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3Hinduism-ethnic religion Ganesh
Shrine, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Chronologically, the oldest of the major
religions - Arose in Indus Valley, 4,000 years ago
- No evolving bureaucratic structures
- Reincarnation
- Doctrines allied with India's caste system
- Tied to the physical landscape
- Modernization and Gandhi helped relax the caste
- Diffusion
- Arose in what is now Pakistan
- No modern expansion diffusion
- Area overtaken by Buddhism and Islam
- Bali outpost has become a syncretic faith
- Relocation diffusion not the foci
- Cultural landscape
- Hinduism is a way of life
- Building a temple gives good Karma
- Shrine location important
- Visual AND emotional
5Buddhism- Universalizing
- Resurgence in India
- Buddha (Prince Siddhartha) spoke out against
caste system - Diffusion
- Grew slowly after Buddhas death
- Fragmented today, but experiencing a revival
- Principals keep diffusing, notably in the Western
world - Cultural landscape
- The Bodhi tree
- Pagodas
6Chinese religions- Ethnic religions
- Taoism
- Confucianism
- Diffusion
- Confucianism diffused early into the Korean
Peninsula, Japan, and Southeast Asia - Taoism more local
- Chinese communist authorities leveled burial
mounds because they took up too much ground
suitable for farming - Cultural landscape
- Confucianism and Taoism help expand impact of
Buddhist cultural influences
7Shinto ethnic religion of Japan
8Judaism-ethnic religion, exception to the rule,
has diffused
- The oldest major religion to emerge west of the
Indus Valley - Diffusion
- Diaspora
- Sephardim
- Zionismhomeland for Jewish people
- Israel created in 1948 by UN
- Cultural landscape
- Synagogues, but no single architectural style
- Star of David appears on most Jewish graves
- The Wailing Wall
9Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel
- Jewish search for deliverance from Romans
appearance of Jesus - Pauls role
- Eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople)
- Eastern (Orthodox) Church still one of three
major branches - The papacy, second branch
- Protestant movement
- Diffusion
- A combination of expansion and relocation
diffusion during European colonialism - Most widespread of the global religions
- Aggressive and persistent proselytism
- Cultural landscape
- Medieval Europe
- Imprint of death on the landscape
- Uses more land for cemeteries than any other faith
- Religions and culture regions in the United
States - The Mormon culture region
- Christian culture regions better known
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- The youngest of the major faiths
- Religious and social disarray in Arab world
- Unifying religious faith and set of values
- Mecca, Medina, then Jerusalem became the
spiritual center - Believed strongly in education
- Still the heart of Arab culture
- Islamization
17Islam by 900 CE
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19Islam Shiite
- Regions and sects
- Division ? conflict-2 BRANCHES
- Sunnis family and community to solve problems
- Shiites Imam is solver
- ImamsShiite Muslims leaders whose appointments
are regarded as sanctioned by Allah - Diffusion
- Trading expansions led to conflicts with
Christianity - The Crusades
- Continues to attract converts
- Experiencing resurgence expansion will continue
- Classic example of hierarchical diffusion
- Cultural landscape
- Mosques dominate the urban landscapes
- Muslim architects very skilled
- Exquisite and distinct architecture
- A symbol for faith and community
- Islam religion and culture are one
21The Alhambraan example of Muslim Architecture
22The Dome of the Rock, Jerusaleman example of
Muslim tile glazing
23Religious Fundamentalism
- A worldwide drive by millions back to the
basics (in whose eyes?) of religious faith - Often born out of frustration
- Tunnel Vision
- 9/11 led to many Americans equating terrorism
with Islam - Globalization and religions
- 1. strict adherence to the holy text
- 2. pious or religiosity
- 3.
24Religious Fundamentalism
- Christian fundamentalism
- Christian fundamentalism most pronounced in
Protestantism - Islamic fundamentalism
- Laws not equally applied
- Inconsistency breeds dissidence
- From Shah to Ayatollah
- 1970s and 1980s most significant
- Afghanistan under the Taliban
- Jihad and Wahhabi
- Extreme Islamic fundamentalists who resort to
violence are relatively small in number (Usually
from the Shiites)
- De Blij, Harm, J. (2007). Human Geography People,
Place and Culture. Hoboken, NJ John Wiley
Sons Inc. - Domosh, Mona, Neumann, Roderic, Price,
Patricia, Jordan-Bychkov, 2010. The Human
Mosaic, A Cultural Approach to Human Geography.
New York W.H. Freeman and Company. - Fellman, Jerome, D., Getis, Arthur, Getis,
Judith, 2008. Human Geography, Landscapes of
Human Activities. Boston, MA McGraw-Hill Higher
Education. - Pulsipher, Lydia Mihelic and Alex M. and
Pulsipher, 2008. World Regional Geography, Global
Patterns, Local Lives. W.H. Freeman and Company
New York. - Rubenstein, James M. (2008). An introduction
to human geography The cultural landscape. Upper
Saddle River, NJ Pearson Prentice Hall. - Benewick, Robert, Donald, Stephanie H. (2005).
The State of - China Atlas. Berkeley University of
California Press.