Title: CityGML - Modelling our environment
1CityGML - Modelling our environment
- Alexandra Stadler, Thomas H. Kolbe
- Technische Universität Berlin
- Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science
- Chair of Methods of Geoinformation Science
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
- Ongoing virtualisationof our environment
- Semantic models of all relevant objects in urban
space - Base models include most important feature
classes and attributes - Objects may have several geometrical
representations - Spatial reference links data of different
disciplines, since they refer to the same
physical space - Initiatives
- Inspire
- EuroSDR
5Standards are the key
- to the integration of (3d geo) data of different
data sources
6Never heard about CityGML whats that?
- Content
- Modelling of all relevant parts of the virtual
city according to theirsemantics, geometry,
topology and appearance - GML 3 application schema (XML based)
- Data model and exchange format for virtual 3d
city models - History
- Developed since 2002 by the Special Interest
Group 3d (NorthRhine Westphalia, Germany) - Members from gt70 companies, municiplaities and
research institutions - lead managed by
- Prof. Thomas Kolbe (IGG TU Berlin)
- Dr. Gerhard Gröger (IGG Uni Bonn)
7CityGMLs way to become an OGC standard
CityGML 0.3.0OGC Discussion Paper
CityGML 0.4.0OGC Best Practices Paper
CityGML 1.0.0 (Proposal)OGC Request for Comments
ltltltltltltlt Public Comment Phase gtgtgtgtgtgtgt
CityGML 1.0.0OGC Implementation
Specification(after final OGC TC vote)
coming soon
? International Standard
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
- CityGML consists of
- the core module
- several extension modules ? vertical
10Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Use of Boundary Representation (B-Rep) for
geometry modelling - Explicit relations between semantic objects and
their geometrical representations
11CityGML vs. KML
CityGML (Up to) Complex objects with structured
12Availability of semantics
- Geometric entities know WHAT they are
- Semantic entities know WHERE they are and what
their spatial extents are
13Multi-scale modelling
14Terrain intersection curve
- Defines the intersection of an object with the
terrain - Applicable to
- Building
- CityFurniture
- GenericCityObject
- Implicitly WaterBody, Transportation, LandUse
15External references
- Objects may
- Refer to their original data sources
- Refer to other external data sources containing
additional data, e.g. - Building Link to cadastre, information about
owners - Door Link to facility management systems
- Antenna Link to mobile communication databases
- Materials (similar to X3D)
- Textures
- Standard textures (explicit texture coordinates)
- Aerial images (georeferenced)
- Projected photos
- Multiple appearances (themes) per object
17Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Specific application schemata (e.g., noise
immission mapping) - Extend CityGML model by
- Additional feature classes
- Additional attributes
- Additional relations
- Design remarks
- CityGMLADE files remain valid CityGML
- Pure CityGML readers ignore ADE(unknown
namespace!) - Accessible XSD document required for each ADE
- Used for validating corresponding CityGML files
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
19German cities modelled in CityGML
- 3d city models based on CityGML
- Berlin
- Dresden
- Stuttgart
- Bonn
- Cologne
- Frankfurt/Main
- whole NRW in LOD 1
- Planned for
- Karlsruhe
Berlin (GoogleEarth)
Stuttgart (SupportGIS)
- Growing awareness of CityGML (particularily in
the US) - Discussions with
- Web 3D Consortium
- CTO GoogleEarth
- International Alliance for Interoperability
(IFC-Standard) - Selected implementations
- Oracle 11G Spatial
- Bentley Microstation, Onuma Planning System
(CAAD) - Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)
- Snowflake Software, lat/lon (Web Feature Service)
- CPA SupportGIS (3d GIS-System)
- CityGML ? FME (con terra)
- IFC ? CityGML (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
original IFC model
- LandXPlorer (C)
- 3D Geo, Potsdam
- Hasso-Plattner-Institute(University of Potsdam)
- Aristoteles 3D-Viewer (Java)
- IGG, University of Bonn
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
24Target application areas
25Application scenario 1 Noise immision mapping
- EU Directive Minimisation of noise immissions
- Calculation of noise immission maps for whole
North Rhine-Westphalia - Data provision and exchange via CityGML using web
services (WFS, WCS, WMS) - 8.4 million 3d buildings in LOD 1
- 3d street network in LOD 0, with additional noise
related attributes - 3d rail network in LOD 0
- 3d noise barriers in LOD 1
- Digital terrain model (10 meter resolution)
26Application scenario 1 Noise immision mapping
Noise immision simulation
Noise immsion mapsreported to EU(via WMS
3d geodata in CityGMLas input for the calculaion
of noise immision maps
27Application scenario 2 Homeland security
