. (p q z) 11. (z)
As the CEC engine proceeds by executing the basic
operations on the miter, it adds new clauses to
the proof by using resolution to derive them
The derivations corresponding to basic operations
are called fragments
25Overview of Proof Generation
The Resolution Proof
Transformations on the miter
Initial Miter
Initial Clauses
Structural Identification
Fragment 1
Fanout Transfer
Fragment 2
Logic Insertion
Fragment 4
Functional Identification
Fragment 5
Structural Identification
Fragment n
The empty clause is derived
Miter is reduced to constant zero
26Overview of Proof Generation
For each basic operation we generate a different
type of fragment
1. Structural Identification of p and q 2.
Functional Identification of p and q 3. Fanout
Transfer from q to p 4. Logic Insertion of a new
gate g
Fragment derives (p q) and (p q)
Fragment derives new clauses for gates in fanout
of q
Fragment derives clauses for gate g
27Structural Identification
The fragment derives (p q) and (p q) from
clauses of the gates
C1. (p a) C2. (p b) C3. (p a
b) D1. (q a) D2. (q b) D3. (q a
Structural Identification detects that p q
L1. (p b q) (from C3 and D1) L2. (p
q) (from D2 and L1) L3. (p q a) (from
C2 and D3) L4. (p q) (from C1 and L3)
Fragment added to the proof
(This fragment can be generated from a
pre-computed template)
28Fanout Transfer
- Suppose we transfer fanouts of q to p
- For this to be sound, we must already have proved
that p and q are equivalent - By structural or functional identification
- Therefore, have already derived (p q) and (p
q) - We use (p q) and (p q) to obtain clauses
for gates modified by the fanout transfer
29Example of Fanout Transfer
Clauses for Xor gate modified by fanout transfer
from q to p
C1. (p q z) C2. (p q z) C3. (p
q z) C4. (p q z)
Clauses asserting equivalence of q and p
Already derived through structural or functional
X. (p q) Y. (p q)
Transfer fanouts of q to p
Eliminate q from C1-C4 using X and Y
Fragment added to the proof deriving clauses for
L1. (p z) (from C1 and X) L2. (p p
z) (from C3 and X) L3. (p p z) (from C2
and Y) L4. (p z) (from C4 and Y)
30Functional Identification
Want to derive the clauses (p q) and (p q)
from the clauses we have so far i.e. C
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
Instead we have resolution proofs of UNSAT for
the related but different instances C1 and C2
Note that the clauses (p) and (q) are not
present C and furthermore cannot be derived using
resolution from C. Therefore, resolution proofs
of UNSAT of C1 and C2 cannot directly be used.
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) X. (p) Y. (q)
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
b) X. (p) Y. (q)
31Proof Lifting
Idea Use proof of UNSAT of C1 to obtain proof of
(p q) from C
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a b) 4.
(q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a b) X.
(p) Y. (q)
1. (p a) 2. (p b) 3. (p a
b) 4. (q a) 5. (q b) 6. (q a
Proof of UNSAT of C1 from solver
Fragment deriving (p q) from C
Unit propagation of X and Y
9. (a) (from X and 1) 10. (b) (from X and
2) 11. (a b) (from Y and 6)
Use 9 to refer to 1 i.e. (p a) Use 10 to
refer to 2 i.e. (p b) Use 11 to refer to 6
i.e. (q a b)
12. (p q b) (from 9 and 11)
(i.e. from 1 and 6) 13. (p q)
(from 10 and 12) (i.e. from 2 and 12)
12. (b) (from 9 and 11) 13. () (from 10
and 12)
32Functional Identification
- We obtained a derivation of (p q) from proof
of unsatisfiability of C1 - Similarly proof of unsatisfiability of C2 yields
a derivation of (p q) - Proof of correctness of lifting in paper
33Logic Insertion
Need to add new clauses corresponding to inserted
- We want to add a clause corresponding to q i.e.
want to add (q x y) - However resolution does not allow us to introduce
a new variable q. - Need to upgrade our proof system to extended
34Extended Resolution
- Allow the introduction of a new variable q by
means of a clause such as (q f(x1, .. xn)) - Sound since if C is a set of clauses and q does
not appear in C, then C(q f(x1, .. xn)) has a
satisfying assignment iff C does - Proof Since q is free we can always assign it
the value f(x1, .. xn) - The proof verifier has to be slightly modified
- It has to check that q does not appear so far in
the proof
35Logic Insertion
In practice we add three CNF clauses instead of
(q x y)
Add the clauses (q x), (q y) and (q x
y) to the proof and modify the verifier to
accept this particular template as an extended
resolution step.
Need such a template for every type of gate that
may be introduced
36Summary of Proof Generation
The Resolution Proof
Transformations on the miter
Initial Miter
Initial Clauses
Structural Identification
Fragment 1
Fanout Transfer
Fragment 2
Logic Insertion
Fragment 4
Functional Identification
Fragment 5
Structural Identification
Fragment n
The empty clause is derived
Miter is reduced to constant zero
- Resolution
- Proofs for Naïve CEC
- Review of Modern CEC
- Proof Generation in Modern CEC
- Conclusions
- Modern CEC methods can be easily modified to
generate proofs of equivalence - A single proof just as in the naïve case
- Easy to check proof for correctness
- The proof (syntax) is independent of the actual
methods used for verification - Extended resolution suffices
- Re-writing is a way of constructing extended
resolution proofs
39Future Work and Applications
- Reduce the size of resolution proof
- Look for alternate proof systems which are harder
to verify but lead to smaller proofs - Goldberg and Novikovs 2003 paper
- Resolution proof modulo BCP steps
- Proofs leak too much information
- Can possibly reconstruct what the CEC engine did
- Correct by construction logic synthesis
- Synthesis emits a resolution proof as a
certificate - Computation of interpolants in model checking
- Proofs of Sequential Equivalence
- Inductive proofs can be expressed using resolution
40Thank You