Title: Vassalage: an interpersonal system of exchange
1Vassalage an interpersonal system of exchange
- Lords and Vassals
- The Feudal Contract
- The oath of fealty
- Fiefs and benefices
- Scutage
- Honor
- Subinfeudation
Swearing fealty to the king
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2Manorialismthe Economic Side of Feudalism
- The fief as foundation
- Manor
- Defense walls and moat
- Within the walls workshops, bakery, mill
- The chapel
- Desmene
- Serfs
The Duc de Berrys fief
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3Manorialism, cont.
- Technological advances, 500-1100 C.E.
- Invention of the heavy plow
- Introduction of the rigid horse collar
- Application of 3-field rotation
The medieval heavy plow, ca. 1100
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4Technological advances, cont.
Wheat Barley or another soil-draining crop Fallow
Wheat Barley or another soil-draining crop Light crops, such as clover Fallow
The transition from a 2-field to a 3-field
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