Title: Microbiology
2Microbiology Introduction and History
Staphylococcal folliculitis
Chicken pox
3What is Microbiology?
4Categories of Microorganisms
- Bacteria
- Archaeans
- Some algae
- Protozoa
- Some fungi
- Viruses (not technically a living thing)
53 Domains of Life
6Why do we study microorganisms?
7- 1. Live on and in our body.
- 2. Can make us sick.
- 3. Would not be here without microbes.
- 4. Get rid of our wastes.
- 5. May clean up our messes (i.e. oil spills,
ect.). - 6. Make many essential elements available to
living things. - 7. Food source.
- 8. Aid in digestion.
- 9. Some used to make medicine (i.e.
antibiotics). - 10. Important for genetic engineering.
8Glowing Pigs and Jellyfish?
9Some Terms to Know
- Pathogen vs. Nonpathogen
- Indigenous or Normal Flora
- Opportunistic Pathogens
- Infectious Disease
- Microbial Intoxication
10What was the first living organism on earth?
11Microbial infections have been around for a long
Egyptian Mummy www.sciam.com/article.cfm?idmummy-
3,000 B.C. - Ruma, a Syrian boy, - depiction of
polio www.univie.ac.at/cga/art/history.html
12Some important historical figures
13Anton van Leeuwenhoek1632-1723
- The Father of Microbiology
- First to see live bacteria and protozoa.
Microscope consisted of only one lens and was
only 3-4 inches long. It required good lighting
and a lot of patience.
14(No Transcript)
15The Theory of Spontaneous Generation - Abiogensis
Francesco Redis Experiment 17th century
16Cell Theory (1838)
- Schleiden (left) and Schwann (right)
- Proposed independently that all living things are
made of cells
- Proposed by Rudolf Virchow 1858
- Life only arises from preexisting life.
18Louis Pasteur1822-1895
- Discovered what occurs during alcoholic
fermentation - Helped disprove spontaneous generation
- Termed aerobes and anaerobes
- Discovered Pasteurization
- Discovered many vaccines
- Contributed to germ theory of disease
19Germ Theory of Disease
- Theory that specific microorganisms cause
specific infectious diseases. - For example, the bacteria Bacillus anthracis
causes anthrax.
20Robert Koch1843-1910
- Contributed to germ theory of disease.
- Discovered Bacillus anthracis produces anthrax.
- Developed methods for fixing, staining, and
photographing bacteria. - Developed methods of cultivating bacteria on
solid media. - Was able to obtain pure cultures.
- Discovered bacteria that cause tuberculosis and
21Robert Koch
22Kochs Postulates
- 1. A microorganism must be present in every case
of the disease. - 2. Isolate microorganism from diseased host and
grow in pure culture. - 3. Same disease produced when microorganisms
from pure culture are inoculated into healthy,
susceptible hosts. - 4. Same microorganism must be recovered from
experimentally infected hosts and grown again in
pure culture.
23The End