Title: Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
1Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
Topic 3 Principles of Induction
??? yhq_at_ecust.edu.cn
- Proving of program properties often uses
mathematical induction. - Prove properties of a programming language by
proving a small finite set of claims. - If a property is violated then there is a small
finite set in which it is violated. - Examples
- lta, ?gt ? m lta, ?gt ? n ? m n
- Euclid terminates
- ltc, ?gt ? ? ltc, ?gt ? ? ?
3Forms of induction
- Mathematical induction
- Structural induction
- Well-founded induction
- Induction on derivations
- Rule induction
4Mathematical induction
- Principle Mathematical induction includes a
basis and a induction step. - (P(0) (?m??. P(m) ? P(m1)))? ? n??. P(n)
- Example Show that
5Course-of-value induction
- Principle
- (?m??. (?kltm . P(k)) ? P(k))? ? n??. P(n)
- Example Show that
6Structural Induction
- Principle The induction is based on the
structure of the elements. First, show that the
property holds for all atomic elements. Second,
show that the formulation rules to build
non-atomic elements preserve the property. - Example To show that a property P holds for all
arithmetic expressions, it is sufficient to show
that - (? m ??.P(m))?
- (? X?Loc.P(X))?
- (? a0 , a1 ?Aexp. P(a0) ? P(a1) ? P(a0 a1 ))?
- (? a0 , a1 ?Aexp. P(a0) ? P(a1) ? P(a0 a1 ))?
- (? a0 , a1 ?Aexp. P(a0) ? P(a1) ? P(a0 ? a1 ))
7Structural Induction (Cont)
- Example Show that the evaluation of arithmetic
expression is deterministic, i.e. - lta, ?gt ? m lta, ?gt ? m ? m m
- Bad example
- ltc, ?gt ?? ltc, ?gt ? ?? ? ?
8Well-Founded Induction
- A well-founded relation lt on a set A if
- there are no infinite decreasing chains
- ?lt ai lt lt a2 lt a1
- a lt b
- a is a predecessor of b
- Proposition A binary relation on A lt is
well-founded iffany nonempty subset Q of
A has a minimal element, i.e. an element m such
that - m?Q ?b lt m. b ? Q .
9The Principle of Well Founded Induction
- lt is a well founded relation on A
- P is property
- Then
- ?a ? A P(a)
- Iff
- ?a ? A (?b lt a. P(b) ? P(a))
10The Principle of Well Founded Induction (Cont)
- An alternative approach To show that a property
P holds for all element of a well-founded set A,
it is equivalent to show that the subset F of A
for which P does not hold is empty. - To prove that F is empty, it is sufficient to
show that F cannot have a minimal element. - And to show that F cannot have a minimal element,
we construct a contradiction from the assumption
that F has a minimal element. - Example Using the no counterexample approach,
prove that
11Applications of the well founded induction
- Mathematical induction
- Course-of-values induction
- Structural induction
12Induction on Derivations
- A set of rule instances R consists pairs X/y
where X is a finite set and y is an element - X/y rule instance
- X premises
- y conclusion
- d - R y d is an R-derivation of y
- (?/y) - R y if (?/y) ? R
- (d1, , dn/y) - R y if (x1, , xn/y) ? R
andd1 - R x1 dn - R xn - - R y for some d d - R y
- Sub-derivation d lt1 d if d?(D/y) with d ? D
- lt lt1
- lt is well-founded
1. For all states ? ?(M) ? 1 ?(N) ?1 ? ??
ltEuclid, ?gt? ?
2. For all states ?,?, ? ltc, ?gt ? ? ltc,
?gt ? ? ? ? ?
3. For all states ?,? ltwhile true do skip, ?gt ?
14Rule induction
- A special induction
- Define a set by rules
- IRx - R x
- Examples
- lta, ?, ngt of Aexp ? ? ? N such that lta, ?gt ? n
- ltb, ?, tgt of Bexp ? ? ? T such that ltb, ?gt ? t
- ltc, ?, ?gt of Com ? ? ? ? such that ltc, ?gt ? ?
- Show that the property is true for all elements
by induction on the rule application
15The general principle of rule induction
- Let IRx - R x
- Let P be a property
- ?x ? IR P(X) ? for all the rule instances (X/y)
in R for which X ? IR ?z ?X. P(z) ? P(y)
16Justifying the principle of induction
- A set Q is closed under rule instances or simply
R-closed if for all rule instances X/yX ?Q ? y ?
Q - Proposition 4.1
- IR is closed and
- If Q is an R-closed set then IR ? Q
- Application
- Q x ? IR P(x)
- Examples
- R (?/0) ?n/n1) n ? ?
