Title: Extreme Programming Methodology
1Extreme Programming Methodology
Emin BORANDAG Department of Informatics, Maltepe
University,Turkey eminb_at_maltepe.edu.tr
2Klasik Metotlara Olan Elestiriler
- Sürüm yani çalisan program çok geç ortaya
çikiyor. - Sürüm çok geç çiktigi için hatalar çok geç
anlasiliyor. - Verimli degil.
- Esnek degil, yeni gelen isterler dogrultusunda
kendi yapisini degistiremedigi için yeni
isterleri karsilayamiyor. - Degisiklik geç ve zor yapiliyor.
3Agile Metodolojiler
- Extreme Programing
- Scrum
- Crystal Family
- Rup
4What is Xp?
- XPs mechanism depends on some simple practices
and applications. These practices may seem to be
so simple and unnecessary at the beginning but
after a while they will show their power through
the successes gained .
5Extreme ProgramingAvantajlari
- Hata oranini azaltma
- Yazilimin erken safhasinda somut gelismeler
saglaya bildiginden, olusan hatalarin farkina
varabilir.Bu hatalari da kendi içerisinde
olusturdugu küçük yasam döngüleri ile telafi
edebilir. - Projenin gelisme süresini kisaltir.
- Artirimsal yaklasim sayesinde hizli bir sekilde
genel planin olusmasi saglanir.Burada ayni bütün
ekip tarafindan proje süresi tahmini de yapilir. - Degisikliklere izin verir.
- Esnek is yürütme ve fonksiyonellik sayesinde,
isletmenin degisen ihtiyaçlarina cevap verir - Yazilimsal olarak ortaya çikabilecek
tikanikliklari azaltir. - Müsteriler ile birlikte monitörlerden
programcilar ve müsteriler ortak bir sekilde test
yaparak ileride tikanikliklarin ortadan
kaldirilmasini saglarlar.
6XP History
- Ward and Kent together had experienced an
approach to software development that made every
thing seem simple and more efficient. Kent
contemplated on what made software simple to
create and what made it difficult.
7XP History
- In March of 1996 Kent started a project at
DaimlerChrysler using new concepts in software
development. The result was the Extreme
Programming (XP) methodology. What Kent came to
realise is that there are four dimensions along
which one can improve any software project. You
need to improve communication. You need to seek
simplicity. You need to get feedback on how well
you are doing. And you need to always proceed
with courage. Communication, Simplicity,
Feedback, and Courage are the four values sought
out by XP programmers
8Degisim Maliyeti
9Extreme Programing 4 Temel Noktasi
- Iletisim
- Basitlik
- Geri Besleme
- Cesaret
- XP in ilk temel tasi iletisimdir. Projelere
baktigimizda ortaya çikan önemli problemlerin
insanlarin birbirleriyle tam olarak anlasamamasi
nedeniyle oldugunu görünür. Bazen programcilar
sormalari gereken dogru soruyu soramazlar. Bazen
de projenin yapisiyla ilgili önemli bir gelismeyi
söylemezler. Bu yüzden projelerde çesitli tikanma
noktalari olabilir. Bazen de proje yöneticileri
programcilara belirtmeleri gerekenleri tam olarak
belirtemezler. Bu da projenin gelisme
sürecilerini olumsuz etkiler. XP de iletisim yüz
yüze olmalidir. Iletisim sürekliligi olmalidir.
Yazilim ekibi ile yazilimi kullanacaklar arasinda
siki bir iletisim bagi olmasi esastir. Bu sayede
sorunlar erken fark edilir.
- XP in ikinci temel tasi basitliktir. Aslinda
basitlik saglanmasi zor olan bir konudur.
Basitlik, zorunlu islerin yapilmasidir. Gerekli
olmayan bir sey varsa, kesinlikle bu konu XP
basitlik ilkesi içerisinde olmamalidir. Dünyadaki
en zor sey gelecekte ne gibi ihtiyaçlarla
karsilasacagimizi bilmemektir. Bu nedenden dolayi
olusturulacak yapi, gelecekte ne gibi isterlerin
ortaya çikacagini tam olarak bilmeden olusur.
