Chapter 3 Electronic Structures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3 Electronic Structures


Chapter 3 Electronic Structures 728345 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 3 Electronic Structures

Chapter 3Electronic Structures
  • 728345

  • Wave function ? System
  • Schrödinger Equation ? Wave function
  • Hydrogenic atom
  • Many-electron atom
  • Effective nuclear charge
  • Hartree product
  • LCAO expansion (AO basis sets)
  • Variational principle
  • Self consistent field theory
  • Hartree-Fock approximation
  • Antisymmetric wave function
  • Slater determinants
  • Molecular orbital
  • Electron Correlation

Potential Energy Surfaces
  • Molecular mechanics uses empirical functions for
    the interaction of atoms in molecules to
    approximately calculate potential energy
    surfaces, which are due to the behavior of the
    electrons and nuclei
  • Electrons are too small and too light to be
    described by classical mechanics and need to be
    described by quantum mechanics
  • Accurate potential energy surfaces for molecules
    can be calculated using modern electronic
    structure methods

Wave Function
  • ? is the wavefunction (contains everything we are
    allowed to know about the system)
  • ?2 is the probability distribution of the
  • Analytic solutions of the wave function can be
    obtained only for very simple systems, such as
    particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen
  • Approximations are required so that molecules can
    be treated
  • The average value or expectation value of an
    operator can be calculated by

The Schrödinger Equation
  • Quantum mechanics explains how entities like
    electrons have both particle-like and wave-like
  • The Schrödinger equation describes the
    wavefunction of a particle.
  • The energy and other properties can be obtained
    by solving the Schrödinger equation.
  • The time-dependent Schrödinger equation
  • If V is not a function of time, the Schrödinger
    equation can be simplified by using the
    separation of variables technique.
  • The time-independent Schrödinger equation

  • The various solutions of Schrödinger equation
    correspond to different stationary states of the
    system. The one with the lowest energy is called
    the ground state.

Wave Functions at Different States
PESs of Different States
The Variational Principle
  • Any approximate wavefunction ?? (a trial
    wavefunction) will always yield an energy higher
    than the real ground state energy
  • Parameters in an approximate wavefunction can be
    varied to minimize the Evar
  • this yields a better estimate of the ground state
    energy and a better approximation to the
  • To solve the Schrödinger equation is to find the
    set of parameters that minimize the energy of the
    resultant wavefunction.

The Molecular Hamiltonian
  • For a molecular system
  • The Hamiltonian is made up of kinetics and
    potential energy terms.
  • Atomic Units
  • Length a0
  • Charge e
  • Mass me
  • Energy hartree

The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
  • The nuclear and electronic motions can be
    approximately separated because the nuclei move
    very slowly with respect to the electrons.
  • The Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation allows
    the two parts of the problem can be solved
  • The Electronic Hamiltonian neglecting the kinetic
    energy term for the nuclei.
  • The Nuclear Hamiltonian is used for nuclear
    motion, describing the vibrational, rotational,
    and translational states of the nuclei.

Nuclear motion on the BO surface
  • Classical treatment of the nuclei (e,g. classical
  • Quantum treatment of the nuclei (e.g. molecular

Solving the Schrödinger Equation
  • An exact solution to the Schrödinger equation is
    not possible for most of the molecular systems.
  • A number of simplifying assumptions and
    procedures do make an approximate solution
    possible for a large range of molecules.

Hartree Approximation
  • Assume that a many electron wavefunction can be
    written as a product of one electron functions
  • If we use the variational energy, solving the
    many electron Schrödinger equation is reduced to
    solving a series of one electron Schrödinger
  • Each electron interacts with the average
    distribution of the other electrons
  • No electron-electron interaction is accounted

Hartree-Fock Approximation
  • The Pauli principle requires that a wavefunction
    for electrons must change sign when any two
    electrons are permuted ?(1,2) - ?(2,1)
  • The Hartree-product wavefunction must be
    anti-symmetrized can be done by writing the wave
    function as a determinant
  • Slater Determinant or HF wave function

Spin Orbitals
  • Each spin orbital ?i describes the distribution
    of one electron (space and spin)
  • In a HF wavefunction, each electron must be in a
    different spin orbital (or else the determinant
    is zero)
  • Each spatial orbital can be combined with an
    alpha (?, ?, spin up) or beta spin (?, ?, spin
    down) component to form a spin orbital
  • Slater Determinant with Spin Orbitals

Fock Equation
  • Take the Hartree-Fock wavefunction and put it
    into the variational energy expression
  • Minimize the energy with respect to changes in
    each orbitalyields the Fock equation

Fock Equation
  • Fock equation is an 1-electron problem
  • The Fock operator is an effective one electron
    Hamiltonian for an orbital ?
  • ? is the orbital energy
  • Each orbital ? sees the average distribution of
    all the other electrons
  • Finding a many electron wave function is reduced
    to finding a series of one electron orbitals

Fock Operator
  • kinetic energy nuclear-electron attraction
  • Coulomb operator electron-electron repulsion)
  • Exchange operator purely quantum mechanical -
    arises from the fact that the wave function must
    switch sign when a pair of electrons is switched

