Title: Lecture 10 Rails Projects
1Lecture 10Rails Projects
CSCE 740 Software Engineering
- Topics
- SaaS
- Readings SaaS book Ch 2, 4
February 24, 2014
2SaaS round 2 -
- Finish-up Last Lecture Slides
- Slides ???
- New
- Summary of Rails
- Cucumber
- Capybara
- Next Time
- Last Time
- Fig 2.1 100,000 view
- Client-server
3Rails Summary from Last time
- The MVC Architecture
- Components of Rails
- a New Rails Project
- Rails Application Dir
- Rails Appl Directory II
- Directory app
- HAML - lightweight
- YAML-human-readable data serialization format
- Configuring a DB
- Creating a DB
- Starting Webrick
- rails generate
- Setting the Application Home Page
- Rails Scaffolding
- Whats Next?
- Rails Summary
- Active Record
CS 169 Saasbook Fox and Patterson
4Chapter 2 SaaS Architecture Review
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
5Review Fig 2.3 URI HTTPmethod
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
6Fig 2.4 50,000 ft view
7Fig 2.6 Refining Steps 2 and 3
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
- Early SaaS sites were created using the Perl and
PHP scripting languages, whose - availability coincided with the early success of
Linux, an open-source operating system, and
MySQL, an open-source database. - Thousands of sites are still powered by the LAMP
StackLinux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP or Perl.
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
10Fig 2.8 5,000 ft view Refining Middleware
11Architectures for Web Apps
- Left - page controller Sinatra
- Center top front controller J2EE servlets
- Center bottom PHP
- Right MVC used by rails
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
12Fig 2.10 5,000 ft view
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
132.6 500 Feet Active Record for Models
- Active Record architectural pattern
- a single instance of a model class (in our case,
the entry for a single movie) corresponds to a
single row in a specific table
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
- Create a new row in the table (representing a new
object), - Read an existing row into a single object
instance, - Update an existing row with new attribute values
from a modified object instance, - Delete a row (destroying the objects data
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
152.7 500 Feet Routes, Controllers, and REST
- REST - In 2000, Roy Fielding proposed, in his
Ph.D. dissertation, a consistent way to map
requests to actions that is particularly well
suited to a service-oriented architecture. - identify the various entities manipulated by a
Web app as resources, and - design the routes so that any HTTP request would
contain all the information necessary to identify
both a particular resource and the action to be
performed on it. - In Rails, the route mappings are generated by
code in the file config/routes.rb,
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
16Fig 2.12 Rake Routes Summary
- Operation Method URI action
- Index (list) movies GET /movies index
- Read (show) movie GET /movies/id show
- Display fill-in form GET /movies/new new
- Create from filled-in form POST /movies create
- Display form to edit GET /movies/id/edit edit
- Update movie PUT /movies/id update
- Destroy movie DELETE /movies/id destroy
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
17Fig 2.13 Restful vs nonRestful
- Login to site
- Non-RESTful site - POST /login/dave
- URI RESTful site - POST /login/dave
- Welcome page
- Non-RESTful - GET /welcome
- URI RESTful - GET /user/301/welcome
- Add item ID 427 to cart
- Non-RESTful - POST /add/427
- URI RESTful - POST /user/301/add/427
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
18- View cart
- Non-RESTful - GET / cart
- URI RESTful - GET /user/301/cart
- Checkout
- Non-RESTful - POST /checkout
- URI RESTful - POST /user/301/checkout
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
- SOA standards bodies created committees to
develop standards for SOA interoperation. - One approach resulted in a collection of
elaborate protocols for Web Services including
WS-Discovery, WS-Description, and others,
sometimes collectively called WS- and jokingly
called WS-Deathstar by David Heinemeier
Hansson, the creator of Rails. - The competing SOAP standard (Simple Object Access
Protocol) was a bit simpler but still far more
complex than REST. By and large, practicing
developers perceived SOAP and WS- as
overdesigned committee-driven standards burdened
by the archaic design stance
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David
20Fig 2.14 500 ft Template views HAML
- Haml HTML
- brclear gt left ltbr clearleft/gt
- p.foo Hello ltp classfoogtHellolt/pgt
- pfoo Hello ltp idfoogtHellolt/pgt
- .foo ltdiv classfoogt. . . lt/divgt
- foo.bar ltdiv idfoo classbargt. . . lt/divgt
Saasbook Fox, Armando Patterson, David