Title: The Informative and Surprising Essay
1The Informative and Surprising Essay
2Information, Information, Information
3So whats your motivation?
- Immediate Need for Information
- Curiosity About a Subject
Not Thesis Driven!!
43 Motivation Surprise Me!
- Brings new surprising info. to reader
- Reader does not necessarily need to know
- Reader must be hooked right away
- Use Surprise Reversal Strategy
5Many People Believe X (common view), But I am
going to show Y (new, surprising view)
6Surprise Reversal Strategy
- Spurs Writer to go beyond Commonplace thinking in
an attempt to Change the readers view of a topic
by contrasting the original (common) view with
your new and surprising view TENSION - Notes
- Youre not debating (common view is not
necessarily wrong) - You do not have to be an expert, just know more
than your reader - Not everyone in your audience will be surprised
by your information
7The Guidelines
- Essay 3 The Informative Essay Ethnography Style
An ethnography is a portraita description of a
particular human situation, practice, or group as
it exists (or existed) in a particular time, at a
particular place, etc.
- Write a list of all the communities you belong to
(campus, neighborhood, religious, political,
ethnic, educational, environmental, etc.) - What are some of the typical misconceptions the
general public has of these groups?