Solving the Fock Equations
  • obtain an initial guess for all the orbitals ?i
  • use the current ?i to construct a new Fock
  • solve the Fock equations for a new set of ?i
  • if the new ?i are different from the old ?i, go
    back to step 2.
  • When the new ?i are as the old ?i,
    self-consistency has been achieved. Hence the
    method is also known as self-consistent field
    (SCF) method

Hartree-Fock Orbitals
  • For atoms, the Hartree-Fock orbitals can be
    computed numerically
  • The ? s resemble the shapes of the hydrogen
    orbitals (s, p, d )
  • Radial part is somewhat different, because of
    interaction with the other electrons (e.g.
    electrostatic repulsion and exchange interaction
    with other electrons)

Hartree-Fock Orbitals
  • For homonuclear diatomic molecules, the
    Hartree-Fock orbitals can also be computed
    numerically (but with much more difficulty)
  • the ? s resemble the shapes of the H2
    (1-electron) orbitals
  • ?, ?, bonding and anti-bonding orbitals

LCAO Approximation
  • Numerical solutions for the Hartree-Fock orbitals
    only practical for atoms and diatomics
  • Diatomic orbitals resemble linear combinations of
    atomic orbitals, e.g. sigma bond in H2
  • ? ? 1sA 1sB
  • For polyatomic, approximate the molecular orbital
    by a linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)

Basis Function
  • The molecular orbitals can be expressed as linear
    combinations of a pre-defined set of one-electron
    functions know as a basis functions. An
    individual MO is defined as
  • ?? a normalized basis function
  • c?i a molecular orbital expansion coefficients
  • gp a normalized Gaussian function
  • d?p a fixed constant within a given basis set

The Roothann-Hall Equations
  • The variational principle leads to a set of
    equations describing the molecular orbital
    expansion coefficients, c?i, derived by Roothann
    and Hall
  • Roothann Hall equation in matrix form
  • the energy of a single electron in the
    field of the bare nuclei
  • the density matrix
  • The Roothann-Hall equation is nonlinear and must
    be solved iteratively by the procedure called the
    Self Consistent Field (SCF) method.

Roothaan-Hall Equations
  • Basis set expansion leads to a matrix form of the
    Fock equations
  • F Fock matrix
  • Ci column vector of the MO coefficients
  • ?i orbital energy
  • S overlap matrix

Solving the Roothaan-Hall Equations
  1. choose a basis set
  2. calculate all the one and two electron integrals
  3. obtain an initial guess for all the molecular
    orbital coefficients Ci
  4. use the current Ci to construct a new Fock matrix
  5. solve for a new set of
  6. if the new Ci are different from the old Ci, go
    back to step 4.

Solving the Roothaan-Hall Equations
  • Known as the self consistent field (SCF)
    equations, since each orbital depends on all the
    other orbitals, and they are adjusted until they
    are all converged
  • Calculating all two electron integrals is a major
    bottleneck, because they are difficult (6D
    integrals) and very numerous (formally N4)
  • Iterative solution may be difficult to converge
  • Formation of the Fock matrix in each cycle is
    costly, since it involves all N4 two electron

The SCF Method
  • The general strategy of SCF method
  • Evaluate the integrals (one- and two-electron
  • Form an initial guess for the molecular orbital
    coefficients and construct the density matrix
  • Form the Fock matrix
  • Solve for the density matrix
  • Test for convergence.
  • If it fails, begin the next iteration.
  • If it succeeds, proceed on the next tasks.

Closed and Open Shell Methods
  • Restricted HF method (closed shell)
  • Both?? and ? electrons are forced to be in the
    same orbital
  • Unrestricted HF method (open shell)
  • ? and ? electrons are in different orbitals
    (different set of c?i )

AO Basis Sets
  • Slater-type orbitals (STOs)
  • Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs)
  • Contracted GTO (CGTOs or STO-nG)
  • Satisfied basis sets
  • Yield predictable chemical accuracy in the
  • Are cost effective
  • Are flexible enough to be used for atoms in
    various bonding environments

orbital radial size
Different types of Basis
  • The fundamental core valence basis
  • A minimal basis CGTO AO
  • A double zeta (DZ) CGTO 2 AO
  • A triple zeta (TZ) CGTO 3 AO
  • Polarization Functions
  • Functions of one higher angular momentum than
    appears in the valence orbital space
  • Diffuse Functions
  • Functions with higher principle quantum number
    than appears in the valence orbital space

Widely Used Basis Functions
  • STO-3G 3 primitive functions for each AO
  • Single ?? one CGTO function for each AO
  • Double ?? two CGTO functions for each AO
  • Triple ?? three CGTO functions for each AO
  • Poples basis sets
  • 3-21G
  • 6-311G
  • 6-31G
  • 6-311G(d,p)

Diffuse functions
Polarization functions
Hartree Equation
  • The total energy of the atomic orbital ??j
  • The LCAO expansion
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