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Workbook 10 Chapter 8. Remote Shell Commands Pace Center for Business and Technology * Chapter 8. Remote Shell Commands Key Concepts Remote shell applications allow ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Workbook 10 Chapter

Workbook 10Chapter 8.  Remote Shell Commands
Pace Center for Business and Technology
Chapter 8.  Remote Shell Commands
  • Key Concepts
  • Remote shell applications allow users to execute
    arbitrary commands on remote machines, and have
    standard out returned locally. Alternately, an
    interactive shell can be started.
  • The Secure Shell application provides a remote
    shell, where all transactions are encrypted, and
    users can be authenticated by traditional
    passwords or using a public key authentication
  • In order to use the public key authentication
    scheme, a public- private key pair must be
    generated with the ssh-keygen command.
  • Because Secure shell servers have their own
    public-private key pairs, servers can be
    authenticated to clients as well as clients
    authenticated to servers.

The Original Remote Shell rsh and Rhosts
  • Remote Shells with rsh
  • Linux (and Unix) shells are intentionally
    designed with simple interfaces they read input
    from the standard in stream, and deliver output
    to the standard out stream. As a result, the
    interfaces are easily implemented over network
    connections. By simply substituting a TCP socket
    for a terminal device, a shell can operate on a
    remote machine as easily as the local machine. In
    Linux (and Unix), applications which provide this
    functionality are referred to as remote shells.
  • The first commonly used Unix remote shell was the
    simple rsh application. If a remote machine is
    properly configured (i.e., it is running the RSH
    server), users can use a rsh command to invoke a
    remote shell.

The Original Remote Shell rsh and Rhosts
  • Translating, this command says "as the user elvis
    on the host server1, run the command ls /tmp".
    The command executes on the remote machine
    (server1), but standard out is delivered to the
    local machine (station). When the command
    completes, elvis's prompt implies that he is
    still on the host station.
  • If elvis does not specify a command to run, the
    rsh utility would opens an interactive shell on
    the remote host server1. By paying close
    attention to the bash prompt in the following
    excerpt, note which commands execute on which

Rhosts Authentication /.rhosts
  • In each case, elvis did not need issue a
    password. Before he could access his remote
    account using rsh, however, elvis needed to
    configure the account to allow him access from
    his local machine. For rsh, access control
    configuration is as trivial as adding a line to a
    file. On the remote account, elvis created the
    file /.rhosts, and added one line containing the
    hostname and username for each external account
    which he wanted to grant access. Additionally,
    the RSH server requires that the file's
    permissions prohibit anyone but the user owner
    from reading the file. As the following commands
    illustrate, elvis has already configured his
    .rhosts file on the remote machine.
  • Authentication which relies on a properly
    configured /.rhosts configuration file is
    commonly called rhosts authentication.

The Secure Shell
  • The rhosts authentication method is pitiful. At
    its essence, it relies on DNS (Domain Name
    Service) to authenticate a user. In order to
    exploit elvis's /.rhosts configuration, all
    someone would have to do is detach the real host
    station from the network, and bring up another
    machine configured with station's IP address. The
    fault is not elvis's, but the design of the rhost
    authentication protocol.
  • Additionally, rsh is a plaintext protocol.
    Exchanging data over a network in plaintext is
    essentially the equivalent to sending mail on
    postcards anyone handling the data between here
    and there is privy to its contents.
  • The Secure Shell was developed to address both of
    these shortcomings of the rsh command, and add
    significant new capabilities, while still
    providing all of rsh's convenience. Assuming the
    remote machine is running the ssh service (i.e.,
    the sshd daemon), elvis could invoke a shell on
    the remote machine with the following.

The Secure Shell
  • The ssh command's new syntax for specifying the
    username of the remote account is slightly easier
    than is rsh's, although the -l command line
    switch is also implemented (in order to be fully
    backwards compatible).
  • In the above example, elvis is authenticated by
    providing a password instead of configuring a
    /.rhosts file. In the next section, we find that
    the Secure Shell can use a more mature public key
    technique to grant users "password free" access
    to an account. When public key authentication is
    not implemented, however, ssh falls back to
    traditional password authentication. 2

Secure Shell Public Key Authentication
  • In addition to traditional password
    authentication, the Secure Shell application can
    use public key cryptography to authenticate
    users. Public key encryption algorithms relate
    two large numbers, referred to as "keys", so that
    information encrypted with one key can only be
    decrypted with the other. Anyone who wants to use
    public key cryptography must first generate a
    pair of keys. Most public key protocols call one
    key a public key, and the complementary key a
    private key. Your public key you treat like your
    phone number you share it with anyone with whom
    you are willing to communicate, and may choose to
    list it in public directories. Your private key,
    on the other hand, you share with no one. All of
    the security provided by public key protocols
    relies on the fact that only you know the
    contents of your private key.

