Title: Sprucing up the Shop Window
1Sprucing up the Shop Window
The Bus Stop as an Overlooked Trip Chain Enabler
Or, Beyond Marginalisation and Triviality
Chris Harris North Shore City Council February
2Sustainable Cities
All bring pedestrians in from the margin
Public transport users also pedestrians
Trip chaining vital ( ped PT ped )
Bus stops THE critical sustainability interface
in suburban environment
3The Bus Stop Trip Chain Interface
Several Dimensions
Safe Local Road Crossing
4The Bus Stop Trip Chain Interface
Shelter the Hard Issue in Upgrade
Widespread NIMBY Objections
Often seen as Not worth the Hassle
BUT most important single improvement,
facilitates all other improvements
5No shelter means bus user marginalised in car
6But utility shelter reinforces marginalisation
7The public seem to know what is needed Grassroot
s issue (newspaper articles) Complementary
to major projects
8Busway costs 290 million Cheap compared to
certain other projects Still 29,000 times bus
shelter cost (!) All journeys begin at bus
stop (or station) So why skimp?
9New Council Shelter
High Tech glazing system hides scratches / avoids
broken windows complaints
10- Shelter formerly viewed reactively
- Ugly design / NIMBY RMA objections
- Cost council ( thousands admin hassle)
Now Shop Window for capital-intensive rail and
busway ( 100s millions)
Public health / policy impact ( billions)
11Public health significance Ped-PT-Ped trip chain
more exercise
But also a direct impact
Cold PT stops help cause winter crisis A
menace to old folk in UK (Prof W R Keatinge,
UCL Med. School)
12(No Transcript)
13Warmer in NZ but more wind
Means same annual winter crisis
Less research into causes however
14New Zealand Seasonal Mortality Variation 1800
deaths in December / 3000 in July Source NZ
Ministry of Health Information Service. Processed
by Assoc.-Prof. Bob Lloyd, University of Otago,
15Beyond Marginalisation Beyond the trivial NIMBY
objector / ratepayer cost / admin hassle agenda
Shelter a User Right (health / respect)
- Overlooked Trip Chain Enabler
- Urban Design Protocol (living streets)
- Shop Window for Transit
- Kyoto, Peak Oil, Congestion and Health
Joined up thinking to push MOT / MOH?