Removing events - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Removing events


... we sometimes do not want the typical ... You will note that the object event precedes the function name. ... Title: PowerPoint Presentation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Removing events

The Event Object, Part 2
  • Removing events
  • Stopping an events normal behavior

Learning Objectives
  • By the end of this lecture, you should be able
  • Understand what is meant by an events default
    behavior and how to prevent it from occuring.
  • Tell events whose behavior you have prevented to
    return to their default behavior

Stopping the typical/normal behavior of an event
  • Some events, such as clicking on a hyperlink have
    preprogrammed functionality as their default
    behavior. For example, clicking on a hyperlink
    has the functionality of sending a request to a
    web server for a document or file. Similarly,
    clicking on a Submit button typically triggers
    submission of a form to a web server.
  • However, we sometimes do not want the typical
    behavior to be carried out. A common situation is
    when the user clicks the Submit button on a
    form but have left out, or improperly entered
    some key piece(s) of data. In this case, we may
    wish to prevent the submit button from carrying
    out its default behavior.
  • There are a couple of ways of preventing an event
    form carrying out its normal (default) behavior.
    One of which is to use the statement return
    false in your script. However, though we may
    discuss this statement down the road, we will not
    use it for now. Instead, I would prefer you use
    the preventDefault() function. Here is a
    paraphrase of the example from the API
  • lta href"http//"gtSome hyperlinked text
    that should go to the jQuery
  • ltdiv id"log"gtlt/divgt lt! Log the result in this
    space... --gt
  • ltscriptgt
  • ( "a" ).click(function( event ) //The API
    prefers to use double-quotes (either is fine)
  • event.preventDefault() //The
    preventDefault() function
  • ( "log" ).append( "Default " event.type
    " prevented" "ltbrgt" )
  • )lt/scriptgt

preventDefault() must be invoked with the event
  • Incidentally, you might be tempted to associate
    the preventDefault() function directly with the
    selector like so
  • ('a').preventDefault()
  • However, this will not work!
  • The preventDefault() function is actually a part
    of the event object. In other words, you will
    invoke preventDefault() within the function that
    is responsible for handling the event.
  • Note how in the code shown here, the
    preventDefault() function is invoked from inside
    the click() function. Also note how we use the
    event object to invoke the function. We do not
    use the a selector.
  • ( "a" ).click(function( event )
  • event.preventDefault()
  • ( "log" ).append( "Default " event.type "
    prevented" "ltbrgt" )
  • )

API docs for function preventDefault()
  • Check out the API docs page for preventDefault()
    at http//
  • You will note that the object event precedes
    the function name. This tells you that the
    preventDefault() function is invoked using the
    event object.

Restoring the default behavior of an event
  • What if you wish to return to the original
    behavior of an event?
  • For example, suppose you wanted to take the
    previous situation where all anchor tags were no
    longer opening a new page, and return their
    behavior to their default hyperlink behavior? Is
    there some kind of function called, say,
    restoreDefault() ?
  • As it happens, there is not. However, there is a
    function called unbind(). This function is a
    little more straight-forward to use than the
    preventDefault() function, in that we can simply
    use the selector.
  • To use unbind() we begin by applying the selector
    and then invoke the function like so
  • (selector).unbind()
  • However, thats not the entire story. Recall that
    preventDefault() is associated with a specific
    event such as a click event, or a mouseover
    event, or a keypress event, and so on. As a
    result, when using unbind() we must tell the
    function exactly which event we wish to unbind.
    The reason is that it is possible to have
    multiple events associated with a single
  • Reacall our earlier example in which we prevented
    the default behavior for anchor tags clicking
    like so
  • ('a').click(function( event )
  • event.preventDefault()
  • )
  • Note that we provide two key pieces of
    information The selector (green), and the
    event (red).
  • To unbind, then, we also need to refer to both of
    these items.
  • We do so as follows ('a').unbind('click')

  • FILE prevent_restart_default_behavior.htm
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