Assignment 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assignment 8


Chess Game. In this assignment, we will create a simple scene consisting of a chessboard, a few pawns and a few move of the chess games. Creating a . pawn. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Assignment 8

Assignment 8 Chess Game
  • In this assignment, we will create a simple scene
    consisting of a chessboard, a few pawns and a few
    move of the chess games.
  • Creating a pawn
  • To create the pawn we use a technique called
    'Spinning'. We will only need to draw an outline
    of the pawn and then Blender will calculate how
    the object should look based on this outline.
  • Start with a new Blender scene, delete the
    default cube
  • Switch to front view (NUMPAD-1) and make sure
    you are in object mode.
  • Now add a new Bezier curve (SPACE?Add?Curve?Bezier

  • Step 2
  • Select the curve and rotate it (press R twice) to
    see the curve better
  • Move to edit mode (Tab) and add 7 or 8 extra
    points to the curve by selecting an endpoint,
    holding downCTRL and press the Left Click on
    the mouse
  • Shape the curve as shown below, and pay special
    attention that the endpoints on the left are
    located on the blue axis (the Z-axis).
  • We will be using the Z-axis as the axis of
    rotation later.

  • When you want to create a rotation object, you
    must indicate the location of the rotation axis
    with the 3D cursor.
  • We want to place this somewhere on the Z-axis.
    While still in front view, LeftClick on the blue
    Z-axis to place the 3D cursor there.
  • Note that the rotation axis is always
    perpendicular to the screen.
  • Now switch to object mode and go to the side view
  • If the curve is not straight as shown in the next
    slide rotate it to look like what is shown in
    the picture.

  • Move the center of the curve to be in the middle
    if it is not there already.
  • To do that press the editing button (F9). From
    the Curve and Surface panel click Center
  • Switch to top view, the curve should be as what
    is shown below a simple straight line
  • Move to the front view and move the center of the
    curve to the intersection of the z and x access

Top View
Side View
  • We are almost set to create the pawn. There is
    only one more thing to prepare the spin function
    only works on meshes, and not on curves.
  • So first convert the outline curve into a mesh.
  • Being in front view, leave the editmode (TAB),
    select and press ALTC. Select 'Mesh' or press
    ENTERto perform the conversion.
  • Move to edit mode and in the Mesh tool of the
    Editing Panel (F9) set the Screw degree to 360
    and spin steps to 21
  • This value determines the resolution of the
    resulting object
  • higher values increase the smoothness.

  • Now select all vertices with A
  • Switch to the top view with NUMPAD-7
  • Click on the center point of the curve which
    should be right in the intersection of y and x
    access as shown in the picture.
  • Now Press the 'Spin' button and watch the result.
  • The curve has been extruded and rotated, leaving
    behind a complete pawn as you see in the picture

  • All is not ready yet, though. It may not be
    obvious, but there is still a seam in the object
    where the 'beginning' meets the 'end' of our spin
  • To take care of this, while still in edit mode,
  • select all vertices in your object with A
  • press W to bring up the Specials menu
  • use the 'Remove Doubles' option to weld the
    double vertices together
  • After performing this operation, Blender reports
    on the amount of vertices that have been deleted.
    Just confirm it.

  • As a finishing touch, smooth the pawn by clicking
    on 'Set smooth' in the Link and Materials panel
    of the Edit window (F9)
  • Go to object mode, and being in the front view,
    switch to solid view (Z). Now The pawn is ready.
  • You can make the pawn small by scaling it down if
    you want because you are going to make several
  • First create a duplicate of the pawn (Shift D)
  • Then make one copy black and the other copy white
  • Next make 7 copies of the black and another 7
    copies of the white
  • You should now have total of 8 pieces of black
    and 8 pieces of white

  • Creating the Chessboard
  • To create a chessboard, we start by adding a new
    plane to the scene.
  • In front view, add a plane (space? Mesh?plane)
  • Move to edit mode (Tab), select all the vertices
    and extrude the vertices upward a bit (E)
  • Then with the vertices still selected, scale them
    down (press S) somewhat to create beveled edges
    (see the top picture)
  • Finally scale the entire thing to fill up two
    units as shown in the top picture.
  • Also check it in top view and align it with the
    lines in the units as shown in the bottom

Front view
Top view
  • Still in edit mode, and being in top view,
    duplicate the square (Shift D), hold down CTRL
    for snapping and move the copy 2 grid units
    sideways down and sideway and snap it with
    original copy as shown in the left picture
  • Now select both copies and duplicate it and
    attach them to the other two similarly as shown
    in the middle picture.
  • Keep on doing that to get the first half of the
    board. Again make sure that every time you make a
    copy and move it hold the control key to snap it
    perfectly to the other squares. You should end up
    with the picture shown on the right.

