Title: I.The Kennedy Record
1John Kennedy and Lyndon Jonson Domestic Programs
- I. The Kennedy Record
- II. Lyndon Johnson American Liberalism
- III. Assessment
2Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- A. Candidates
3Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- A. Candidates
4Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- A. Candidates
5Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- B. Campaign
6Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- B. Campaign
7Kennedy and Domestic Program
- I. Election of 1960
- C. Results
8Kennedy and Domestic Program
- II. Kennedy Administration
- A. Inauguration
9Kennedy and Domestic Program
- II. Kennedy Administration
- B. New Frontier
The Space Race
Test Ban Treaty 1962
This treaty is not the millennium. But it is
an important first step, a step toward peace, a
step toward reason, a step away from war.
For in the final analysis, our most basic common
link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we
all breathe the same air, we all cherish our
childrens futures, and we are all mortal.
10Kennedy and Domestic Program
- III. Assassination
- A. November 22, 1963 Dallas
11Kennedy and Domestic Program
- III. Assassination
- A. November 22, 1963 Dallas
12Kennedy and Domestic Program
- III. Assassination
- B. Lee Harvey Oswald
13Kennedy and Domestic Program
- III. Assassination
- C. Legacy Camelot
14LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- A. LBJ
15LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- A. LBJ
16LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- A. LBJ
17LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
Michael Harrington
18LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
19LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
20LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
21LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
The Economic Opportunity Act (1964)
- Sargent Shriver (OEO)
- Headstart
- Job Corps
- Community Action Program
22LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
Medicare / Medicaid
23LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
24LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
25LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- National Endowment for the Arts
- Clean Air and Water Acts
- Wilderness Protection Act
26LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- B. The Great Society The War on Poverty
27LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- C. The Election of 1964
Barry Goldwater
28LBJ and Domestic Program
- IV. LBJ American Liberalism
- C. The Election of 1964