Buna göre esnek zaman ve maliyeti göz önüne
alinmis bir yapi olusturmak gerekmektedir. XP en
iyi sekilde bu basitligi saglamak için, bu günün
ihtiyaçlarini hedef alarak esnek ve basit bir
sistem gerçeklestirmeye çalisir.
12Geri Besleme
- Sistemlerin geri dönüsümü olmasi sistemler için
paha biçilemez bir firsat yaratir. Geri dönüsüm
sayesinde optimizasyonun olusmasina engel olan
tehlikeler ortadan kaldirilir. Öncelikle
programcilar bütün sistemin mantiksal yapisini
içeren bölüm testleri olusturur. Programcilar
sistem hakkinda somut bilgiler elde ederler.
Müsteriler yeni bir stories hikâye ile
geldikleri zaman, programcilar hemen bu yeni
gelen hikâyenin gerçeklesmesi ile ilgili çalisma
yapip bu stories e uygun bir çalisma
- XP in dört temel noktasindan en zoru cesarettir.
Projelerin üzerine yilmadan gidilmesi projelerin
gelistirilmesi açisindan son derece önemlidir.
Cesaretin olmadigi projelerde korku gelisir ve
gelisen bu korku projeyi basarisizliga iter.
Yazilim islerindeki basarisizlik ise yazilimin
çöpe gitmesidir ve maalesef genel duruma da
baktigimizda yazilimlarin büyük bir kisminin çöpe
gittigini görünyorur. Basarisizlik, genel tabiat
içerisinde olan bir durumdur. Basarisizliktan
korkmak yerine basarisizligi olusturan nedenler
üzerine gitmek yerinde olacaktir. Basarisizlikla
mümkün olunan en kisa sürede karsilasmak, daha
sonra telafi etme sansini arttirir.
14Extreme ProgrammingKorkmadiklari
- Kodlama
- Degisen fikirler
- Gelecegi bilmeden yol alabilmek
- Çalisan bir sistemin yapisinin degismesi
- Testler yazilmasi
15Extreme ProgramingRoller
- Müsteri
- Yazilim gelistirme sorumlusu
- Test sorumlusu
- Ölçüm sorumlusu
- Koç
- Danisman
- Yönetici
16Extreme Programing Çalisma Mantigi
17Planning Game
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
In the initial phase of the project, tasks are
not described in detail. Only specific issues are
tried to be solved. After this phase detailed
project plan is produced for small processes
18On-Site Client
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
Client representatives are present in the same
environment with the software development team.
Thus, it is ensured that the information software
development teams needs are accessed rapidly
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
Test code is written before the project code.
Thus, it is ensured that reliable software is
implemented by revealing the potential problems
20Simple Design
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
A design that meets client requirements in the
simplest way is produced. Software is designed
according to the given requirements and future
requirements are not anticipated
21Pair Programming
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
This is the practice in which two programmers
develop code together by sharing the same
computer. While one of the programmers is writing
the code the other one examines the code and they
alternately change places with each other.
22Continuous Integration
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
Every module that has been developed is
integrated to the other modules. Errors that can
occur due to the conflicts are eliminated by
integrating all modules. Module integration is
done once or twice a week
23Small Releases
The release of the program is given to the client
in short periods of time. Thus, client can follow
the progression of the project. The advantage of
XP is that an executable release is produced in a
short time compared to the other methods. Thus,
the client has the chance to see the completed
parts of the software on early phases
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
Design faults can cause the system not to be
corrected afterwards. Therefore, code and design
should be revised constantly
25Collective Ownership
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
The software code that is developed is the common
asset of the team members. The fundamental of the
collective ownership practice is that any team
member can access the codes other members
produced within definite rules. It is aimed that
team members will be able, by this mean, to do
changes over the code to improve the existing
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
It is tried to produce software by emulating the
systems within the implementation. For example,
the software being implemented is divided into
parts and each part is emulated to another system
27Coding Standard
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
It is useful to have a coding standard rather
than using different coding standards. It is
important that coding issues such as names of
forms and variables, locations of functions, etc.
have a standard in terms of simplicity and
comprehensibility of the code.
2840-Hours a Week
In terms of working efficiency, 40 hours of work
time a week is set. Tasks are performed in 8
hours a weekday. There is no overtime concept in
40-Hours a week practice.Even if the team works
more than 40 hours, increase of the efficiency
will not be enough. The risk of increase in
errors also goes up.
