AA Interview Notes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AA Interview Notes


AA Interview Notes James Hamilton JamesRH 2006-09-17 * Agenda Setting up the loop Managing the loop The Interview Learning from the loop * Setting up the Loop Make ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AA Interview Notes

AA Interview Notes
  • James Hamilton
  • JamesRH
  • 2006-09-17

  • Setting up the loop
  • Managing the loop
  • The Interview
  • Learning from the loop

Setting up the Loop
  • Make sure right folks on loop
  • Will we have the info we need at the end of the
  • Experience of folks on the loop
  • One or, at the very most, two inexperienced
  • Make changes if needed
  • Don't just "accept" the loop
  • If two groups involved, are there enough from
    both teams?
  • 2 slots, one of which is lunch won't cut it
  • Read the resume, does it match the job?
  • Are there others it matches more closely

Managing the Loop Feedback
  • If no feedback within an hour, complain to loop
  • Publicly whack those that send in crappy
  • "Nice guy" ... "really enjoyed talking to him
  • Make sure feedback has content -- don't accept 5
    or 10 lines
  • If dev interview, insist on seeing code for all
    but lunch interview
  • Test interview requirements not much different
  • Read all feedback and learn who needs private
  • Must take a position
  • Tentative hire is just wrong ... call it
  • Insist on taking a position ... must start with
    "hire" or "no hire"
  • If uncertain, no hire
  • Calibrate interviews to individual being hired
  • Insist on deep knowledge from senior folks
  • Expect core skills and potential from university
  • Correct quickly if questions are not at right

Managing the Loop Adapt
  • If failing as dev, for example, consider other
  • Some of our best PMs Testers were once Devs
  • We paid to get candidate in so invest in finding
  • If candidate failing, jump in early
  • Call leaders of other roles recruiting to
    redirect loop
  • It's your job to adapt the loop if it's not
  • Under no circumstances send home w/o 3 interviews
  • If borderline, continue the loop
  • Leave candidate with a good experience
  • As AA try to see anyone who is borderline
  • Do the AA unless clearly not a hire
  • Youll learn about both candidate the

The Interview Approach
  • Be casual and friendly and help the candidate
  • The more relaxed they are, the more successful
    you'll be
  • You need details fast with only an hour
  • Best predictor of future performance is past
    results (outside the stock market ?)
  • Weak at school, poor results in past jobs, not
    hitting the top of anything, yet suddenly a
    superstar is very rare
  • Core attributes shine through
  • Not everyone will excel in school but they better
    excel somewhere
  • If a "hard worker", find real examples
  • If an "excellent problem solver", get examples.
  • No examples almost assures its simply not true
  • Dont waste time
  • Start and finish on time
  • Dont waste much time on project or other
    introductory stuff
  • A hard interview followed by a job offer is
  • Good candidates enjoy being challenged
  • You need the full hour to get deep insight into

The Interview Core Attributes
  • Recruiting encourages us to look for a broad set
    of core attributes
  • My focused set is a smaller subset
  • Motivation, tools of the trade, raw IQ
  • Recent style is each interviewer to focus on a
    core attribute or two
  • Im not against this but dont personally chose
    to do it
  • Raw IQ from design questions interactions
    during interview
  • Tools of the trade I'll survey standard computer
    science education to make sure a candidate knows
    common algorithms, has appropriate education or
    equivalent work experience.
  • Be particularly careful of candidates that have a
    masters in computer science but an undergraduate
    in something like English lit.
  • Motivation Discussions of past project, how they
    tackle problems, how they have worked through
    tough problems
  • Do they give up, did they hit the top, did they
    actually ship or switch projects early, etc.,
  • Track record of success not all candidates
    succeed everywhere but, with motivation, they
    should excel in many areas

The Interview Digging Deeper
  • Education I typically do pass through education
  • checking for basics quality
  • Experience I typically do a pass through 2 or 3
    of their major projects
  • Im looking for two things
  • Is it an accurate description of their past or
    someone they worked with?
  • Im looking for interesting problems for later
    design questions
  • I'll chose an example from a past project and ask
    them for details
  • Assure myself first that they actually did the
  • Then debate a few design decisions to see how
    they deal with technical conflict
  • Must be able to push back when on wrong track and
    step back when not
  • Change a design parameter and ask for a solution
  • What if it won't fit into memory, I need
    multi-user concurrent access, I want to reduce
    response time by a factor of 10, etc., etc.
  • Keep firing questions design mods and see how
    they adapt
  • Coding Ask a coding question where they don't
    already know the answer
  • You really can only afford 20 min on coding so it
    can't be too hard
  • As quickly as possible, syntactically correct,
    and correct algorithm
  • If dev/test ask coding questions in all
    interviews prior to AA
  • If any doubt, ask in AA as well

The Interview Different Job Types
  • SDE/T
  • I'll ask a simpler coding question or expect
    somewhat less but still want to see code.
  • I substitute design questions with testing
  • Test a software component with which they are
    familiar, like a compiler symbol table, and
    instruct them to give me as many tests as
    possible as quickly as possible
  • If you don't get on the order of 15 or 20 pretty
    quickly, worry but keep trying. If no more, they
    dont make the bar
  • PM
  • I'll typically not ask a coding question, will
    still ask the same design question, and I'll go
    looking for customer focus in and around design
  • Many questions on how to chose features, when to
    push a feature, challenge with schedule/feature
    trade-offs, challenge with late bugs and whether
    or not to fix. Basically, scenarios from various
    parts of the dev cycle to see how they react.
  • Ask questions from their past to understand how
    they will work with other groups in conflict.
    Could they evangelize a feature with other
    groups, work with other groups, reduce conflict,
  • Present design sketches and ask them to criticize
  • Expect them to argue a point carefully,
    accurately, forcefully but not painfully.
  • Must be technical AND customer focused
  • How to influence a dev team without direct
    leadership position?
  • Architect
  • Beware of someone who wants to be an architect
    for the titles sake
  • Its not a role, its a broader, more senior
    version of one of our existing job types
  • Candidate must have been in the trenches"
    actually shipped successful production software
  • Cant succeed without credibility and it wont
    come if they havent been there
  • Ask for their principles of development and
    evidence of them being applied with success in

Learning from the Loop
  • Introduce new interviewers by putting them on
    loops with good interviewers
  • They'll read the feedback and compare with their
  • Don't introduce more than one new interviewer at
    a time
  • Go chat with new folks about what you learned and
    what they learned
  • helps them calibrate and learn to look deep
  • Those that aren't giving good feedback need to be
    reminded of their responsibilities
  • There are some folks that just never develop into
    good interviewers
  • don't put them on loops
  • Work with the HR team on who you actually want on
  • I like to get involved in who is on the loop,
    sometimes tuned to candidate and sometimes to the
    work load we're currently under
  • At bare min, make sure that the loop is
    appropriate and pass on changes to HR
  • Rarely, but occasionally, I'll send a "here's
    what we could do better" note to the loop or "it
    was a great loop and here's why"
  • Very rarely, when it's a borderline case, I won't
    make a hire/no-hire call that evening
  • We need quick answers so I only rarely delay when
    it appears the data is incomplete
  • Once I held a meeting the next day since the
    feedback ranged from "I would rather quit than
    work with this guy" to "we absolutely have to
    have him"
  • Keep an eye on how your hires do and learn from
    the result
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