Title: Annual Giving District Assembly 6/4/11
1Annual GivingDistrict Assembly 6/4/11
- How the Foundation Works
- How we spend the money
- How we might spend more money (District Goal 1
million per year) - How we can raise the money
- Why giving now is important
2(No Transcript)
4The Charts simplified
- Giving this year is returned from investing in 3
years - 50 is returned to the district as District
Designated funds (DDF) - This can be spent on Ambassadorial Scholars,
extra GSE teams, District Simplified grants to a
maximum of 20, and International Matching
Grants or other ways. - Unused funds can rollover to following years
- 50 is kept by International in the World Fund
- Funds Educational Humanitarian Programs
- Educational Scholars
- Group Study Exchange - 1 to each district
- Individual Grants
- Matching Grants
- 3-H - when Investments return extra dividends
5How does 5450 spend it
Year 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Total DDF 222,906 214,219 303,088
GSE team 11,000 11,000 13,000
2 scholars 46,000 46,000 50,000
Simplified grants 44,581 42,842 60,616
Matching grants 121,325 114,375 189,467
6How does 5450 spend it
Year 2010-2011 Actual 2011-2012 Actual 2012-2013 Actual FUTURE 1 Million given
Total DDF 292,880 242,179 197,242 500,000
GSE team 13,000 13,000 14,000 30,000 2 teams
2 scholars 50,000 52,000 54,000 90,000 3 scholars
Simplified grants 58,576 48,485 39,448 100,000
Matching grants 180,002 128,758 89,826 260,000
7How do we reach ONE MILLION DOLARS
Amount rotarians
Every Rotarian Every Year (120/yr) 375,600 3130
50 Rotarians in Dollar a day (300/yr) 313,000 1565
10 Paul Harris Society (1000/yr) 219,100 313
White Hat Society (5000/yr) 97,600 20
TOTAL 1,005,300
8Giving now is important
- In 2002, when the stock market was down, 70
percent of the population in the USA gave an
average of 2000. I think Rotarians are better
than 70 of the population. - Remember what you give this year affects what we
have to spend in 3 years. - Plan what you can afford to give every year and
then implement a way to make sure you give every
year with an increase. - Use matching points to get your Paul Harris
fellow and help others in your clubs.
9Food for Thought
- Only about 25 of our district Rotarians give
100 or more. - Last year 5 clubs have given nothing!
- Approximately 50 of our Rotarians give nothing
to annual giving! - We are at a per capita giving level of 126, last
year we were at 153! - But - We are the best in our zone and were last
year also. - Our District gave 1,552,196 last year, due to
Polio Benefactor giving.
10Thank you for your givingYour District Annual
Giving ChairsEden Recor eden_at_rkymtnhi.comT
om Maier diverdds_at_comcast.net