XP Practices
Planning Game
On-Site Client
Simple Design
Pair Programming
Continuous Integration
Small Releases
Collective Ownership
Coding Standard
40-Hours a Week
29Project Development USING XP
- Project Planning
- Revealing Existing Requirements by Examining the
Old Version - Determining the Main Processes and the Sub
Processes - Coding the Software
- Testing the Software
30Project Planning
- Project development process started with the
planning game favorably with XPs structure. A
basic plan far from the details of the project
was produced with the planning game. By means of
the planning game, the processes that would be
used in the development of the Automation System
were determined.
31Coding the Software
- In this process, requirements in the technical
cards were transformed into program codes
complied with the coding standard determined in
the project plan and formed by taking advantage
of previous experiences. The aim was to develop
software that could be followed can be managed
and changed easily by using simple design
32Testing the Software
- The test of the automation system carried out in
three phases. In the first phase unit tests were
applied to the codes developed complied to the
collective ownership practice by the programmers
and the team leader. In the second phase software
was tested by client according to the user
stories formed during the determination of the
work processes.
33Basili and Boehm, Software Defect Reduction Top
10 List, IEEE Computer Society, vol. 34, (No.
1),January 2001, pp. 135137.
Figure 1 is an irrefutable proof of the axiom
test early and test often.
34(No Transcript)
35(No Transcript)
36Riskler ve Risk çözümleri
Gecikmeler Kisa sürüm zamanlari
Projenin iptal edilmesi Is acisindan en önemli süreçlere önem verilmesi.
Yama tutmayan sistemler Anlasilir test senaryolari (otomatik test)
Yanlis anlasmalar Müsterinin takimin ayrilmaz bir üyesi olmasi sayesinde yanlis anlamalarin büyük bir kismi önlenir.
Is dünyasindaki degisiklikler Kisa sürüm zamanlari
Ihtiyaç duyulmayan birçok özellik Sadece en öncelikli islerin yapilmasi
Isten çikmalar Çift programci
37References (1/2)
- Schach, S., R., Object-Oriented Classical
Software Engineering, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill,
2007. - Borandag, E., Basamakli CMMI Modeli ile Extreme
Programming Metodunun Degerlendirilmesi, Maltepe
Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek
Lisans Tezi, 2006. - Randell, B., The 1968/69 NATO Software
Engineering Reports, 2009, World Wide Web
ATOReports/index.html - Saridogan, E., Yazilim Mühendisligi, Papatya
Yayincilik, 2004. - Beck, K., eXtreme Programming, Addison-Wesley,
2002. - Agile Team 2005 12 Practice, 2009, World Wide
Web www.agilemanifesto.com\12Practice.html - Acar, Ö., Extreme Programming, Pusula
Yayincilik, 2009.
38References (2/2)
- Newkirk, J., Introduction to Agile Processes and
Extreme Programming Thought Works, Proceedings
of the 24th International Conference on Software
Engineering, Pages695-696, 2002. - Paulk, M., C., Extreme Programming from CMM
Perspective, IEEE Software, 2001. - Borandag, E., Yücalar, F., Erdogan, S. Z.,
Ince, F., Basamakli CMMI Modeli ile Extreme
Programming Metodunun Degerlendirilmesi, Trakya
Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, ISSN 1305
6468, Haziran 2009. - Layman, L., Williams, L., Daiman, D., Bures, H.,
Essential communication practices for Extreme
Programming in a global software development
team, Journal of Information and Software
Technology, Elsevier, 2006. - Kalayci, O., Uygulamali CMMI/XP Egitimi,
Nitelik Danismanlik, 2006.
39Additional Resources
- Mailing Lists
- Yahoo Group testdrivendevelopment
- Yahoo Group agiledotnet
- Books
- Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET James
Newkirk and Alexei Vorontsov - Test-Driven Development, by Example Kent Beck
- Test-Driven Development, A Practical Guide
David Astels - Unit Testing in Java, Johannes Link
40Community Resources
- Web Siteshttp//www.testdriven.comhttp//www.xpr
ogramming.comAgileAlliance.com - ExtremeProgramming.org
- Blogshttp//dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/darrell_nort
- http//www,iserializable.com