  • Before you give it any color, move to object mode
    and make a complete duplicate of the board (Shift
  • Now make the first copy red and the other one
    white or glassy white
  • Rotate one copy 90 degree (press R and type 90
    and press return) and place it on the top of the
    other copy as shown below
  • Select box (B) around the two copies and join
    them into one piece (Ctrl J)

  • Placing the Pawns on the Board
  • Being in top view and object mode, you may scale
    the board down to make it smaller and then place
    the pawns on the board as shown in the picture.
  • Add a camera and make the camera to track the
    board to be able to see the board and pieces in
    camera view
  • Before we start playing chess, this is how the
    board should look like in all views

Side view
Camera view
Top view
Front view
  • If the camera view does not show the board as
    shown in the above picture, move the camera
    around to set up the view as shown.
  • Also before you start setting up the frames and
    playing chess, I recommend you to do the
    following Create two windows, make one a top
    view and the other camera view.
  • Then move each pawn around in the top view and
    inspect it in the camera view to make sure the
    pawns are moving on the squares as expected.
  • If this is not the case, check the position of
    the pawns on the board in all views to see if
    they all have been set up the same as what is in
    the pictures shown in the previous slide

  • Lets Play Some Chess
  • Although we did not create all the pieces, we can
    just make a few moves to generally see how a
    chess games can be animated.
  • To start with, make sure you are in the top view.
  • click F10 to move to editing panels and from the
    ANIM panel click on Do Sequence to turn it on.
  • Start from frame 1 and in the top view,
  • press A to select everything
  • press the I in the keyboard
  • select LocRotScale to set the starting keyframe

  • Move to frame 10 and move the third black piece
    from the right two squares up as shown in the
    pictures on the right
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 1, and move the black piece
    back to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Move to frame 20 and move the third white piece
    from the right two squares up as shown in the
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 10, move the white piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Move to frame 30 and move the second black piece
    from the right two squares up as shown in the
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 20, move the black piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Move to frame 40 and move the forth white piece
    from the right one square up as shown in the
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 30, move the white piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Attacking time
  • Move to frame 50 and move the black piece on the
    top of the white as shown in the picture
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 40, move the black piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Move to frame 60 and move the attached white
    piece out of the game as shown in the picture
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 50, move the white piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • White wants to revenge. So move to frame 70 and
    move the white piece on the top of the black
    piece as shown in the picture
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 60, move the white piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Move to frame 80 and move the attached black
    piece out of the game as shown in the picture
  • Press the I in the keyboard and select
    LocRotScale to set the keyframe
  • Move back to frame 70, move the black piece back
    to its original position, if it is not there
  • Press I and select LocRotScale

  • Testing your Animation
  • To make a simple test of your animation,
  • In the ANIM panel set the start to 1 and end to
  • Press Alt A. You should see the movement of the
  • If the Animation is not as expected, it might be
    possible that you have forgotten some steps.

  • You can remove the frames and start again. To do
  • Go to frame 1
  • Set up the pieces on the board
  • Switch to NLA Editor window from the window menu
    as shown in the following picture
  • Box select all the yellow points and press x to
    delete them all
  • Switch back to 3D view window again
  • This removes all the frames and allows you to
    start setting up the keyframes again

  • You can now move to the side view and set up
    lights and camera and plane as shown below. Add a
    sun and a spot light.

  • The Result
  • Usually you will want to render an entire
    animation to disk, either as a series of images
    or as an AVI file.
  • To set this up, first enter a filename in the
    filename box of the output panel.
  • For a series of images (not for AVI files), this
    name will become the base prefix of the
  • For example, entering '/render/pawn' will result
    in a series of images called 'pawn0001, pawn0002,
    ' stored in the directory C/render.

  • Set the correct file format. Selecting 'AVI raw'
    here will cause Blender to store your animations
    not as single images, but as an AVI file.
  • Press F10 and in the ANIM panel turn off the Do
  • Press Animation to create the slides of the movie
  • After this is done you can press Play to play
    your video. This opens a new window pressing
    ESC stops playing.
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