Title: The Importance of Nutrition
1The Importance of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Laura Haigh
2Aims of the presentation
- Help your understanding of
- Malnutrition and its consequences
- Factors that influence nutritional needs
- The role of the dietitian
- Ward level activities to improve nutritional
intake - Importance of monitoring nutritional parameters
e.g. weight
- What is malnutrition?
- Malnutrition imbalance between nutritional
intake and nutritional requirements. - Malnutrition in the UK costs in excess of 7.3
billion - Who is at risk of malnutrition?
- A malnourished patient can ? their length of stay
in hospital by 50 - 75 of patients may ? weight during admission
- A large proportion of patients are at risk
- Auxiliary nurses play a very important role in
the provision of nutritional care
4Why might patients become undernourished?
- Decreased food intake
- Increased nutritional/energy requirements
- Decreased nutrient absorption (diseases affecting
the gastro-intestinal tract)
5What are the consequences of malnutrition?
- ? Illness
- ? Reduced food intake
- ? Reduced muscle strength
- ? Decreased mobility
- ? Impaired immunity
- ? Susceptibility to wound/chest infection
- ? Apathy
- ? Depression
6Identifying patients at nutritional risk
- Nutritional screening
- Identifies patients who are or at risk of
becoming undernourished - Action plan
- 1. identifies appropriate strategies of care
- 2. identifies responsibilities for care
- Not all patients identified as being at risk
require being seen by a dietitian
7Role of the dietitian
- The dietitian is an expert in nutrition
- Assess more high risk patients
- Assess nutritional status (ABCD)
- Estimate nutritional requirements
- Give appropriate nutritional advice
- Request prescription products if appropriate
- Discuss care plans with multi disciplinary teams
to ensure implementation
8Catering system
- Dietitians will inform nursing staff of specific
dietary requirements - Speech and Language Therapist will inform nursing
staff on appropriate texture modified diet - All meals are ordered by nursing staff
- Fortified foods and additional snacks can be
arranged via the dietitian
9Benefits of Nutritional Support
- Patient Benefits
- ? Length of stay
- ? Rehab time
- ? Mortality
- ? Quality of life
- NHS Benefits
- Cost savings
10Your role in preventing undernutrition
- Think about your job how much time do you spend
doing food related activities? - Request Nursing Staff complete Nutritional
Screening Tool - Weighing patients
- Completing menu cards
- Food record charts
- Advising on appropriate food choices
- Food fortifying
- Meal Provision
11Why weigh?
- Weight is an essential component of assessing
nutritional status - Weight history highlights changes of significance
- Unexplained weight loss should be investigated
12How should weights should be obtained?
- Weekly weights (unless otherwise instructed)
- Obtain using the same scales preferably
- Ensure patient wearing similar clothing
- Weights should be recorded in the nursing or
medical notes - If weight has significantly changed
- Re-check the weight
- Inform the named nurse if concerned
13Completing menu cards
- Are menu choices appropriate?
- Clarify likes/dislikes
- Observe physical limitations which may impact
intake - Offer assistance if required
- Offer encouragement
14How to Complete Food Record Charts
Breakfast Mid-morning Lunch Mid-afternoon Evening meal Supper
Ideal way ½ bowl porridge Full cup of orange juice All Fortisip All tea biscuit All soup ½ portion of mince potatoes Glass of milk ¼ Fortisip Refused tea biscuit Refused main meal Ate full high protein custard ¾ glass of milk Cup of tea 1 slice of toast
Wrong way Some porridge Biscuit Soup Main meal Enlive Custard Tea Toast
15Methods of providing Nutritional Support
- Appropriate food choices/? no. of meals/snacks
- Fortify foods to ? their nutritional value
- Provide supplement drinks
- Enteral nutrition
- Parenteral nutrition
16Appropriate food choices
- British Nutrition Foundation (2007)
17Food Fortification
- Full fat or sugar products
- Add extra butter, cheese, full cream milk, cream
- Add sugar or preserves
- Food fortification with Procal, Build Up,
Calogen, Fortisip or Fortijuice
18Nutritional Supplements
- Some can not meet their nutritional needs through
oral diet alone - Supplement drinks may be indicated
- Prescription products
- should only be given to patients as directed by
medical or dietetic staff
19Nutritional Supplements
- Always check the best before date
- Offer between or after meals
- Offer chilled or at room temperature
- Ask about flavour preference
- Offer encouragement
20Nutrition Support cont..
- Some can not meet nutritional requirements
- ? enteral or parenteral feeding may be initiated
- Provision of these forms of nutrition are carried
out by trained nursing staff
21Check List
- Request Nursing Staff complete Nutritional
Screening Tool - Weighing patients
- Appropriate meal provision
- 1. Completing menu cards
- 2. Supervising on appropriate food choices
- 3. Food fortifying
- 4. Assistance offered if required
- 5. Suitable position for food consumption
- 6. Appropriate cutlery
- Food record charts
22Thank you
- Any Questions?
- Any Questions?
- Any Questions?