Title: Regional Economies Create Differences
1The year is 1828. You are a senator from a
Southern state. Congress has just passed a high
tax on imported cloth and iron in order to
protect Northern industry. The tax will raise
the cost of these goods in the South and will
cause Britain to buy less cotton. Southern
states hope to nullify, or cancel, such federal
laws that they consider unfair.
Would you support the federal or state government?
2What might happen if some states enforce laws and
others dont ? How can Congress address the
needs of different states? What does it mean to
be a nation?
3Regional Economies Create Differences
4- What is a compromise?
- Think of a few examples, either historically
(from our class so far) or in your own lives. . .
5- As the United States developed economically and
socially, various sections of the country grew
apart - Compromises between these regions attempted to
create national unity - These compromises had only temporary success in
creating interdependent sections of the nation
6Regional Economic Differences
Became increasingly connected with the West
Became increasingly isolated
Cities stayed small
Middle class was created
Benefited from new technology
Slow population growth
Wave of immigrants arrived
Benefited from the American System
Education was poor
Cities grew
Slavery mostly died out by 1804
Slavery flourished
7Lets Evaluate!
- Which of these regional economic differences do
you think will have the largest impact on the
strength of the union going forward?
8American System
- A federal system of roads, canals, bridges,
lighthouses, and universities - The purpose of these improvements was to
encourage the development and interdependence of
American industries - A high tariff was placed on foreign goods to help
American industry - Resurrection of the National Bank to create a
stable national currency - Senators Clay (KY) and Calhoun (SC) main
supporters of Madisons plan - The goal was to be financially independent and
strong while uniting the nation as a whole
9Tariff of 1816
- British sales of iron and textiles were
undercutting American made goods - President Madison proposes a protective tariff
- North supports tariff
- South and West resented government intervention
- Clay and Calhoun persuade Congress to pass the
10A compromise is struck
- As a compromise Congress only adopts
- A renewed Natl Bank
- A protective Tariff
- Internal improvements were left to the states
- This American system while creating wealth for
the United States sewed the seeds of regional
difference and mistrust
- The South disliked the tariff
- Westerners opposed the national bank
- Northerners disliked federal expenditures on
roads etc.
11Create a Map
- You will each create a map displaying the major
roads, canals and railroads built in the United
States by 1840 (use p 217 for help) - You must include a color coded key in the space
12Map Analysis
- Base the answers to the following questions on
the map youve created - What is the farthest west any railroad extends?
- What state has the most roads, railroads, and
canals within its borders (total length)? - What region, north, south, or west contained the
most roads, railroads or canals? - What (besides where roads, RRs and canals were)
can you learn from your map?