Generating a Public-Private Key Pair ssh-keygen
  • When using ssh, a user's public-private key pair
    can be generated with the ssh-keygen command. In
    the following example, elvis uses ssh-keygen to
    generate a ssh public-private key pair.
  • The user elvis was first prompted for the new
    (private) key's filename, to which elvis simply
    hit RETURN to accept the default filename
    /.ssh/id_rsa. Next, elvis was given the
    opportunity to attach a passphrase to his private
    key. By hitting RETURN again (twice), elvis chose
    not to. (We will discuss passphrases in more
    detail later.)

Generating a Public-Private Key Pair ssh-keygen
  • When the command returns, elvis has two new files
    in his (perhaps newly created) /.ssh directory.
    The first is his private key, which he shares
    with no one. (He certainly doesn't publish it in
    an online text).
  • He is free to share his second key (the public
    key) with anyone whom asks.

Allowing Account Access /.ssh/authorized_keys
  • SSH access to an account is granted by obtaining
    a copy of the public key of the person who is to
    be granted access, and storing it in the
    account's /.ssh/authorized_keys file. Like the
    /.rhosts file, the /.ssh/authorized_keys file,
    and the whole /.ssh directory, must only be
    readable by the user. How the copy of the public
    key is obtained does not matter. It could be
    emailed, scped (as discussed in a moment), or
    transferred from one terminal to another using
    the mouse's cut and paste buffer.

Allowing Account Access /.ssh/authorized_keys
  • When handling public keys, however, care must be
    taken to ensure that the key is placed in the
    file with no embedded whitespace, including
    newlines. Although too long to be displayed as
    such, SSH public keys are always stored as a
    single line of text. More people can be granted
    access to an account by simply appending their
    public keys to the /.ssh/authorized_keys files,
    one public key per line.

Allowing Account Access /.ssh/authorized_keys
  • In the following example, elvis uses ssh,
    redirection, and some carefully placed quotes to
    append his public key (on the host station) to
    the authorized_keys file in his account on the
    host serer1.
  • Okay, so we need to make the .ssh directory
  • Why the quotes? With no quotes, the output of the
    cat command would have been appended to the file
    .ssh/authorized_keys on the local machine. The
    quotes serve to pass the redirection syntax
    "into" the remote shell.

Allowing Account Access /.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Having placed his public key in the
    /.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote
    machine, elvis now expects to be able to examine
    the contents of the file without having to issue
    a password.
  • Something is amiss, because elvis was again
    prompted for his password. Recalling that only
    the user should be able to access the /.ssh
    directory and read the /.ssh/authorized_keys
    file, elvis implements the appropriate chmod
    command on the remote machine. Afterwords, he is
    able to observe the new permissions without
    having to issue a password.
  • Success.

Public Key Authentication Details
  • In order to develop an appreciation for the
    robustness of public key authentication, we will
    spend a few moments discussing the protocol. When
    the secure shell application implements public
    key authentication, it uses a procedure similar
    to the following. In our discussion, the
    following symbols will be used.

Public Key Authentication Details
  • First, the ssh client on the host station
    requests a connection to the sshd daemon on the
    host server1. Upon receiving the connection
    request, the sshd daemon looks for a registered
    public key in the destination account's
    /.ssh/authorized_keys file.
  • If a relevant public key is discovered, the sshd
    daemon initiates public key authentication by
    generating a random string R. It then encrypts
    the random string with elvis's public key P
    (which it obtains from the /.ssh/authorized_keys
    file), and delivers the encrypted random string
    P(R) over the network to the ssh client.

