Title: MOCA-09 Montr
1MOCA-09 Montréal, Canada
- Snow-monsoon teleconnections testing competing
mechanisms using idealized snow forcing
conditions in a GCM - Andrew Turner1 Julia Slingo2,1
- 1NCAS-Climate, University of Reading, UK
- 2Met Office, Exeter, UK
2Historical perspective
- Long history of using Himalayan snow to forecast
ISM rainfall, dating back to Blanford (1884). - More recent work examines the influence of snow
from Himalaya, but also West/North Eurasia, both
with negative teleconnections.
- Difficulties involve ENSO, snow measure used,
region of influence - Himalaya how can such a small region perturb the
monsoon? - West/North Eurasia what is the remote mechanism?
3HadCM3 snow composite difference evolutions
(1050yr control run)
Composite evolutions generated from heavy minus
light snow years followed by weak minus strong
monsoon rainfall under neutral ENSO conditions
MAM snow (kg/m2)
MAM snow (kg/m2)
right using west Eurasia snow index
left using Himalaya snow index
Apr 1.5m temp Z500
Apr 1.5m temp Z500
May 200hPa wind
May 200hPa wind
In HadCM3, weak monsoon summers can be preceded
by heavy Eurasian OR Himalayan snow.
JJA 850hPa wind rain
JJA 850hPa wind rain
4Aims of this study
- Can the Hadley Centre model simulate snow-monsoon
teleconnections? - Which region dominates?
- Can we make a detailed assessment of the
mechanisms involved?
5AGCM ensemble experiment design
- Hadley Centre Land-atmosphere model HadAM3
- Snow forcing derived from the HadCM3 coupled run
using climatology with 2s anomalies in FMA snow
indices over - Eurasia (30-110E, 50-65N) WNEur
- Himalaya (67.5-100E, 27.5-40N) HimTP
- Climatological SST forcing (to avoid ENSO).
- Experiments initialized 1Nov, 6 month spin-up
with snow depth updated hourly to chosen forcing. - 32 member ensemble begun 1Apr for 8 months
initial conditions from the 15Mar16Apr period. - Snow no longer constrained free to melt.
6HimTP ensemble results
Snow amount
These diagrams show ensemble mean differences
between HimTPpos and HimTPneg experiments.
7HimTP ensemble results
- Himalaya AGCM ensemble results consistent with
coupled run composites. - Strong Himalaya snow forcing ? weakened Indian
monsoon (June).
8WNEur ensemble results
Snow amount
These diagrams show ensemble mean differences
between WNEurpos and WNEurneg experiments.
9WNEur ensemble results
- WNEur results contrary to coupled run composites.
- Strong Eurasia snow forcing ? strong Indian
monsoon (June) due to contamination from induced
Himalaya anomaly.
- Both exp. support the Blanford hypothesis.
10HimTP sensitivity tests
- To test mechanism, use sensitivity tests over
HimTP - HimTP1000 (1000kg/m2 snow 4m)
- HimTPzero (0kg/m2)
- Qualitative agreement with standard HimTP
experiment but larger in magnitude. - Significant weakening of the early Indian
monsoon. - Redistribution of East Asian monsoon rainfall.
11Effect on tropospheric temperature (600-200hPa,
Measure of reversal of meridional TT gradient
(Xavier et al., 2007) 600-200hPa mass weighted
temperature over 40-100E, difference between
5-35N and 15S-5N regions
- Heavy snow forcing over Himalaya/TP cools
mid-troposphere 15-40N at Indian longitudes by
around 3C.
Difference in character between ENSO and snow
effects on the monsoon growing vs. decaying modes
12The Blanford mechanism in HimTP
13The effect of snow albedo
- Effect of snow albedo as part of the Blanford
mechanism is tested in a further version of
HimTP1000. - HimTP1000sfa snow albedo over HimTP set to
snow-free value for that region. - Albedo 0.67 ? 0.20 averaged over HimTP.
14The effect of snow albedo
? Downward
15The effect of snow albedo
- Much more rapid snow melt, reduced reflected
shortwave, sensible heating over HimTP reduced by
50 compared to HimTP1000 ensemble. - Reduced tropospheric cooling compared to
HimTP1000. Remaining cooling caused by reduced
upward longwave (insulating effect of snow).
16The effect of thermodynamic ocean coupling
- Testing the impact of air-sea interaction without
ENSO present. - HimTP1000 and HimTPzero ensembles repeated in
HadAM3 coupled to a 50m mixed layer ocean.
- Main impact of HimTP snow seems delayed until
July, perhaps related to feedbacks with Indian
Ocean and developing negative dipole.
- Coupled model (HadCM3) can simulate weak Indian
monsoon following strong spring snow forcing in
either HimTP or WNEur regions. - Tests with HadAM3 AGCM show that HimTP is
dominant in this model, supporting the Blanford
hypothesis. - Snow albedo plays a crucial role.
- Model bias may inhibit teleconnection from
further north. - Similar teleconnection in coupled (mixed-layer)
model air-sea feedbacks need further
18Thank you!
- a.g.turner_at_reading.ac.uk
- Please see my poster this afternoon
- Uncertainties in future projections of extreme
precipitation in the Asian monsoon regions