Lecture 17: WMD Part 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 17: WMD Part 1


... dispersed by the detonation of conventional explosives, ... an improvised nuclear device (IND) Attacks against and sabotage of nuclear facilities, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 17: WMD Part 1

Lecture 17 WMD Part 1
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction An Introduction

Defining WMD
  • Weapons that have a relatively large-scale impact
    on people, property, and/or infrastructure.
  • WMD are defined in US law (18 USC 2332a) as
  • (A) any destructive device as defined in section
    921 of this title (i.e. explosive device)
  • (B) any weapon that is designed or intended to
    cause death or serious bodily injury through the
    release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or
    poisonous chemicals, or their precursors
  • (C) any weapon involving a biological agent,
    toxin, or vector (as those terms are defined in
    section 178 of this title)
  • any weapon that is designed to release radiation
    or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human
  • CBRN weapons chemical, biological, radiological,

The Problem
  • The probability of a terrorist organization
    using a chemical, biological, radiological, or
    nuclear weapon, or high-yield explosives, has
    increased significantly during the past decade.
  • 2003 US National Strategy for Combating
  • Terrorists have declared their intention to
    acquire and use weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
    to inflict even more catastrophic attacks against
    the United States, our allies, partners, and
    other interests around the world.
  • 2006 US National Strategy for Combating
  • The prospect that a nuclear capable state may
    lose control of some of its weapons to terrorists
    is one of the greatest dangers the US and its
    allies face.
  • Quadrennial Defense Review, February 6, 2006

The Threat
Capabilities Opportunities
The Environment
  • During the Cold War
  • Bipolar international system
  • Monopoly of nukes CBW by strong, powerful
  • Terrorists did not cross threshold of mass
  • Nuclear terrorism ruled out because of stringent
    security surrounding atomic material in US/USSR
  • The Post-Cold War threat environment has changed
  • The Non-Proliferation Regimes crisis of
    legitimacy nuclear proliferation in South Asia,
    N Korea, the Middle East
  • Fears of CBRN proliferation post-Soviet collapse
  • Precedents set by Aum Shinriyko, LTTE and Chechen
  • The 2001 anthrax attacks in US
  • Jihadi terrorist groups explicit interest in WMD
    to inflict mass casualties on their enemies
  • Major advances in biotechnology

  • Transfer by a sympathetic national government,
    perhaps using export control loopholes
  • Assistance from custodians of nuclear weapons
    (security guards)
  • Unauthorized assistance from corrupt, angry or
    disenchanted, scientists/officials
  • Seizure without insider help via armed raids
  • Coup detat and chaos in a nuclear-armed failing
  • Technical information to build a nuclear weapon
    is widely available
  • With relatively little radioactive material
    obtained from a power plant or medical facility,
    terrorists could construct a dirty bomb

CBRN Weapons
  • 4 Weapon Types
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Radiological
  • Nuclear
  • Effects produced by Chemical and Biological
    Weapons are usually delayed and spread over time.
  • Terrorists, in contrast, prefer spectacular,
    massive impact, instant worldwide publicity,
    shock awe effect
  • Thus, nuclear or radiological may be more likely,
    but are significantly more difficult to design or

1) Chemical Weapons
  • Chemical Weapons use the toxic properties of
    chemical substances to cause physical or
    psychological harm to an enemy
  • Many different kinds, including
  • Choking and blood agents (like chlorine,
    phosgene, fentanyl gas) cause respiratory damage
    and asphyxiation
  • Blistering agents (like mustard gas and lewisite)
    cause painful burns requiring immediate medical
  • Nerve gases degrade the functioning of the
    nervous system, causing a loss of muscle control,
    respiratory failure, and eventually death
  • Can be delivered through bombs, rockets,
    artillery shells, spray tanks, and missile

2) Biological Weapons
Biological weapons intentionally disseminate
agents of infectious diseases to harm or kill
others. Key considerations include infectivity,
virulence, toxicity, pathogenicity, the
incubation period, transmissibility, lethality
and stability. Bacteria (like Anthrax,
Brucellosis, Tularemia, Plague) Viruses
(Smallpox, Marburg, Yellow Fever) Rickettsia
(Typhus fever, Spotted fever) Fungi (the molds
that cause stem rust of wheat and rye) Toxins
(like Ricin, Botulinum and Saxitoxin) aka
midspectrum Infectious Pathogens Emerging
threats SARS, Avian Influenza Old threats
TB, HIV, Malaria
  • - Relatively cost-effective weapons
  • - Considered by many to be the most insidious
    type of weapons
  • Strikes against the agricultural sector pose a
    serious threat

Proliferation of Chemical and Biological Weapons
  • Disenchanted Scientists
  • Corrupt Security Guards
  • Export Control Loopholes
  • Global Crime Networks
  • Black Markets
  • Weak State Governance

3) Radiological Weapons
  • A radiation emission device (RED) or a
    radiological dispersion device (RDD) or dirty
    bomb is a bomb to cause panic, terror and mass
  • Such a device, comprising radioactive material
    (such as plutonium 239, uranium 235, plutonium
    oxide and uranium oxide) dispersed by the
    detonation of conventional explosives, could
    spark terror and paralyze whole cities, even if
    its killing capacity were limited
  • Myriad sources could be used for this purpose
  • Medical/educational facilities, atomic waste
    storage reservations, commercial sites, etc.
  • Many lack concerted security
  • Especially medical facilities, educational

4) Nuclear Weapons
  • Unique in their explosive energy, derived from
    nuclear fission splitting the nuclear of an
    atom, usually of highly enriched uranium or
    plutonium, into two or more parts by bombarding
    it with neutrons, and causing a chain reaction
  • Destructive power up to 50 megatons
  • 1,000 tons of TNT 1 kiloton
  • WWII nukes 15-22 kilotons
  • 1,000 kilotons 1 megaton
  • 2 types Gun-type and Implosion

Access to Nuclear Weapons
  • The transfer, theft and detonation of an intact
    nuclear weapon (INW) sum of all fears
  • The theft or purchase of fissile material to
    fabricate and detonate a crude nuke an
    improvised nuclear device (IND)
  • Attacks against and sabotage of nuclear
    facilities, in particular nuclear power plants,
    causing the release of large amounts of
  • Illicit market for nuclear materials the case of
    A.Q. Khan
  • In October 2003, US intelligence agents boarded a
    cargo ship en route from Malaysia to Libya via
    Dubai and found thousands of centrifuge parts for
    enriching uranium. The buyer was Libyas Col.
    Gaddafi the seller, Dr A. Q. Khan, the father of
    Pakistans nuclear bomb
  • This interception uncovered the dark underside of
    globalization a worldwide, black market in
    nuclear materials, designs and technologies that
    the IAEA chief, Mohammed El-Baradei, has called a
    Wal-Mart of private-sector proliferation

(No Transcript)
Critical Infrastructure
  • Pre-positioned WMD?
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Chemical storage facilities
  • Bio-technology labs
  • Dams, water protection infrastructure (Katrina)
  • Urban Transportation of Toxic Chemicals
  • Etc.
  • 9/11 attacks used pre-positioned weapons

  • Potential exists for limited CBRN strikes
  • Cant rule out attacks that local affiliates can
    execute on a (semi-) autonomous basis
  • Aim to elicit mass disruption rather than
    physical destruction per se
  • Weapon type determines possible availability and

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