Metaphysical, Cavalier, and Puritan Poetry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Metaphysical, Cavalier, and Puritan Poetry


... became very depressed John Donne ... John Milton Declared at age 21 he d be a great poet ... and Puritan Poetry Metaphysical Poetry John Donne ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Metaphysical, Cavalier, and Puritan Poetry

Metaphysical, Cavalier, and Puritan Poetry
Metaphysical Poetry
  • Metaphysical after or following the physical a
    branch of philosophy that seeks to know what is
    truly real
  • Characteristics
  • Use of argument appeals to intellect and
  • Use of comparison metaphysical conceit (extended
    metaphor that compares 2 very unlike things)
  • Use of language plain style

John Donne
  • B. 1572 Roman Catholic at a time when England
    was anti-Catholic
  • Conceited verses written in younger years (The
  • Poor (lost his government position due to
    scandal) became very depressed

John Donne
  • Friends urged him to enter the ministry because
    of the power of his religious poems
  • Became a minister at 43 soon became chaplain to
    King James I
  • By the time he died (1631), was considered the
    greatest preacher in England

A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
  • Valediction farewell statement
  • Written for his wife just before he left for
    France purpose was to ease his wifes fears of a
    premonition she had about his trip
  • Metaphysical conceit lovers to the feet of a

Death Be Not Proud
  • Written soon after his wifes death
  • Donnes thoughts on immortality and religious
  • Personification

Meditation 17
  • At age 51, Donne became seriously ill
  • Wrote Meditation 17 as he was recovering
  • Meditation short sermon expresses his thoughts
    on his illness and experience
  • Bells signal death villagers knew to pray for
    the soul of the dead/dying
  • Extended metaphysical conceit

Ben Jonson
  • Large man fiery temper
  • Self-taught (no money for formal education)
    apprenticed with a bricklayer, entered army
  • Began acting/writing in early 20s
  • First big success at age 26 (play that featured
    Shakespeare in a leading role)

Ben Jonson
  • Killed a fellow actor in a duel and was sentenced
    to death
  • Because he could read Latin, was allowed to be
    tried in church court
  • Church court overturned death sentence branded
    on the thumb as a convicted felon
  • Resented comparisons to Shakespeare (Jonson was
    more respected at the time)
  • Age 49King James I gave him a lifetime pension
    (hed always be able to write)
  • Took a year off, but when he returned, his
    writing had gone out of style spent the last 20
    years of his life trying to regain his former

On My First Son / Song To Celia
  • Elegy poem expressing mourning
  • Son, Benjamin, died of the plague in 1603, on his
    7th birthday
  • Benjamin (Hebrew) Child of my right hand
  • Unrequited love
  • Ambrosia drink of the gods (immortality)

Cavalier Poetry
  • Writers affiliated with King Charles Is court
  • Characteristics
  • Carpe diem seize the day
  • Intended to entertain audience rather than
    instruct it
  • Conversational style
  • Popular themes were love and loyalty
  • Could be serious or sarcastic

Robert Herrick
  • Anglican priest
  • Needed money took a ministerial job in a quiet
    country parish far from London
  • Was miserable and lonely, so he turned to poetry
  • Wrote poems to his pet pig, cat, dog, maid,
    neighbors, and imaginary girlfriends
  • After many years and 1200 poems, returned to
    London wasnt able to publish his poetry
  • London had changed took his old parish job back
    10 years later
  • To the Virgins, Make Much of Time

Andrew Marvell
  • Brilliant writer of lyric poetry and prose
  • Always managed to land on his feet, no matter
    what political upheavals took place (good

To His Coy Mistress
  • Coy flirty but shy
  • Mistress maam, miss sometimes sweetheart
  • Published after his death his maid had it
    published, and in the introduction she described
    him as her husband (secret marriage)
  • Few believed this, never proven

The Puritans
  • Wanted to purify the Church of England by
    eliminating Roman Catholic traditions
  • Puritans Protestants
  • Protestants rejected belief in the Pope
  • Didnt like the top-to-bottom hierarchy of the
    RC church wanted bottom-to-top
  • Elizabeth I, James I tolerated Puritans Charles
    I wanted to bring back RC traditions, so some
    Puritans left for America

The Puritans
  • Puritans who stayed in England gained political
  • 1649King Charles I found guilty of treason
  • Commonwealth (new government) headed by Oliver
  • Tried to make English society conform to their
    strict Puritan beliefs (no holiday celebrations,
    no dancing, no playing chess, no public theaters)
  • Commonwealth was unpopular in 1660, monarchy was
    restored (Charles II)

John Bunyan
  • Grew up in poverty
  • Only received a very basic education left school
    at an early age to work
  • Grew up to be one of Englands best-known
    nonconformist preachers
  • Arrested for preaching without a license at the
    age of 32

John Bunyan
  • Refused to renounce his faith spent 12 years in
  • Pardoned at the age of 42
  • Arrested again 4 years later and imprisoned again
    for his beliefs

The Pilgrims Progress
  • allegorywork in which characters and settings
    are symbols aimed at teaching a moral lesson
  • Character names indicate the quality they
  • Main character is named Christian on a journey
    to the Celestial City
  • Christian meets Faithful, who joins him on the
  • Together, they stop at the town of Vanity.

John Milton
  • Declared at age 21 hed be a great poet
  • At 30 he traveled to Europe to study
    religious/political upheavals called him home
  • Gave up all other writing to create pamphlets in
    defense of religious and civil freedoms
  • Neglected poetry for 20 years (held govt
  • Went blind at age 44

John Milton
  • In 1660 (end of Commonwealth), had time to devote
    to writing (was 52)
  • Charles II had him arrested as a traitor friends
    in high places saved him from hanging, but he had
    to pay heavy fines that left him broke
  • Dictated Paradise Lost to his daughters

Paradise Lost
  • Epic poem long narrative poem that tells, in a
    serious tone and stately language, heroic
    exploits and dramatic events
  • Begins with an invocation of the Muse and a
    statement of purpose
  • 10,565 lines long
  • Blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter)

Paradise Lost
  • Depicts the fall of Adam and Eve
  • Satan (as a snake) tempts Adam and Eve to commit
    original sin (eating the forbidden fruit from the
    Tree of Knowledge)
  • Also gives background a description of Hell at
    the time Satan and other rebellious angels were
    first driven from Heaven
  • Paradise Regained, his next epic poem, depicts
    Christs temptation
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