Title: Let
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2Lets Learn!
Young Learner Video Courses
3Lets Learn
- Lets Learn is a series of Young Learner video
courses designed specifically for school age
children, K-12. - Each course is professionally designed with video
curriculum that will motivate and help young
learners gain spoken fluency and master essential
vocabulary. Blended with both educational and
authentic video content, students have fun
learning English in an immersive environment that
is highly contextualized by video. Students
learn interesting content while also learning
4Lets Learn
- Lets Learn courses allow students to master
basic structures of English in a sequential
manner. Each video includes specific learning
objectives. The vocabulary is graded and
students acquire words at specific levels of the
GSL (General Service List). As students progress
through the video units and WATCH, LEARN and
SPEAK the videos, theyll gain confidence and
ability through our unique speech recognition
feedback and spaced interval vocabulary system.
5Key Features
- Speaking focus with instant pronunciation
feedback - Students Learn words in the context of the video
- Vocabulary is graded to GSL frequency
- Free Teacher Tools and student assessment/reports
- Engaging, current, motivating content for
students - Online and available at school or home
6Teachers can use the video curriculum within the
class in a blended and supplementary fashion.
Lets Learn courses allow students to become
self-directed, autonomous learners while allowing
teachers structured reports about student
achievement so they can address student
weaknesses and needs. We know you and your
students will love practicing and learning
English with the Lets Learn video course
approach. Come join the video teaching
revolution! Sincerely, David
Deubelbeiss Director, EnglishCentral Education
7Lets Learn 1
Recommended for ages 4 - 8
- Meet colorful characters as they show that the
good and the humble are always rewarded. - Consisting of entertaining stories, these videos
recycle key vocabulary and use narrative to
engage young learners. Perfect for role plays in
class! - 10 units 40 videos 200 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1 1000
- Course Objectives improving speaking fluency,
practicing basic phrases in English, learning
essential verbs
8Lets Learn 1
Recommended for ages 4 - 8
Sample Course Units Sample Course
The Wind and The Sun
The Ugly Duckling
The Happy Prince
can wind little arm sit
9Lets Learn 2
Recommended for ages 4 - 9
- Join the adventures of fantastic characters from
these timeless stories. - Full of classic tales, these videos use narrative
to full effect. Students will rewriting and
retelling these stories. - 10 units 40 videos 200 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1000 - 2000
- Course Objectives sequencing information,
improving speaking fluency, developing basic
phonetic awareness
10Lets Learn 2
Recommended for ages 4 - 9
- Sample Course Units
- Sample Course Vocabulary
The Little Mermaid
Peter Pan
clever brave prefer knock
11Lets Learn 3
Recommended for ages 5 - 10
- Follow young heroes as they brave through
difficulties and and face challenges. - These stories will entertain for hours. Familiar
to most students, they will build on student
prior knowledge and schema. - 10 units 40 videos 200 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1000 - 2000
- Course Objectives retelling past events, using
declarative sentences, general oral fluency
12Lets Learn 3
Recommended for ages 5 - 10
Sample Course Units Sample Course
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Gift of the Magi
Romeo and Juliet
gift fortunate ruin climb
13Lets Learn 4
Recommended for ages 5 - 10
- Be inspired by these interesting videos with
stories and lessons that life has to offer for
everyone. - Wonderful stories that students will inspire
students to learn English. Well known stories
will motivate students to study and learn through
narrative. - 10 units 36 videos 180 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1000 - 2000
- Course Objectives improving speaking fluency,
organizing information, general vocabulary
14Lets Learn 4
Recommended for ages 5 - 10
Sample Course Units Sample Course
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Necklace
The Secret Garden
treasure instant journey admire
15Lets Learn 5
Recommended for ages 7 - 13
- Grab life by the horns then go see and live the
world with these powerful videos. - These videos have a strong Content Based
Instruction focus, motivating students with
interesting places and facts. Great content for
teens. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500 - 3500
- Course Objectives practicing and developing
listening skills, talking about places, general
vocabulary and speaking development
16Lets Learn 5
Recommended for ages 7 - 13
Sample Course Units Sample Course
Easy Cooking
Growing Up
alternative desert fright
congratulate mixture
17Lets Learn 6
Recommended for ages 9 - 14
- See and taste awesome foods, adventures, places
and cultures around the world with these fun
videos. - This course teaches English while taking students
on a trip around the world! Geography and the
big, wide world is the focus, something that
always motivates young learners. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500 - 3500
- Course Objectives improving academic vocabulary,
improving speaking rhythm and pronunciation,
developing cultural understanding
18Lets Learn 6
Recommended for ages 9 - 14
Sample Course Units Sample Course
USA and Canada
Australia and New Zealand
The Middle East
destination amuse cuisine route
19Lets Learn 7
Recommended for ages 10 - 16
- Explore the changing Earth with these cool videos
about animals, weird inventions and myths. - There is something for every student in these
videos about interesting topics for curious young
people. The topics get students engaged and are
perfect for presentations or projects in class. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500-3500
- Course Objectives improving student
presentation skills, presenting information,
general speaking fluency improvement
20Lets Learn 7
Recommended for ages 10 - 16
Sample Course Units Sample Course
Did you Know?
Fact or Fiction?
The Changing Earth
sculpt pump diminish navigate
21Lets Learn 8
Recommended for ages 11 - 16
- Experience exciting things around us with these
amazing videos. - This course challenges students to think about
the world differently and debate interesting
topics. For the very curious minded. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500 - 5000
- Course Objectives improving listening skills,
building academic vocabulary, developing
critical thinking skills
22Lets Learn 8
Recommended for ages 11 - 16
Sample Course Units Sample Course
Lets Get Physical
How the Brain Works
interfere tedious versatile boast
23Lets Learn 9
Recommended for ages 12 - 18
- Add spice to your daily activities with these
easy and fun videos. - A very social focused course, these units will
keep students learning interesting things while
practicing essential English phrases and
structures. Full of how to and tip focused
videos. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500 - 5000
- Course Objectives learning how to sequence
information, improving reading skills, social
vocabulary development
24Lets Learn 9
Recommended for ages 12 - 18
Sample Course Units Sample Course
Having Fun
Running Errands
Thinking Ahead
definite perceive thrill urban
25Lets Learn 10
Recommended for ages 14 - 18
- Be amazed with these fantastic videos about
discoveries, unique talents and more. - A course that truly focuses on CLIL (Culture,
Language Integrated Learning) and will have
students critically thinking about the world and
engaging in a wide number of global issues and
topics. - 10 units 30 videos 150 words
- GSL Vocab. Range 1500 - 5000
- Course Objectives improving critical thinking
skills, developing listening skills, expressing
oneself effectively
26Lets Learn 10
Recommended for ages 14 - 18
- Sample Course Units
- Sample Course Vocabulary
Animal Quirks
Young Love
Keeping it Real
depict migrate cliché territory
27The EnglishCentral Approach
Exposure to thousands of authentic videos
Every word is tracked using time interval
Motivating speaking practice proven to increase
spoken English ability
28Thank You