Warm Up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Warm Up


... men could have up to 4 wives Islamic World Mosque Creation of the Islamic Empire After Mohammed s Death No clear ... 10/12 * * 1st period got to this ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Warm Up

Warm Up
  • Analyze the map on p. 402.
  • Answer the analyze and predict questions
  • Agenda/Obj Analyze the rise and spread of Islam
    and its influence on the crusades.

Clarification on terminology
  • Arabic language
  • Arab regional description
  • Thank you shukran
  • No thank you la shukran
  • Arabic is a language spoken by millions of people
    in the world, in the Middle East, Central Asia,
    Northern Africa, etc.
  • not all Arabs are Muslims
  • Not all Muslims are Arabs

1. Early Arab World
  • Nomadic people (see map)
  • Polytheistic
  • believed Abraham built kaaba at Mecca
  • Mecca- market city at crossroads of trade routes
  • Believed in supreme god called Allah
  • John Green-Islam

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2. Basics of Islam
Mohammed 570-632 AD
  • Orphaned
  • raised by uncle, Abu Talib
  • Caravan leader (contact with monotheism)
  • Troubled by gap between rich and poor
  • Meditated- visions of angel Gabriel from God
  • revelations later recorded Koran (Quran)
  • Preached in Mecca
  • Jews/ Polytheistic people chased him out, fled to
    Medina 622 AD (hijrah)
  • Converted people in Medina
  • returned to Mecca w/ an army (normal for tribal
  • conquered city 630 AD
  • smashed polytheistic idols
  • Introduction of Monotheism al ilah the God

Muslim Teachings
  • Monotheistic Allah (God in Arabic language)
  • (for 500 years before Islam, Jews and Christians
    in the region had been using Allah to reference
    The God )
  • Islam submission Muslim one who submits
  • Must follow 5 Pillars of Islam
  • Belief there is no god but Allah and Mohammed
    is his messenger
  • Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca
  • Charity give to the poor
  • Fasting dawn to dusk during Ramadan
  • Pilgrimage travel to Mecca once in life (hajj)
  • Salvation by following will of Allah
  • Religion of action (Judaism- heritage
    Christianity- belief)

Culture of Islam
  • Mohammed- last/greatest prophet
  • Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus ALL important in
  • Mosque place of Muslim worship (on Friday)
  • Trade- main activity
  • Islam spread through conquest and trade
  • Women gained rights under Islam
  • pre-Islamic tribal culture was harsh
  • Women were to be protected within Islam
  • Education, divorce, rights as mothers, no forced
    marriages, etc.
  • Own businesses, inherit property
  • over time lost rights through strict
  • Patriarchal men could have up to 4 wives
  • After war with high male casualties (had to ask
    1st wifes permission)

Belief in 1 god
List the 5 Pillars of Islam
What are some areas where Islam has spread?
Holy book
Islamic World
Trade Routes
3. Creation of the Islamic Empire
After Mohammeds Death
  • No clear successor
  • Abu Bakr became caliph
  • Islamic leader/Mohammeds successor
  • Took over Arabian Peninsula
  • conquered Syria, Egypt, old Persian Empire
  • Abu Bakrs death- series of caliphs

4. Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 AD
Umayyad Dynasty
  • Moved capital to Damascus, Syria
  • Marched across N. Africa and into Europe
  • 700 AD conquered Berbers
  • 710 AD crossed Gibraltar into Spain
  • 725 AD controlled Spain, capital at Cordoba
  • 732 AD defeated by Charles Martel at battle of
    Tours (France)before Charlemagne!
  • Built Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
  • People felt Umayyads favored certain people, led
    to downfall of dynasty

Battle of Tours
Split in Islam
  • Hussein led revolt against Umayyad rulers
  • outnumbered and defeated but led to split in
  • Shiite Muslims
  • only descendents of Ali (Mohammads son-in-law)
    are true leaders of Islam (imams)
  • mostly in Iran/Iraq
  • Sunni Muslims believe leader should be chosen by

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Seljuk Turks
  • Conquered eastern Arab world by 11th Century AD
  • 1055 AD took over Baghdad, proclaimed their ruler
    sultan holder of power
  • 1071 AD defeated Byzantines to take over Asia

Art, Literature, and Architecture
  • Quran seen as greatest literature
  • minaret (tower to call people to pray)
  • Not allowed to make human images, so repeated
    geometric patterns to form arabesques
  • Palaces- constructed w/ huge fortifications,
  • borrowed by Europeans for castles

Art and Architecture
Sunni beliefsShiite/Shia beliefs
Islam and the early Arab World Directions Fill
in the following boxes using your textbook.
Islamic Beliefs/Practices Umayyad Dynasty
Contact with Christians/ Europeans Islamic Achievements
Islam and the early Arab World Directions Put
the following terms/people/events in the correct
Islamic Beliefs/Practices Following 5 Pillars of Islam Not drinking Have up to 4 wives Women modest Read the Quran in Arabic Umayyad Dynasty Expanded Islam Across Northern Africa Into Europe -Spain France
Contact with Christians/ Europeans Invasion of Constantinople Crusades in Middle East/ Jerusalem Invasion/ occupation of Spain Battle of Tours- France Islamic Achievements Indian number system Medical knowledge Algebra Navigational tools (astrolabe)
The Crusades
  • Complete p. 78 in manual on The Crusades as using
    the following slides

The Crusades
  • Military expeditions- European Christians trying
    to recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims
  • Most European Christians were French
  • had religious zeal,
  • also wanted wealth, glory, power, bloodlust
  • Were told by the church if they killed infidels
    they would go to heaven.
  • Also attacked Christians and Jews on the way to

Crusades 11th-13th Centuries
  • Pope Urban II-
  • saw Byzantine request for help as excuse to take
    power, preached 1st Crusade 1095 AD (told people
    it was Christian duty to fight)
  • 1st Crusade 1095-1099, bloody fighting,
    Christians conquered Jerusalem, Antioch
  • Set up 4 Crusader kingdoms, great trade
    opportunity for Venice, Genoa, etc.
  • 2nd Crusade, Muslims rebuilt power, attacked and
    retook all land Christians won in 1st Crusade

3rd Crusade c. 1189 AD
  • Led by Frederick Barbarossa (Holy Roman Empire),
    Richard I (England), and Phillip II (France)
  • Big problems, Frederick drowned, Phillip returned
    to France, Richard negotiated peace
  • Saladin Muslim leader, great warrior, leader,
    very merciful
  • Richard and Saladin had great respect for one

3rd Crusade - Acre
4th Crusade and MORE.
  • Pope Innocent III called for 4th Crusade
  • Instead of helping, Crusaders sacked
    Constantinople and killed Christians
  • Byzantines regained control 1261 AD
  • Childrens Crusade to Rome, sent home
  • Effects of Crusades
  • Kings took land from knights who didnt return
  • Greater trading power to Venice, Italian
  • Widespread persecution of Jews in Europe
  • Knowledge of Muslim culture in Europe
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