- Referential transparency for expressions
17Expressing Syntax using Rules
- a a0 a1
- a0 Aexp a1 Aexp a0a1 Aexp
18Special Rule Induction
- Handles rules of different types
- c X a if b then c0 else c1
- Rules
- X Loc a Exp Xa Com
- b Bexp c0 Com c1 Com if b then c0 else c1
19The special principle of rule induction
- Let IRx ?R x
- A ? IR
- Let Q be a property
- ?a ? A. Q(a) ? for all the rule instances (X/y)
in R for which X ? IR and y?A ?x ?X?A.Q(x)
? Q(y)
20Proof rule for operational semanticsArithmetic
- P(a, ?, n) is true of all evaluations lta, ?gt? n
if it is preserved by the expression rules
21Proof rule for operational semantics AExp
- P(a, ?, n) is true of all evaluations lta, ?gt? n
if it is preserved by the expression rules
22Rule Induction for Arithmetic Expressions
?a?Aexp, ???, n ?N. lta, ?gt? n ?P(a, ?, n)
?n ?N, ???. P(n, ?, n) ?X?Loc, ???. P(X, ?,
?(X)) ?a0, a1? Aexp, ???, n0, n1 ?N.lta0, ?gt ?
n0 P(a0, ?, n0) lta1, ?gt ? n1 P(a1, ?, n1)
?P(a0a1, ?, n0n1)
23Proof rule for operational semantics BExp
- P(b, ?, t) is true of all evaluations ltb, ?gt? t
if it is preserved by the Boolean expression
rules - Define a subset of
- (Aexp???N) ?(Bexp???T)
- Obtained from the special principle of induction
for properties P(b, ?, t) on the subset Bexp???T
24Rule Induction for Booleans
?b?Bexp, ???, t ?T. ltb, ?gt? t ? P(b, ?, t)
????. P(false, ?, false) ????. P(true, ?, true)
?a0, a1? Aexp, ???, n0, n1 ?N.lta0, ?gt ? m
lta1, ?gt ? n mn ?P(a0a1, ?, true) ?a0, a1?
Aexp, ???, n0, n1 ?N.lta0, ?gt ? m lta1, ?gt ? n
m?n ?P(a0a1, ?,false) ?b ?Bexp, ?? ?, t
?T. ltb, ?gt ?t P(b, ?, t) ?P(?b, ?, ? t)
25Proof rule for operational semantics of Commands
- P(c, ?,?) is true of all evaluations ltc,
?gt??if it is preserved by the command rules - Define a subset of
- (Aexp???N) ?(Bexp???T) ?(Com????)
- Obtained from the special principle of induction
for properties P(c, ?, ?) on the subset Com????
26Rule Induction for Commands
?c?Com, ???, ???. ltc, ?gt? ? ? P(c, ?, ?)
????. P(skip, ?, ?) ?X ?Loc, a ?Bexp, ???.
lta0, ?gt ? m ?P(Xa, ?, ?m/X) ?c0, c1? Com,
?, ?, ? ??.ltc0, ?gt ? ? P(c0, ?, ?) ltc1,
?gt ? ? P(c1, ?, ?) ?P(c0c1, ?, ?)
27Proposition 4.7
Define LocL(c) to be the variables which appear
on the left side of some assignment in c
Let y ? Loc For all commands c and states ?, ?
Y ? LocL(c). ltc, ?,gt ? ? ? ?(Y) ?(Y)
28Operators and their least fixed points
- For a set of rule instances R
- R(B)y ?X ?B, X/y ? R
- Proposition 4.11 A set B is closed under R if
R(B) ?B - R is monotonic
- A ? B ? R(A) ? R(B)
- Define the sequence of sets
- A0 R0(?) ?
- A1 R1(?) R(?)
- A2 R2(?) R(R(?))
- An Rn(?)
- Define A ?n ?? An
29Proposition 4.12
- A is R-closed
- R(A) A
- A is the least R-closed set
Let fix(R) denote the least fixed point of R
fix(R) ?n?? Rn(?)
- Induction allows to prove properties of the
programming language - Example properties
- Deterministic
- Referential transparency
- Equivalent of small step and natural semantics
31Exercise 3
- (1) Using mathematical induction to show there is
no string u which satisfies au ub for two
distinct symbol a and b. - (2) Prove by structural induction that the
evaluation of arithmetic expressions always
terminates, i.e., for all arithmetic expression a
and states ?, there is some m such that lta, ?gt ?