Public Key Authentication Details
  • Upon receiving the encrypted random string P(R),
    the ssh client uses elvis's private key S to
    decrypt it. Once the original random string R is
    recovered, the ssh client returns it to the sshd

Public Key Authentication Details
  • If the sshd daemon receives from the ssh client
    the same random string with which it started, the
    client is authenticated, and the connection is
    allowed to continue.

Public Key Authentication Details
  • A couple of aspects of this algorithm deserve
  • The ssh client is authenticated not by a hostname
    or IP address, and not by a password, but solely
    by the possession of the private key. (If the
    client could not access the appropriate private
    key, it would not have been able to decrypt the
    encrypted random string passed to it.)
  • The only information passed over the network is
    an encrypted random string, and a random string
    (the symbols colored red in the accompanying
    figures). Anyone eavesdropping on the
    conversation would not learn anything useful.
  • In practice, the actual algorithm used is more
    complicated. But the protocol outlined above
    illustrates the most important features of the
    public key authentication protocol

Transferring Files Securely and Easily scp
  • As the previous discussion illustrates, files can
    be transferred from one machine to another using
    ssh with the cat command and careful redirection.
    Fortunately, there is an easier and less error
    prone way scp.
  • The scp command uses a syntax almost identical to
    the cp command, but either the source file(s) or
    the destination file can be on a remote machine,
    accessed through a specified account. 3 When
    referring to a file on a remote machine, the
    following syntax is used.
  • The user and host are simply enough the host
    where the file resides, and the user whose
    account is used to access the file. If the file's
    path begins with a /, it is considered an
    absolute reference. If not, it is considered
    relative to the user's home directory. If no path
    is supplied, the user's home directory is
  • As an example, the following command line would
    transfer the /etc/services file from server1 into
    the /cfg/server1/etc/ directory in elvis's home

Transferring Files Securely and Easily scp
  • Because elvis has a properly configured public
    key authentication with his account on server1,
    he is able to transfer the file without issuing a
    password. What happens if he tries to transfer
    the file /etc/shadow?
  • The user elvis on the host server1 does not have
    permissions to read the file /etc/shadow, so the
    file can naturally not be transferred. If the
    user elvis knows the password to the root account
    on the remote machine, however, the file could be
    accessed through it.
  • Because elvis does not have public key
    authenticated access to the root account on
    server1, ssh used traditional password

Transferring Files Securely and Easily scp
  • The -r command line switch (for "recursive") must
    be specified when copying an entire directory
    (and its subdirectories). In the following, elvis
    recursively copies the /etc/sysconfig directory
    from his local machine (station) to the machine
    server1's /tmp directory.
  • As the scp command performs the transfer, it
    displays transfer timing information for each

Secure Shell Host Authentication
  • The first time the ssh (or scp) client is used to
    connect to a sshd Secure Shell server, a message
    similar to the following is displayed.
  • If the user answers yes (the only answer which
    will allow the connection to continue), the
    connection proceeds, with the following warning.
  • On subsequent connections, the message is no
    longer seen.

Secure Shell Host Authentication
  • The Secure Shell not only authenticates clients
    to servers, but also servers to clients, using
    public key authentication. Just as users can
    create public-private key pairs with the
    ssh-keygen command, the sshd daemon maintains its
    own public-private key pair, known as its host
    key. The first time a ssh client connects to a
    sshd daemon, it appends a copy of the remote
    daemon's public host key to the local file
  • As the client is used to connect to various
    machines, the /.ssh/known_hosts file grows,
    recording one public key for each machine
    contacted. The next time the client connects to a
    host, it silently uses the same public key
    protocol used to authenticate users, reversed, to
    authenticate the host to which it is connecting.

Secure Shell Host Authentication
  • What if the remote host does not posses the same
    identity which complements the public key stored
    in the client's /.ssh/known_hosts file? The
    client refuses to connect, and instead issues the
    following warning.

Secure Shell Host Authentication
  • Often, there is a very reasonable explanation why
    the server has changed identity. For example, the
    server might have been upgraded with a more
    recent version of its operating system, and as a
    result, generated a new host public-private key
    pair. If a reasonable explanation for the change
    in identity is available, the ssh client can be
    convinced to connect by removing the offending
    line from the /.ssh/known_hosts file, and
    "starting over" by collecting a new key for the

Secure Shell Host AuthenticationLAB
  • http//
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