- Testbed OWS-4 of the Open Geospatial Consortium
(OGC) - Setting Explosion of a dirty bomb in the New
York harbour - TaskSupport the planning committee in the
construction of an emergency hospital - Find the appropriate location
- Identify best fitting existing building (size,
room layout, air conditioning for
decontaminations, etc.) - Thematic queries visual inspections
- Link different web services and client
applications - Data formats CityGML and IFC
28Application scenario 2 Homeland Security
- CityGML building visualised using LandExplorer
- from outside (left)
- room-based representation of the security level
29Application scenario 2 Homeland Security
- Introduction to CityGML
- General characteristics
- Modularisation
- Coherence of semantics and geometry
- Multi-Scale modelling
- Terrain Intersection Curve (TIC)
- External references
- Appearances
- Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
- Implementation, Conversion, Viewer
- Target application areas
- Noise immision mapping
- Homeland Security
- CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
31CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltCityModel xmlns"http//www.opengis.net/citygml/1
.0" xmlnsbldg"http//www.opengis.net/citygm
l/building/1.0" - xmlnsgml"http//www.opengis.net/gml"
xmlnsxlink"http//www.w3.org/1999/xlink" - xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-in
stance" - xsischemaLocation"http//www.opengis.net/cit
ygml/building/1.0 ../CityGML/building.xsd"gt - ltgmldescriptiongtThis file contains four
buildings which are automatically converted from
IFC models. This listing only shows an
excerpt. The full dataset can be downloaded from
http//www.citygml.org (example dataset
for four buildings in LOD3)lt/gmldescriptiongt - ltgmlnamegtIFC_Building_Variantlt/gmlnamegt
- ltgmlboundedBygt
- ltgmlEnvelope srsName"urnogcdefcrs,crs
EPSG6.1231467,crsEPSG6.125783"gt - ltgmlpos srsDimension"3"gt5429999.7517
95 3449999.751795 0.0lt/gmlposgt - ltgmlpos srsDimension"3"gt5430023.2
3450021.2 20.0lt/gmlposgt - lt/gmlEnvelopegt
- lt/gmlboundedBygt
- ltcityObjectMembergt
- ltbldgBuilding gmlid"GEB_TH_IFC_Building
_Variant_GEB_75"gt - ltgmldescriptiongtBuilding in LOD
3lt/gmldescriptiongt - ltgmlnamegtBuilding-ADT-2006lt/gmlnamegt
- ltexternalReferencegt
32CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
- ltbldgboundedBygt
- ltbldgRoofSurface
gmlid"GEB_TH_IFC_Building_Variant_DACH_136"gt - ltexternalReferencegt
- ltinformationSystemgthttp//
rmationSystemgt - ltexternalObjectgt
- lturigturnifcoid3CPSk
wS7f9QRfhfr5gf7dqlt/urigt - lt/externalObjectgt
- lt/externalReferencegt
- ltbldglod3MultiSurfacegt
- ltgmlMultiSurfacegt
- ltgmlsurfaceMembergt
- ltgmlPolygongt
ltgmlexteriorgt -
ltgmlLinearRinggt -
ltgmlposList srsDimension"3"gt5430006.994499969
3449999.850802998 9.141580054626465 -
5430007.093499946 3449999.7517950004
8.970100114212036 5430000.906494903 -
3449999.7517950004 8.970100114212036
5430001.005499649 3449999.850802998 -
9.141580054626465 5430003.999999809
3450000.9735459564 11.086200187072754 -
5430006.994499969 3449999.850802998
33CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
lt/gmlMultiSurfacegt - lt/bldglod3MultiSurfacegt
- lt/bldgRoofSurfacegt
- lt/bldgboundedBygt
- ltbldgboundedBygt
- ltbldgWallSurface
gmlid"GEB_TH_IFC_Building_Variant_WAND_78"gt - ltexternalReferencegt
- ltinformationSystemgthttp//
rmationSystemgt - ltexternalObjectgt
- lturigturnifcoid2es8
LnAD9UxRIGzY8UaVKlt/urigt - lt/externalObjectgt
- lt/externalReferencegt
- ltbldglod3MultiSurfacegt
- ltgmlMultiSurfacegt
- ltgmlsurfaceMembergt
- ltgmlPolygongt
ltgmlexteriorgt -
ltgmlLinearRinggt -
ltgmlposList srsDimension"3"gt5429999.999999809
3450004.4950001715 6.0599999968
34CityGML code example Building in LOD 3
ltbldgopeninggt - ltbldgWindow
gmlid"GEB_TH_IFC_Building_Variant_OEFF_OBJ_80"gt - ltexternalReferencegt
lt/informationSystemgt - ltexternalObjectgt
lturigturnifcoid3VkZRUoa97GgMdD342zHcklt/urigt - lt/externalObjectgt
- lt/externalReferencegt
- ltbldglod3MultiSurface
gt -
ltgmlMultiSurfacegt -
ltgmlsurfaceMembergt -
ltgmlPolygongt -
ltgmlexteriorgt -
ltgmlLinearRinggt -
ltgmlposList srsDimension"3"gt5430000.119999695
3450008.940000343 2.99999994979
5430000.180000114 3450008.940000343
2.9999999497985836 5430000.180000114
3450008.940000343 1.920000026092529
5430000.180000114 5430000.180000114 -
1.860000083312988 5430000.119999695
3450008.940000343 1.860000083312988 -
5430000.119999695 3450008.940000343
2.9999999497985836lt/gmlposListgt -
lt/gmlLinearRinggt -
35Search the web for further examples e.g.
36Search the web for further examples e.g.
37Thank you
- One thing we would really like to know
- What do YOU think about CityGML?
- Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe, Claus Nagel, Alexandra
Stadler - kolbe nagel stadler _at_ igg.tu-berlin.de
- Technische Universität Berlin
- Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation Science
- Chair of Methods of Geoinformation Science