Title: Open the Eyes of My Heart
1(No Transcript)
2The Death of a Man Who Loved Law!
Galatians 215-21
3When he got out to fix it, a cow came along side
him. Sounds like a carburetor problem, said the
cow. The man was startled
4There are some who think themselves as the good
guys who are helping the church who when it
gets right down to it want MORE THAN grace. They
want grace AND law
5Galatians 221
I do not nullify the grace of God for if
righteousness comes through law, then Christ died
6Keep in mind, the man writing this was at one
time the Pharisee of Pharisees but now he is
saying he has a new aim and that is to find
righteousness not by keeping the law but by grace
through faith in Christ!
to further break down the barriers of
justification by law in our lives
8I In Christ You Stand Even Though You Fall (vv
A. Note His Appeal to a Basic Conviction
B. Law Can Only Instruct It Cannot Save
9Romans 320
because by the works of the Law no flesh will
be justified in His sight for through the Law
comes the knowledge off sin.
10law sends you to jail law only teaches whats
right and whats wrong, but it cant save a
sinner Does this make the law bad? Not at all
for by showing us we cannot save ourselves law
actually points us to the only was we can be
saved GRACE!
11Man had a dream that he was at the gates of
heaven. Beyond the gates was a big scale with his
good works on one side and his bad works on the
12I In Christ You Stand Even Though You Fall (vv
A. Note His Appeal to a Basic Conviction
B. Law Can Only Instruct It Cannot Save
C. Justified Through Faith and Not by Works
13Justification means God takes a sinner who comes
through faith, at baptism and God imputes
righteousness, not by anything the sinner does,
but through the Cross of Christ where Jesus PAID
14Were like the man who took his first plane ride.
He was nervous
15Therefore, in Christ you stand even though you
fall dear friend saved by grace alone!
16II In Christ You Live Even Though You Die (vv
A. Jesus Died Our Death
17Galatians 614-15
But may it never be that I would boast except in
the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which
the world has been crucified to me, and I to the
world. For neither is circumcision anything, nor
uncircumcision, but a new creation.
18II In Christ You Live Even Though You Die (vv
A. Jesus Died Our Death
B. We Live a Crucified Life
19Paul vigorously denied the charge that the Gospel
of Grace promotes more irresponsibility. The
exact opposite is true
20Galatians 524-25
Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have
crucified the flesh with its passions and
desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also
walk by the Spirit.
21Many try to get people to stop sinning by giving
them a bunch of rules The problem is that
changed lives cant be regulated by law.
Transformation is the sole work of Holy Spirit,
Who doesnt
222 Corinthians 514
For the love of Christ controls us, having
concluded this, that one died for all, that they
who live should live no longer live for
themselves, but for Him who died and rose again
on their behalf.
23Abraham Lincoln came to a slave trading block. A
young black woman was put up for sale. Lincoln
bought the girl, took her aside and said, Madam,
I release you. You are now free. She inquired.
What do you mean?
24Summary and Conclusion
Have we died to being a lawman so that we can
live as new ones in the Spirit? Understand this,
Paul is not saying, Lets go from law to now
law. What Paul is saying, Lets go from law
depending to grace depending
25Crucified With Christ by Phillips, Craig and
Chorus For I am crucified with Christ and yet
I live Not I but Christ that
lives within me. His
cross will never ask for more than I can give,
For its not my strength but His,
Theres no greater
For I am crucified with Christ and yet I live.