Title: Ljubljana, Slovenia
1Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Components of the antiviral defense device
3Therapeutic targets of HIV life cycle
4Considered approaches
Use of viral LTR promoter Leaky transcription
Direct activation of antiviral response (e.g. TLR3 ?interferon ß) Problems with active homodimers
Detection of viral attachment Selected approach
Use of viral protease activity Selected approach
5 Localization-based switch of T7 RNA polymerase
Active state T7 RNA polymerase is released from
the membrane and directed to the nucleus (NLS)
transcription of antiviral effectors
Inactive state T7 RNA polymerase is anchored to
the membrane and is separated from DNA
6HIV causes the release of GFP reporter from the
3D reconstruction of reporter GFP localization
within the cell
7HIV protease causes translocation of mCherry
reporter into the nucleus
Membrane localization
Nucleus localization
HIV protease
8HIV protease - based cell activation
HIV protease
9(No Transcript)